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  1. Mii

    Want to play.......I Spy?

    The smiley face bottom right. @Lafftur
  2. Mii

    Dating thread that will never get off the ground but here we go anyway

    Got a lol from that post :P An unnecessary amount of above and beyond ludicrous amount of fun maybe? Maybe when people crack up at nothing and laugh so hard that their sides hurt would be "superfluous humor" to one but I see it as having a negative cast except in the way that words...
  3. Mii

    Quiz question - what happened to Peter's guards?

    They were ordered executed Acts 12:19 That's what I recalled but I double checked and I suppose it is not explicitly stated that they were executed and since Herod died shortly thereafter they could have not fallen through the bureaucratic cracks. Did you want to go anywhere with this?
  4. Mii

    In the Bible, I Spy........

    Excellent start. A jawbone of a donkey could be a child's toy in a bizarre world as bones can be toys? hmm...I suppose that's my guess because nothing is coming to mind. Is this a spiritual metaphor or physically literal toy?
  5. Mii

    I cannot understand the need for the crucifixion-and i think it’s holding my Christian life back

    and did you read the rest of my post? If that is how you are viewing things as a starting place I am confused. Can you pick a different example? God has no consort and if we are coming from a scriptural understanding those 3 men (representing sin?) are not at large ultimately. Our lives...
  6. Mii

    I cannot understand the need for the crucifixion-and i think it’s holding my Christian life back

    @MichaelLone @PC123 What you are saying is that you are not satisfied with the answers you have heard? I will assume that you already have heard what has been said in this thread and what is clearly written right? There are other things not so clearly written. Read Psalms 2. Or consider...
  7. Mii

    I’m a Christian ✝️ who has no morality issues with having my walls covered with posters of beautiful semi naked women-am i wrong?

    It's this that makes you seem like you are baiting. It leaves me less inclined to think you are sincere, surely you can see the difference in a boxing match and posters purposely designed to border on softcore/erotica. Unless we are talking about a particular type of boxing, this is in no way...
  8. Mii

    2 Timothy 1:15 - This you know, that all those in Asia have turned away from me...

    I am inclined to agree, I don't understand the leap. Depart from me I never knew you is a very serious verse for me, but this is the first time I've used it to say that this is in the present as "soon as".
  9. Mii

    New Emoji?

    This is actually how I keep things separated in my mind/heart. You can also be spelled Ewe which is a sheep if I'm not mistaken. Ty so much that's awesome! I think I may print that and put it in a book... Someday I hope to find a "She" also :) I have a few other personal pronouns I use...
  10. Mii

    New Emoji?

    Yeah I noticed if I look full on at it I can't see it, but if the screen is tilted then I can see a something like a shadowy white. No your text is fine for me to read now, it's not super bright or anything...I guess it was just the difference between black that too my brain some adjustment...
  11. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Dratted X once again... Well previously I did Chi (X) and since Xerxes is the only X word in scripture I suppose I will pick something else. I had an image in my mind of the cross as it was being carried (if I got the letter) but this doesn't fit the purpose of what this game means to me...
  12. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Victory (Isaiah 25:8)
  13. Mii

    New Emoji?

    COOL! Well Well...I have not thought to type in white since I was using a shared computer as a child. Definitely didn't expect to think about that today lol. Could be quite productive for some things thanks. Well, I'm fine now. Lately things have been a bit rough but I had a nice fire the...
  14. Mii

    New Emoji?

    Yeah for whatever reason I hardly notice it. The only thing I ever use in the bar is making font super small to denote "small tidbit" and rarely if ever. I have used bold italics underline using shortcuts for some time and that's standard so I didn't realize there was so much to insert to be...
  15. Mii

    Introduce myself

    Well hello, there are lots of civil people here to interact with. I hope your time at these forums is productive.
  16. Mii

    New Emoji?

    Ok so in order to use this "consternation", "err", "umm"...or even mayyybe just thinking as "hmm" I would have to save the picture and insert it into my post as you have done? I don't "disagree" with your assessment of the agree reaction ;) Mid post I figured it out lol. Since I just typed...
  17. Mii

    New Emoji?

    An option for users is to be a little bit more complicated in how you get your message across. Like if you were posting on a thread but just wanted to leave a "thankful" emoticon you "could" (if you were already responding to something else in the thread) leave feedback to another user by...
  18. Mii

    CONTAGION (movie) : "predictive programming" ?

    Some of the things that have been shared I personally wouldn't publicly. I'm not a fan of "safe space" snowflake stuff that is being driven on the general public with censoring and what not, but I do at least agree with "restricting" certain things to more of a closed forum. Younger viewers...
  19. Mii

    CONTAGION (movie) : "predictive programming" ?

    If both of you want resolution you have the option of moving it toward moderation. You can start a private thread and tag a mod. Just know that taking it to the next level of discipline/correction is a risk as mods are human and can make mistakes. I am prayerfully seeking resolution for you...
  20. Mii

    CONTAGION (movie) : "predictive programming" ?

    Dude how do you honestly know she doesn't have a 14 year old daughter? Unless you are breaking site rules you wouldn't have this information. Is it possible you are reading into this a bit? If you are speaking truth, it has been my experience, that you just kind of ignore the people "flaming". I...