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  1. MyrtleTrees

    Jesus is our bread & drink, symbolically speaking

    Sure - we all can at times! And the scriptures are deep - which is why we are always learning more - the more we read and study it!
  2. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    We actually need a spiritual understanding of the scripture and not a literal understanding. In those metaphors, we see spiritual truths lined in them.
  3. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    What I say to new believers I meet up with online is that as long as they remain faithful to God - they will not fall away and that God will not allow them to be tempted above what they are able to handle, as the Bible says so. I tell them they will never fall away helplessly. They will only...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    Yes, I know there are Christians like you who sincerely think it isn't possible to fall away. But I can't help it - that I see differently in the scriptures that it is possible. Though after a time of testing as in the Sower parable - IF one remains faithful to God after that - and is fully...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    No - humanly speaking - an adopted child doesn't become unadopted. But spiritually - it does as that's a different matter. It is spiritual - not a fleshly matter. I haven't found the post where I got mixed up in yours - I'll check some more tomorrow.
  6. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    Sorry if it looked like my post looked like it was part of yours. I'll look at it tomorrow and try to change that. Yes, we don't agree quite the same on this subject, and it's common for Christians to sincerely not agree on this subject. Well, the thing to do then is to just pray that God...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    Jesus is our bread & drink, symbolically speaking

    Yes, that makes a whole lot more sense! And asking for strawberries etc. in the future is just fantasy - though yes, it may exist - but they are incorrect to say they know it will be there.
  8. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    True as you say - He is our perfection - we are incapable of that perfection ourselves in our flesh! And yes, that is a relief to know - always!
  9. MyrtleTrees

    Jeconiah's seed wasn't included in Jesus' genealogy

    I notice that had no sons that became king after him. Instead, his brother became king next and then after that - Zedekiah - his father's brother. So the genealogy leading to Jesus was trimmed off a bit there. Still, it was counted as being genealogy leading from David, since David was...
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    Has anyone here had any luck going into stores, wearing a '"breathable mask?" Without being stopped by some "Hitler" (type, I mean) brainwashed person? I find some stores are less strict than others, and am glad for that. I have allergies, and it is hard to breathe with the typical masks...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    I hadn't realized at first, that Solomon may have come to repentance - as someone pointed out to me here. Yes, no Christian is capable of being righteous enough to satisfy God - without having to rely on Jesus' sacrifice for sins - in order for his sins to be forgiven. Since we all sin in...
  12. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Yes, of course, we are to learn from both the Old Testament and the New Testament as they both have valuable - helpful lessons for us. But we are now under the New Covenant, and it's important to know that - at least in the matter of the importance of accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord, and...
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Questions about Solomon's relationship with God

    True - even God's people throughout the Bible and history, have not been free from the need to struggle against their flesh - as the book of Romans talks a lot about! However, I think it is good to know that though God is always willing to forgive sincere repentance of sin - that it is also...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Explaining the Bible to others helps to improve your memory and understanding of it!

    Yes! I know you had to have learned this by experience - as I also have!
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Not wise to take all scriptures literally - better to prayerfully compare them to decide more accurately what the Bible teaches on things

    Sure - I knew the meaning of the verse that tells us to be perfect as Jesus was perfect. I just meant some readers might not know that - going by how it's worded. You gave a list of many good verses on the subject of what we need to be in the habit of doing, in order to keep our...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together" - Heb. 10:25

    Yes, I agree with you! It is far better for pastors to be thorough in their coverage of the scriptures, in their preaching! As you say, and as I hear many say - many pastors in our country are not preaching sincerely but for the sake of greed, mostly! Sad! Such ones are afraid to preach...