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  1. Mii

    CONTAGION (movie) : "predictive programming" ?

    I am sorry that you had this experience with your daughter. There are some heavy topics on here and some posters don't post with children in mind. Or at least they seem to not consider the effect that certain words have and explain what they mean by them as a pastor would. I didn't go back and...
  2. Mii

    What are your favorite Christian movies/TV shows?

    Care to highlight clip this vid a bit? 67 mins is pretty long. What stuck out to you about it? I once watched "being elmo" so I'm not opposed but I'm sure some would appreciate it. I think clipping is helpful to get feedback also for people that don't have an hour to spend due to interest, etc...
  3. Mii

    What are your favorite Christian movies/TV shows?

    Joseph king of dreams was going to be my only offering to this thread. Prince of Egypt would be one I'd potentially recommend were it not for the "playing with the big boys now" song. It's like a showcase for the gods of ancient Egypt. Perhaps for most people that's not a big deal, but it...
  4. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Q. What did "the house of him that hath his shoe loosed" signify in the OT?
  5. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    <-------? Edit: I'm a human. @garee if I focus on biblical numerology too much I draw in vain imagination when I "reach" too far. 10 I have no insight into. 30 pieces of silver was with Joseph being sold into slavery also. I'm not sure what 10 signifies but 30 is used in MANY places in...
  6. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    10 talents of silver @Lafftur @pjrousseau ty for your participation in the last question :) 453.59g in a lb of silver and $0.55/gram seems like about $250 for a pound of silver $250x75 = $18,250? As far as JUST the silver in that historical instance. (2nd kings; question above) The gold...
  7. Mii

    The sin of refusing sex

    This thread seemed familiar. I'm not sure how to do a quick search "posts by me in this thread" but the conversation has clearly progressed. I "re-jumped" in at whatever video that somebody posted. I actually do think there is a fleshly expression even within marriage that is inappropriate for...
  8. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Going to head offline but hmm...I went to a church called "Mount Paran" Paran is mentioned in scripture but is there any mountain also mentioned? @Lafftur Edit: and I found the answer, which surprised me. So I guess list different references if you'd like @Lafftur
  9. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Ok, found it eventually in an old KJV study bible. According to that 75 lbs is a common talent and 150 lbs for a royal talent Not sure where they got that from...but it seems relevant like I said. According to very quick calcs (not factoring in tons of things) If a gram of gold is like...
  10. Mii

    Hot to continue living after a broken dream?

    1 Corinthians 13: 4-8 (the whole chapter really).
  11. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    I suppose since it is not directly stated (as the widow's mite is not) feel free to pass.
  12. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    120 (1st Kings 10:10) Same Q as above. The value of a talent I feel is relevant.
  13. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Idk it says how much a talent of Gold is in the margins, would presume that would be commonly understood at the time so it seems a fair question. Fine. What is a talent of Gold? (parable of the talents)
  14. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'hippo.png'

    Tbh I don't recall ever having seen a hippo. I do know you should amscray if you happen upon them in the water though. They kill more ppl per year than most "dangerous animals" Supposedly it has the second strongest bite force in the world.
  15. Mii

    Finding God in Nature

    This is an open public forum, thus the distinction. If this were private, the meaning was clear in the OP.
  16. Mii

    Turning churches into celltowers

    Well I admit I dislike the idea of cell towers in churches. Solar panels to pay for electricity from a God given source? Sure. That'd be really nifty actually. I also saw a church into organic gardening and a community garden is a great idea. Lots of empty space on church lots (around here)...
  17. Mii

    Fear of marriage

    As I grow more with myself, it is hard to imagine growing with another person at this point. Which sort of makes me a bit melancholy. But that's a sad dog or a perhaps a partially rotted melon (insert lame punchline) I suppose if we were both almost "grown up" and were so tired of singleness...
  18. Mii

    Finding God in Nature

    Well to be clear. God isn't found in nature though his attributes are I spent about 10 minutes trying to explain that to someone and then later on I was reading the word and in Romans 1 and it says it pretty succinctly there what took me so long to say lol. It was so profound at the time. but...
  19. Mii

    Hot to continue living after a broken dream?

    May I ask why the dream was shattered? There are options for emigration.
  20. Mii

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Something about water I think? Checked Exodus...Drawn out it seems to be. Strongs has it listed as 4871; drawing out (of the water), i.e. rescued. Q. How much would a talent of gold be in today's currency?