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  1. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'A compilation of videos : Otters having fun'

    Yeah the thing is it was like dead silent and almost a new moon. I had been standing there for about 30 minutes just absorbing into the night and listening for far off sounds then HACK HACK whatever so close...first time in my life :p I've seen otters on the river beyond when I've been kayaking...
  2. Mii

    Pasta survey

    Cold potatoes?!? I guess I could eat "cool" rice or taters but refrigerated? Ach. Maybe mixed with some sour cream and some cheese I could blend it and make a Po-smoothie? I digress... Yes most certainly. When we feel a craving for something we know is bad for us the discipline to just hit...
  3. Mii

    Pasta survey

    Yeah I'm not sure how that could not be good. I used Gluten free spaghetti because that was what was in the cupboard. I didn't buy it and wouldn't buy anything gluten free unless they didn't have anything else (I'd store hop). Ironically, when I got the water ready and took a closer look I...
  4. Mii

    Coworkers with God...

    Interesting. I had always remembered co-laborers and I'm not sure that I'd use coworker because of what it causes me to think about (people on an equal footing working for a boss) but I do appreciate another translation because it caused me to think a little deeper on it. Honestly a bit...
  5. Mii

    Pasta survey

    Well...Call this instant gratification but I just made pasta for perhaps the second or third time. I recall making it at least once before because who wouldn't at least try that if they like pasta? The first time my noodles got waterlogged and just tasted like pasta-ish cylinders full of water...
  6. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'A compilation of videos : Otters having fun'

    The quality is impressive. Haven't come across a video like that tbh. In Sept I saw an otter in a freshwater spring at night. I thought it was a snake at first. Right before that I coughed at the end of a long bridge because I was a bit creeped by some strange sound. Like a loud...
  7. Mii

    Advice to the single ladies out there on finding a romantic relationship with a guy (coming from a guy)

    Ouch...the comments so far. Idk if I should even post a comment being a bit relationally embittered right now but even me not being certain of whether I should post or not and then posting anyway could be a sign to a potential love interest that I clearly am not confident and don't have the...
  8. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Yeah maybe X should be removed lol. To be fair though, what people have come up with has surprised me. I did like I think it was oldthenew who did the second letter with Exalt which was creative. Repeats are fine to be honest, like this will probably be but it's what I feel. Love the verse thing...
  9. Mii

    Why are Christians such phonies?

    Yes indeed. In fact it causes me much consternation and apathy at times. To the point where it's like...if I knew I wouldn't "make the cut" would I still follow the greatest commandment? According to my own understanding and "fleshing it out" yes. What else can I do? I could go through a long...
  10. Mii

    Nature of man --- a different biblical perspective worth considering ( part 1)

    OH KAY. I have finally read "most" of part 2 (I scanned a little bit). See here's the thing. I resonate with 90% of what you are saying in this post. It's the 10% that has drawn my attention that "perhaps" it may not be best to speak publicly on the 10% I am uncertain about. Of course, at...
  11. Mii

    Alphabet Game

    Romans 8:28: And we know that ALL things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. Side note: I am pleased that you all moved into letters in scripture's a productive variation and @TabinRivCA nice "x" letter :)
  12. Mii

    Nature of man --- a different biblical perspective worth considering ( part 1)

    Yeah np, I haven't read part 2 yet and I may have even overspoke. Every believer that is a bit "mystical" needs to be mindful of lying spirits. There are so called deep things of Satan and since what you are scratching at is mirrored in a lot of religions without Christ as a cornerstone it's...
  13. Mii


    I appreciate it everyone. My situation is constantly changing...his mercies are new every morning though and some days I am able to see that more clearly than others. Not sure what blocks days starting out in a quagmire but things are somewhat resolved, in that I realize I may need to minimize...
  14. Mii


    Well this was a lift earlier in the day and I thought about it a bit more. I had considered that maybe people can "project" their issues on others and perhaps there is some of that here. I'm not sure if focusing on other people's issues overmuch can mess up our walk and take our focus off Jesus...
  15. Mii

    Nature of man --- a different biblical perspective worth considering ( part 1)

    Alright I made it through part one. One read is all I've done as it is rather length in spots...less could be said and in some places more. Of course, this is just my opinion on the mystery you are interpreting. As each of us are uniquely and wonderfully made, it stands to reason that our...
  16. Mii

    Banned users

    Anyway, there are times where I am inappropriately curious. There's a verse in the OT about wizards who peep and while I don't think I'm doing anything wicked, could be idle curiosity and I have felt it related to me pretty clearly that some things are NOT for idle curiosity. If you need to know...
  17. Mii

    Banned users

    Honestly it could be that I am willing to lend assistance if help is needed and I'm just trying to understand a bit more about the site that is private. Even being more active as a sort of "hall monitor" which any sincere user could be as a "reporter" seems to require some sort of illumination...
  18. Mii

    Banned users

    Well thanks for the reply. Not trying to intentionally break rules or anything. I had imagined if I started a thread discussing banned users it would likely get locked but I do think it could be beneficial. It seems unreasonable that someone I got to know for a while here on CC and even started...
  19. Mii


    Well I'm just reaching out for generalized prayer right now. I'm having difficulty honoring my parents (mother and stepfather) in a difficult situation for me. I'm not married and a lifelong single so I still feel that their authority is in place. It's not just thinking, I legitimately feel a...
  20. Mii

    I would really like to know what this is all about...

    It could also be a hardware problem. I have no issues with forums but if I play any game with advanced graphics the PC gets so hot it burns my hand if I lay it there. This could be faulty thermal paste or just plain overheating. You "can" put a fan on the fan to help with that. I get random...