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  1. MyrtleTrees

    Don't let your life be governed by fear of sickness, disease or death

    I pray that God guides you to make the best decision in that matter. Yes, I think that method of putting a stick down one's throat to test for Coronovirus, sounds horrible and full of hogwash! It's sad that hospitals are forcing this upon patients this year! How against God's laws, who...
  2. MyrtleTrees

    My Commentary on George Whitefield, after reading about him online - Wikipedia, etc.

    I haven't seen that to be the case. They both vary in their doctrines. Some I see as being correct and according to what the Bible says, and others, I see as not being correct. But I believe the are are true Christians among both sects, and that this is true of most Protestant sects. I...
  3. MyrtleTrees

    My Commentary on George Whitefield, after reading about him online - Wikipedia, etc.

    There has been no sect that has been completely free of doctrinal errors, I believe. But the evangelists throughout history who were true Christians - always bore fruit for God through their preaching ministries, and it always had a lasting, good effect, I believe. God's Word teaches, that...
  4. MyrtleTrees

    My Commentary on George Whitefield, after reading about him online - Wikipedia, etc.

    True - if Whitefield was guilty of pronouncing people "saved" just by saying the "sinner's prayer" - he would be guilty of great sin in doing so. But I see no evidence that this was the case. I think he was just inviting people to make the decision to accept Jesus as their Saviour and Lord -...
  5. MyrtleTrees

    Salvation - one must not hold anything back from God!

    Luke 3:8 8 Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, That God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham. KJV Luke 18:22-24 22 Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him...
  6. MyrtleTrees

    Plague statistics throughout history

    See how low of statistics Coronovirus has, compared to other plagues? See how much ado has been put on "nothing" - largely - in this matter...
  7. MyrtleTrees

    My Commentary on George Whitefield, after reading about him online - Wikipedia, etc.

    I'm not sure what you mean, exactly. Or maybe you mean that those who differed in their beliefs, were that way partly by habit, and through trusting the sect they trusted the most. True - that happens a lot nowadays too, I think - it can make it hard for people to change their views.
  8. MyrtleTrees

    It's interesting that the Egyptians couldn't see the cloud

    True - the pillar of cloud is described as having been God (and yes, Jesus was God in the flesh). True, Jesus and the cross looks different to believers as compared to unbelievers! The word, "angel" sometimes refers to angels - in the Bible, and other times, refers to God - that's what I've...
  9. MyrtleTrees

    If you have a health problem or concern, consult God first

    True, his primary problem was his rejection of God - his pride. But even so - it plainly goes to the "bother" to mention that he didn't seek God first. To me - that looks to me like God was additionally not happy about his choosing to seek out doctors before thinking to seek God. I respect...
  10. MyrtleTrees

    Don't let your life be governed by fear of sickness, disease or death God doesn't want His people to be overly gullible to the fear of sickness, disease and death. We all die at one time or another. Our first priority should always be to be living well in obedience...
  11. MyrtleTrees

    If you have a health problem or concern, consult God first

    God wants us to learn to be in the habit of inquiring of Him first, before seeking other help for health problems we may come to have. Some Christians rely more on natural health methods and have better luck with that. That's how I am. Others, seek help from doctors. In some cases...
  12. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    I see no truth to the claim that wearing masks prevents Covid or any other kind of virus or flu. Others see it as I do. Including John MacArthur - the famous conservative pastor I listen to often in evenings. He says Coronovirus is very rare compared to other viruses and flu that goes...
  13. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    Yes, businesses have the right to make their rules. But we also have the right to challenge them if we see that their rules are harmful. That's what I sincerely believe. Jesus did that often and so did the apostles. But I respect your views. Each person must do what their conscience...
  14. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    Yes, it would be drawing me away from God - since to me - it would be a sin to wear it unless forced to wear one. Since I believe God wants me healthy. And I also believe many Christians and others are believing the media, rather than relying much more heavily on God's Word - in deciding...
  15. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    I respect your views on the assumed "necessity" of the masks. But I and others are sincerely convinced otherwise - including sincere Christians. So we must each do what we sincerely believe is right in this and in all spiritual matters, in light of the scriptures. We can't help it if we...
  16. MyrtleTrees

    Jesus is our bread & drink, symbolically speaking

    Yes, that's right! God bless you!
  17. MyrtleTrees

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    Yes, those who find it difficult to breathe - understand what that's like, better than anyone else! As is true of other things. What we experience is what we understand the best. And we are better able to sympathize with those who have had similar problems as ourselves. God is broadminded...