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  1. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Seek Hebrews 11:6 "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one...
  2. hippo.png


    Credit FB post by Adam Pramudya (not sure if he made it or not) There are a lot of things this could apply to. Instead of "aliens" think about how people do this.
  3. Mii

    What would make a Christian video game good?

    Oh, I'll consider giving a few examples of innovative gaming tomorrow sometime. I don't like advertising for companies I don't really know but I was impressed by one I came across as an ad but seemingly a useful one. It takes consideration because I'm honestly tired of "simulating" what-if...
  4. Mii

    What would make a Christian video game good?

    So @BlueTheComposer what type of technical skills do you have as far as game creation? For quite a long while I've "entertained" the idea of taking gaming to the "next level" and lack only two things really. Technical skills and the direction being the Lord's will. Regarding the second...
  5. Mii

    Delete Facebook?

    Perhaps consider having an away message like a voicemail on FB? They are changing it today actually and I don't care for learning a new format at present, but at the same time it's sort of stagnated regarding its "place" in my life so perhaps leaving it for a while would be a good thing...
  6. Mii


    I myself have sort of "epochs" in my life, it is not so unreasonable to be vague about it. Exact dates are relevant for some things but I base quite a few things on "headspaces". 3-11, 11-18, 18-21, 21-25, 25-29 Each with a unique modifier that was like an upgraded "engine" in a sense...
  7. Mii

    How about an OP moderated thread

    That might be reasonable in the blog section, but otherwise I imagine many people would complain to mods about posts being hidden and they appear to be stretched relatively thin as is.
  8. Mii

    subliminal messages in kids shows

    Well, I'm not going to lay out all the stuff that's out there, but this is like a "censored" version of what is currently produced. At least YT has some filters, there are some incredibly sick things out there. I wouldn't recommend any child use YT without pre-approval (watch please) of a...
  9. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Moreover. Many instances in scripture of this word being used...and while I am attempting to add "moreover" as an open-ended qualifier to my spiritual interactions (this is how my mind works frequently) I don't want to go beyond what is written. I do think the instances where it is used in...
  10. Mii

    1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Scandal

    I'm on the fence myself. If the efficacy were proven 100% then I may feel differently. There are a few questions that need to be answered for me to proceed: Do the ends justify the means? Who decides that? Is it a matter of survival or is it tarnished by something sinister though legitimate...
  11. Mii

    Difficult situation

    I pray for wisdom (and wherewithal) in irrigation to protect your housing value and sale.
  12. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'luther quote.jpg'

    Not sure if bumping works but this is mostly a test. I think people should still consider other's sensibilities regarding the currently "on-topic" virus.
  13. Mii

    Maybe add a club feature?

    Well gifting membership is an option to a members only feature. CC is too cheap to not, but I haven't felt led to do so. On my profile page I have a "wall" (as do you) and the top message I'd like to pin but I don't think I can. Anyway, it's a work around. If I had tons of people requesting a PM...
  14. Mii

    Maybe add a club feature?

    Thank you for being utilitous as usual @Subhumanoidal Edit: apparently utilitous isn't a recognized word, but I like it and think the meaning is clear as "of utility" ;) @SarahUmbreon this site works that way to a point. You are simply suggesting a closed forum (sub forums) from what I can...
  15. Mii

    Hi, i will introduce myself. Hola, me presento a continuacion.

    I appreciate it. My first thought was singular but then my memory of Spanish class messed me up lol. Either way it's good that I made the mistake because I learned something. In English it's common to specify the context of welcome. Welcome all I want to welcome you all You are all welcome...
  16. Mii

    Hi, i will introduce myself. Hola, me presento a continuacion.

    Yo entiendo "posiblemente" When I was in spanish class it said Bienvenidos on the syllabus. My first thought was it was supposed to be singular but I wasn't sure. In English "lingual" is relating to languages (tongue) so I guessed on the spelling. I suppose when I say it aloud it makes more...
  17. Mii

    Maybe add a club feature?

    I haven't joined the chat rooms yet (though I plan to at some point) but forums just work differently. An edit feature for approved forum threads would help. Like I'm sure you've seen megathreads before... I'm finding it a bit unclear what you mean by clubs. Private threads? Or stickied...
  18. Mii

    Hi, i will introduce myself. Hola, me presento a continuacion.

    Bienvenidos!!!! Mi español es mas o menos pero si tu quieres yo intentaré hablando en esta lingua. Esta es correcto?
  19. Mii

    Should I do it.

    WOWWWWWW At first I thought you got this from an extra-biblical source because I didn't recall reading it in Job. Goes to show... Thanks for opening my eyes to it :)
  20. Mii

    Shyness and the Gospel

    Oh and I had meant to add but it's late and I didn't even realize I was editing until the 5 minutes were up. Have you ever thought about what planting is vs watering? BOTH are important functions of spreading the gospel and I think people put evangelism as "sharing the gospel" and this is only...