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  1. Mii

    Mega Church or No Name Church

    Well appreciate your post about AG churches. It's funny because I actually thought the church I went to during my childhood/youth was non-denominational but it was actually CoG (church of God). There are pretty minor differences but I usually felt quite at home in AG churches that I visited...
  2. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    This is an excerpt of my post, I am quite honestly confused. Being filled with the Lord's Spirit is what I was discussing. Are you making a distinction between being filled and empowerment? "I don't think a believer should consider being filled with the spirit a one-time event. They are...
  3. Mii

    Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy Shines Rapper’s Shoes to ‘Put Some Words to Action’ on Race Relations

    Uh, there is a surplus created...what is done with that surplus makes a statement. Even someone that has an extra 1,000 spending money per year and buys the newest phone makes a statement. I think people here are drawing attention to the statement itself and unless you are super private in...
  4. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    This statement is unclear to me. Half of my post was about the empowerment and the wording that helps me to understand it. People do use different words to describe the same thing and it was my intention to confirm that with words and concepts I am familiar with. I already said (I think) in...
  5. Mii

    Goal or Gateway ? Empowering of the Holy Spirit

    So I thought a little bit about this thread last night randomly (to me) when I was writing and was thinking about a goal...part of my goals are, well...setting my eyes on achieving it similar to the way Paul laid it out in running a race... I don't expect to take hold of these goals in this...
  6. Mii

    What do you think about always?

    This is a very important post direction. Rarely if ever do people think about (or indeed even experience) this sort of faith. Personally, I wrestle with it. Sometimes I feel as though I don't have enough faith to literally give up my entire life and live according to faith vs sin (whatever is...
  7. Mii

    Alphabet Game

  8. Mii

    Core values

    Ok, would you tell me what you believe to be standard and then perhaps discussion can flow from that. There is a lot in scripture and I don't want to boil any of it down to a simple list/bullet points, that would be exhaustive and ever changing depending on denomination/lifestyle/personal...
  9. Mii

    Do men prefer women who don't all?!

    Yet at the same time, that is antiquated and some women may think that overly "bold" due to (at this time) being perceived as "over the top". I'd get flowers for someone I already knew, and indeed considered sending a bouquet to someone because of a very personal experience...but ended up not...
  10. Mii

    Do men prefer women who don't all?!

    Tradition!!!!! ;) I find a few of the songs in this film on my mind from time to time. I can sing one of them with a pretty good imitation lol. They're also pretty fun and clean.
  11. Mii


    A forced vaccine is a scary concept with a lot of implications. Greatest good argument and might makes right. The good of a particular vaccine though is debatable at present fortunately.
  12. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'C9A78357-9B3F-4AA4-A3C7-DE219FA309EE.jpeg'

    hehe a chicken :) Was pretty sure that's what it was from the homescreen lol.
  13. Mii

    Core values

    That's too broad of a question for me, can you narrow it down?
  14. Mii

    Do men prefer women who don't all?!

    So how does a person even show interest in a way you are comfortable with? Everyone is different, but how is someone to know the best way to approach a person? I've asked people out to simple coffee conversations, not a date per se, just a conversation and that it seems to me is too "bold"...
  15. Mii

    A local pastors advice troubles me...

    Oh can you point out what in that video was about him? I listened to a large percentage after the 2 min mark (which seemed like intro) and I didn't really hear anything. but yeah as to secular music. There is some that's just "music" but a lot of song lyrics are unscriptural...even if it's in...
  16. Mii

    A local pastors advice troubles me...

    Have you thought about learning an instrument? That's about where I am...I figure that there is a lot of just "music" that I can play for the purpose of self-care and worship depending on where I am that particular day. My thought applies to classical and EDM but basically, if it's filtered...
  17. Mii

    A local pastors advice troubles me...

    Ah, gotcha. I think it is a reflection, but in a way that would be so subjective to their own unique relationship with the Lord that 99/100x (or more) would be unable to be seen by anyone else. It think it is to the Lord, but not in a way we can see. Like unless you were intimately familiar...
  18. Mii

    Intro blurb 1.0

    Yeah but it's better to embed it. The music forum is the actual "place" for it if that's all you're posting, but if you feel like it goes along with a post there's nothing wrong with posting it other place. Just bear in mind you'll probably have someone say "wrong forum" if you just post a music...
  19. Mii

    A local pastors advice troubles me...

    Well, If you'd like I can PM you some scriptures about judgement. It takes me a bit of time, so I'm not going to do it here because judgements are a difficult topic and this isn't the thread. Suffice it to say, there IS a proper application, but there are MANY improper applications in our...
  20. Mii

    Robert E. Lee statue to be moved in Virginia

    It's a part of history. I do agree that the time period that a lot of these were constructed should be a point of discussion, but cooly if possible. I'm from Ga, so Stone Mountain is a discussion point as well. I didn't realize until this year the history behind the carving, but it is also...