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  1. Mii


    Yeah the same was said to me. At the time I was like "Ok, sure. When I'm a parent I'll remember to see if this is true. Since obviously I can't call your bluff at present". Not calling them a liar but at the same time, it's hard to believe. Legitimately what I thought, there's no way and still...
  2. Mii


    :( These reactions just aren't expressive enough sometimes, alas. I also experienced something quite serious and dangerous. I think the wounds are healed but the scars may remain. I don't think scars are a bad thing necessarily because Jesus had them when he appeared after his death but...
  3. Mii


    Yes @lenna ...too often it seems like a vent for a parents anger/frustration. I've heard people view it as such...basically when the child directly disobeys and it's a situation when danger is present. Like don't walk out in the street and they test you there. Nope. Some things need to be...
  4. Mii

    Comment by 'Mii' in media 'Animals save each other. Amazing cases of mutual assistance between animals'

    Very cool. I forget how elephants are with their young. I haven't ever seen it in person but I have read about it. Ty for the share :) I'll admit I didn't watch the whole thing because I was looking for the thumbnail, but I at least liked that part.
  5. Mii

    The hardest question of all.

    Umm...because I'm pretty sure that he is the Word. Bearing in mind all the faith/sight/human limitations that I have and all the junk the enemy shrouds the world in still Jesus being the Word bears up under intense scrutiny. There are still things that I'm not 100% convinced of but I don't want...
  6. Mii

    Why Jerusalem?

    I can loosely understand a lot of your train of thought. Not saying I agree or disagree but there are some things regarding timing that I feel in my spirit, though I recognize that my own spirit can say things and that it's not the Lord, nor is it exactly the enemy...just misinterpretation. I'm...
  7. Mii

    Why Jerusalem?

    Hey so your quoted post where you replied in depth had a misquoting error where it got lost within his quote. Just figured I'd throw that in there. If he didn't pull down the rest of the quote he would only have seen where you said "I am with you up to here amen" The next block quote...
  8. Mii

    What's the harsh reality no one accepts?

    That persecution and trials are guaranteed as a believer.
  9. Mii

    What's the harsh reality no one accepts?

    Just across the board or what? Can I ask why you posted what is obviously not what the Word says? A child of God and living eternally in heaven with the Lord isn't "amounting to anything" or did you mean in this life according to the world's standards? In that there is definitely a harsh...
  10. Mii


    I haven't seen it in years. I think it is more common to restrict a child by depriving them of something they enjoy or curfews/time out etc. I'm not a parent and unless something all of a sudden changes, I probably won't do that. I think rewarding or restricting is a highly efficient means of...
  11. Mii

    Pasta survey

    That is probably too ambitious for my ability. Particular with that much meat. I have hamburger but no bacon or ribs (which I don't ever buy because it's hard for me to eat). But I'll see if I can enlist a helper and make a worthy dish ;)
  12. Mii

    Searching for something, just not sure what it is

    Well, don't let pride stand in your way. Even if you feel like a fool trying to hum a tune to a song that you want to remember and all you recall is "Unna na na"...believe it or not, there are at least a few people here with the ability to help with even the tiniest tidbit and it's surprising...
  13. Mii

    Why Doesn't Anyone Talk About Believers Dating Unequally Yoked Believers?

    Except there is a verse saying what to do in such a situation. We are told to remain faithful in the relationship. I think the Lord is fully capable of moving the unbelieving spouse into getting a divorce and relieving the believing spouse of their commitment. Certainly a trial I wouldn't desire...
  14. Mii

    Bow thread

    I've used a compound bow once when I was younger but I was too young for it to not be amazingly difficult to pull it past the little wheels for a full shot. Like @Magenta we did archery at a church summer camp into hay bales. There was even a boy there who could legitimately shoot an apple off...
  15. Mii

    Bow thread

    Do you use it to hunt? There are appear to be certain situations where Archery/"Crossbowery" is MUCH better than a gun from what I can tell, though I don't hunt. I liked archery better than shooting guns any time I've done it, but that was in my early youth. There is something satisfying about...
  16. Mii

    Pasta survey

    Well, I'll try it out I think. The Ziti he made one time was excellent, but the other times it was just "pasta and cheese" pretty much. I feel like cheese should only enhance flavor and you shouldn't taste it by itself in a "good" dish but perhaps there are tiny variables that changed when he...
  17. Mii

    Pasta survey

    That looks amazing @calibob My brother occasionally is adventurous with cooking. He pioneered some baked Ziti that's not bad so I'll see if he'll give this a shot if I remember on Thanksgiving :p
  18. Mii

    Why are Christians such phonies?

    Oh, I had a thought @saintrose a while ago regarding your confusion that someone can preach/teach sound doctrine and yet be living in sin or abusing congregants or what have you... It may be a season in their life. The word doesn't return void and likely they have picked up much but may be in a...
  19. Mii

    Pasta survey

    I did it for 7-8 though!!! Argh. Could it be that one minute is really that important? Maybe. It's true that when I follow recipes exactly it works out better but there's a lot of conflicting opinions on pasta lol. I'll try again tonight and post back. I also eyeballed the portion thinking it'd...
  20. Mii

    Coworkers with God...

    It's also said somewhere else that we are co-heirs. At present I'm thinking of that as co-inheritors so it adds another layer for me. It is strange though because you don't have to work for an inheritance? No, if you are inheriting a kingdom you work within that kingdom until that time because...