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  1. Mii

    I would really like to know what this is all about...

    Hmm...I don't use a phone for CC as I can type way faster than a clunky touch pad on a phone. The only thing I notice is when people post smiley's in their phone's language it shows up as rectangles for me. Took me a LONG time to figure out what those squares were lol. I know you can control...
  2. Mii

    Has anyone had any luck going into stores wearing a "breathable mask?"

    Ironically this is a very neat question that fits the forum. As I don't know if animals and plants were "immortal" I can't say either way. It could be that a perfect immune system was the design against viruses and disease and they serve a purpose with regard to overpopulation in animals/other...
  3. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'VID_30780718_073341_966.mp4'

    Probably. Just wonder why they'd do that tbh. I get a child doing it but I do wonder about the motivation of an adult doing it for a video. To be fair though, I don't know what he prayed and having animals kneel for prayer would be kind of neat.
  4. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'VID_30780718_073341_966.mp4'

    Wot? No idea what to make of this lol.
  5. Mii


    Welcome !!!! :) Let me know if there's anything I can help you with. Lots of helpful people here, just ask.
  6. Mii

    Changing the wording under my avatar

    Yeah you just PM Robo and ask about it. If no response, wait a while and try again. You have to have the subscription though. "..." didn't work when he tried it and sometimes they look a mite pretentious so I've neglected to make up my mind lol. He also took off that little social media bar...
  7. Mii

    I would really like to know what this is all about...

    No but I'm familiar with lag in games. If I were going to an area that graphically had too much dressing because of all the people there and all the extra coding of their customizations I would make sure that nothing else was open if I really wanted to go there. So maybe something of the...
  8. Mii

    How has your CC experience been?

    I like the subject :) Er, about what I've come to expect from the body as a whole with the added benefit of people being a little bit more forthright because they are behind a keyboard. This is a benefit even when someone may overstep and say things they wouldn't say as it can draw out...
  9. Mii

    It's one of those pattern dates/times...

    Bet that was a fun day @seoulsearch Yes I noticed the date last night around 9:11pm. I idly pondered that at 10pm it would be a good time to be outside and so I did spend some time outside in the rain. I rarely use umbrellas and didn't have a dog as an excuse to look reasonable walking in the...
  10. Mii

    Banned users

    I've noticed a lot of users banned recently that I'm confused about why exactly they were banned. So while I'd like some feedback from moderators I'm mostly posting this here to discuss whether it would be appropriate to put the reason why a person was banned depending on the circumstance...
  11. Mii

    Annual "Christmas is PAGAN!!!" thread

    Maybe familiarize yourself with Yule and how it even became associated with Christianity at all. This is the first I've heard of the circumcision being the reason for one of the Gentile New Years. Passover would be celebrating a Jewish memorial day. I know plenty of people that mark it by...
  12. Mii

    Who Was Christopher Columbus?

    Oh I see why the thread now. The memorial day is coming up in 2 days :eek: I didn't realize that. That gives me two days to be in the mood to get an adult version and not just a casual 5th grade explanation ha. We'll see.
  13. Mii

    Who Was Christopher Columbus?

    Oy. The Nina, The Pinta and the Santa Maria. I got one lol. The Hispaniola is from Treasure Island apparently
  14. Mii

    Who Was Christopher Columbus?

    In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue? I used to pick out obscure holidays to bandy about when they happened just to be funny in grade school.... Like Leif Erikson day lol I don't really know much about Columbus except I think there were 3 boats? Santa maria, hispaniola, and something...
  15. Mii

    Who else here is over 30 and a virgin?

    Not every female is coquettish or "subtly flirtatious" and are pretty direct in what they want. I don't know about you but every virgin I've met isn't like "yeah I'm a virgin because females aren't attractive and I don't want to ever get married." it's a purity thing and following the word. To...
  16. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    "And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil?" Job 1:8
  17. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Though he slay me yet will I trust in him... Job 13:15a Challenging verse.
  18. Mii

    Lets laugh together!

    You got me with that one lol
  19. Mii

    Where is Jesus physically now?

    @RoxanaOfPersia I submit that you won't find answers to your questions here at this time asking in such a manner. Is English your primary language? If not that would be helpful information in understanding your interactions. It may not be your intention but the way you are asking questions...
  20. Mii


    Ink is a difficult subject. Apologies if this is rather long. I had expected to be rather short but due to a BDF thread I seem to just want to drone. I appreciate the artistry of tattoos and once had an idea for a scripture on my wrist as a continual reminder. Then again, phylacteries in the OT...