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  1. Mii

    A local pastors advice troubles me...

    I don't think it's weak to listen to christian music @Subhumanoidal I'm looking for music that edifies and uplifts, and there is a lot more of that in older christian music/classical than there is in modern secular music. Good bit of neutral music out there in most all genres that I've found...
  2. Mii

    To what extent should I help a friend financially?

    I am quite specific when figuring out what someone needs. A $1500 computer? Unless it's a multimedia job, you shouldn't need that AT ALL. Perhaps this is an opportunity for her to learn how to network better and die to her pride a bit and borrow something from someone? I second what @Lanolin...
  3. Mii

    Intro blurb 1.0

    Well I'm definitely curious about your experience with the voice chat. I like talking a lot more as it's more expressive, more easily at least for myself. Not heard anyone mention the VCC ;) except in passing in over a year on the forums. Welcome.
  4. Mii

    Testing, Testing... The Singles Forum REAL Personality Test!

    The life expectancy of a Goldfish is quite low. It could be something as dumb as it didn't like what you set your thermostat to for all I know. We did have a Goldfish we got at a church fair event thing (Oct 31) when I was maybe 9ish and somehow it lasted for almost 6 years. You could even...
  5. Mii

    Bon Appetit! (It's the Singles Forum Personality Test, Part 2.)

    I'm not a traditionalist, so it depends on what they are in the mood for. I find it more likely someone else will cook. I can do a lot of simple prep work and follow instructions, so help out with some of that I suppose. There are quite a few things I can make that are rather niche items...
  6. Mii

    A Question Thread.

    God not being able to see them? Loosely @Guojing I could see how he would no longer see them alive spiritually, but this would still interact with omniscience and sovereignty, so that would have to be factored rather clearly to say I "agree" with you. Let's not go too far off topic but perhaps...
  7. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    No, I do believe that it is, based off many things. I may have posted on it on this site before, if so, it's out there to read. I drew attention to that to bring up the distinction in the "how" and purpose, which you filled in a tiny piece on the puzzle for me. I was aware there was a...
  8. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    Well cool, I had not ever thought of it that way. That actually fills in a tiny missing piece. but recall that the effect Jesus had extended outside jews with at least the centurion and the samaritan woman, so that factors in for me that it may not be to them "only" but potentially like...
  9. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    Ok, so clarify for me then. You do NOT believe that miracles occur today? Such as healing, deliverance, providential miracles, etc. Again, read revelation 10 and note the subject matter following. Do you have anything to say about what their witness is for? Chapters 10-11...I suppose I was too...
  10. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    Your closing statement in the post I quoted was open ended. I read into that "you do not see it happening or anyone with authority from God to prove themselves as such via this manifestation, therefore it does not occur/will not occur" That was what my reply was based upon. I am familiar with...
  11. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    It was mostly your statement at the very end and what you were drawing together. I presume that makes sense? So if the sign of Jonah was the resurrection of Christ what were the other things before that? All the miracles, etc.
  12. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    Yes to this last part exactly. If any movement on our end without him moving within us, it will come to naught. I'm learning to just wait and be patient and be ready to act/pray etc. I've also had similar experiences to what you described further up, but just different. Very unique. Thanks...
  13. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    References please...It seems you entirely missed what I said. Is English your native tongue? Not trying to be offensive by the way, just wondering based of your username. Consider what the verse about a vile and wicked generation means. The sign of Jonah was given. What do you think that was?
  14. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    Well I agree that there is no real "stopping place". There are places of rest within our walk, but none of us have "arrived", although some people do live like they have. I've talked to an older person who has this mentality, it's not prideful, it's more sad that empowered living is only for...
  15. Mii

    Daniel Sweatt

    I'm from the ATL (Atlanta, Ga)...I live near there for now, although after this year I will be traveling FAR. No pets at present. I like animals and am much more inclined to get along with cats vs dogs but depending on the owner/training of a dog and it's personality I can say that I like them...
  16. Mii

    Daniel Sweatt

    @Magenta That is the ""fur"st" time I've heard a cat called furry purry lol. I don't think I'll be able to forget it :)
  17. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    All of the things I experience and witness still leave room for doubt. I don't like to give a list of the things that have happened to me because I feel impressed that they are private "except" to whoever else is there. That may change with time as a lot of stories I've heard are with the...
  18. Mii

    Daniel Sweatt

    I'm pretty well...I've been feeling quite peaceful lately from my norm. Too much to tell...I'm 29, been here about 16 months and this site has had times were I've had to "step away" and times were it's a great way for virtual fellowship and learning. It just depends...also being somewhat...
  19. Mii

    Daniel Sweatt

    Hallo, hope to get to know you better :)
  20. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    This is a bit's a difficult topic, but if any area speaks to you and encourages withholding judgement and not coming against those that have faith in a way that you may need something that they have been blessed to not have need of. Awesome :) This is something I wrestle with...