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  1. Mii

    Shyness and the Gospel

    @Kojikun I don't share the gospel in a traditional way myself. I'm not sure how old you are, but getting over that fear and anxiety even in online interactions will happen eventually. What does spreading the gospel mean to you? For me it means living out my faith and being on the lookout for...
  2. Mii

    Should I do it.

    I don't think she meant it that way but you do bring up some good "alternative" perspectives. I don't think long hair is necessarily "feminine" exclusively but that we are attracted to certain attributes typically. Moving "past the flesh" and the outward appearance to the spirit within puts a...
  3. Mii


    Yeah I agree, but then adoption shows up in my own personal discussion. Practically, there are only so many child bearing years. why have 12 blessings (I think my mom's friend had at least 9-10). My mother had 5 and is past child bearing age now. So, why not 20 instead? Assuming you could feed...
  4. Mii

    The Judging Thread

    I had a thought process about this coming back to the forum, that is, are interactions with children useful in this discussion? It is in scripture that we are the children of God yes? However we are to put off the things of childhood. Another distinction is made with babes in Christ, what vs...
  5. Mii

    The Judging Thread

    Oh and obviously we are not discussing something as simple as judging vermillion to be red or orange. Edit: Or even purple lol. As we are all uniquely and wonderfully made, our perspectives vary. When it comes to people, unless there is a VERY clear violation, I am disinclined to "pass...
  6. Mii

    The Judging Thread

    Ty @Corban for putting forward the word "discriminate" For whatever reason, it did not enter into my thoughts. I was simply going to focus on "executive judgement" as in the ultimate say-so/veto power. Who has that? Great care must be taken to know your place as a judge under THE judge...
  7. Mii

    Recently quit porn, confused about how it all happened

    Miraculous deliverance is a great thing, that's awesome that happened for you. Just pray and seek on the female issue...People do meet by seeming "chance" sometimes. To the Lord it isn't but to me it is hard to put another word to it. Depending on where you met this female and what she's all...
  8. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'BE851346-4CCB-4132-B0E4-1F4BF95A0415.jpeg'

    Lol. Mystery solved :p
  9. Mii

    Why Do Certain Elements On This Forum Just Attack And Criticize?

    Case and point, I am in a "scanning" mood and didn't read the part of your post that was cut out until until someone quoted your post and responded to it. I rather liked it and it is a challenge to practice discernment with "texts". It is far different (easier in a way) with face-to-face...
  10. Mii

    Can a Christian vote Democrat?

    Congratulations on that! That's pretty cool that you went ahead with school and didn't listen to anyone telling you college wasn't for you (if they did). Everyone learns at different rates but we all learn. I'm a fan of education reform for certain. It's a long topic though. College could...
  11. Mii

    Thoughts on relaxation/instrumental music?

    I think we are talking about the same thing. I mentioned classical. It's the idea of "music for music's sake" Breathing is something we all do...for some it is the breath of God and to others a "clock" and still to others singly (solely) a human process with little beyond that. Music I think...
  12. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'BE851346-4CCB-4132-B0E4-1F4BF95A0415.jpeg'

    *tries to guess what comes after cute* Something to do with a mother or father?
  13. Mii

    Can a Christian vote Democrat?

    Thank you for at least posting this in miscellaneous. Hopefully I can hear some believers with different acquaintances and the reasons for their voting choices other than where I am from where it is rather one sided by choice (not exposing myself to people that are against the Word) but at the...
  14. Mii

    Moving threads?

    This is in response to a politics thread in BDF. I'm not the judge of what's discussing the bible or not but collectively perhaps we can agree that some topics aren't really discussing the bible directly enough to be in this forum. I do understand that it is the most trafficked forum and people...
  15. Mii

    Ignored members

    Totally agree with this. It appears to be quite arrogant to speak as though you "know" a person...but perhaps they are led to do so sometimes? I'm not following anyone on this site but people have followed me. I think it's like a friend system but I think it's weird to not have an accept...
  16. Mii

    Why Do Certain Elements On This Forum Just Attack And Criticize?

    This is great. I'm not sure if you agree, but I've found that when a person (myself included) finally comes to a conclusion, the people that asserted it in the first place encourages and strengthens this realization. Like when the Lord opens your eyes to something, the past wisdom of others...
  17. Mii

    Why Do Certain Elements On This Forum Just Attack And Criticize?

    One of the largest issues I see is being unable to discern "tone" as well as not engaging things in prayer before posting. Mindfulness is important. Reading your own emotion into text is also a possibility. Like if something strikes you in a way that produces anger you are more inclined to...
  18. Mii

    How Should Christians Vote?

    It could be that until something "hits home" that someone doesn't care about voting. How many young people don't start voting until they have money on the line? I think it's a bit quick to say I have an odd view as a believer because your post struck me as jumping on him. I guess there isn't a...
  19. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Hallel (Ps 113-118) ~interesting to learn about (I just did :) )