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  1. pickles

    Unhappy Dr. Robert Douglas vs Sheikh Deedat (Crucifixion Fact or Fiction) What??

    Many have tried to say this since Jesus was crusified and rose from the dead for us. As scripture says, satan comes to steal, kill and destroy! Dont let the debates of what is or not, steal what is God's gift in Jesus Christ Our Lord from you. Know by faith, and recieve all that is His promise...
  2. pickles

    The storm at sea

    Most of us question and wonder about all the debates and arguments over interpitations that are always happening here in bible study. Many must question how can I know what is true, what is the false, who is the wolf in sheeps clothing? Alot of the posts lately making accusations and what seems...
  3. pickles

    Jesus told us how...

    I was reading Mathew last night, when I read this scripture again. I fell in love with the words of Jesus all over again, as He trully gave us the keys on how we are to be towards our enemies. For within His teachings here, one can see that love , concers all evil. Simply because, it removes all...
  4. pickles

    what if Jesus was a member here.....

    This thought came to mind last night and wondered what we all would say to this. If Jesus were a member of this site, and posted here, what would be said to Him? The reason I considered this is the scripture where Jesus said, what ever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me...
  5. pickles

    Should we make them go away?

    Ive seen alot of posts about seeing people be banned or made to go away because they do do things or say things that disrupt, cause division, attack, or hurt another. I have a few times considered leaving because of the never ending arguments. But one thought keeps nagging at me. If I cannot...
  6. pickles

    prayers for lighthousejohn

    I know that he is has not been here much lately, but for those of you that know him, and those that dont :), I wanted to ask that you keep him and his family in your prayers. He is in the hospital and drs say he has had a heart attack sometime in the last year, causeing much damage. Please pray...
  7. pickles

    what does this vessel hold ?

    I read these two scriptures last night, and was filled with praise at the simplicity of what we recieve in Jesus. Eph.2 :8 I repeat, it is owing to His favor that salvation is your's through faith. This is not your own doing, it is God's gift. 9 neither is it a reward for anything you have...
  8. pickles

    Her Father passed last night

    I wanted to ask that all here lift up Loveschild and her family, as her father passed away last night. Jesus we ask that all your healing comfort and love be poured out on Loveschild and her family during this time . God bless. pickles
  9. pickles

    something beautiful

    It was awhile ago I heard this, but I thought this witness may help us all right now. It came from a christain program, I dont ussually listen to them, but this story caught my ear for its simple message of faith. A pastor who was working the missions in africa told this story. He had reached...
  10. pickles

    Hospital again.

    Ive asked for prayer for my nephew before as he battles a very serious disease. He had to have emergency surgury again today and is considered very fragile. Please, in Jesus pray for His healing and that the disease will be stablised. Pray also for my sister, for streangth , courage and comfort...
  11. pickles


    Today a post was read that brought tears to one's eyes. Not because it spoke perfectly to the mercy and love of Jesus Christ Our Lord come in the flesh. Not because it told of the compassion that we know is the love given in Jesus. Not because it showed the witness and care given in this forum...
  12. pickles

    Its really very simple..

    Many have been posting about how this can be wrong or that is wrong. And this isnt saying these posts are wrong ether. :) But after a while, so much is being shown wrong that one has to look at it all and get lost and confused by it all. Simply because when one relies on their own efforts and...
  13. pickles

    Asking those in the UK?

    I just wanted to ask those here in bible study that are in the UK, how are things there. Are all of you doing ok? In Jesus, God bless. pickles
  14. pickles

    What is the goal?

    Lest we lose sight, this is a simple post to answer, and in hope, bring all in agreement. :) What is the goal???? My answer is Jesus Christ is Lord come in the flesh, and all that is His salvation!!!!:) God bless. pickles
  15. pickles

    A thought....

    Reciently, with al the calling of one or another a wolf in sheeps clothing, I began to question exactly what this is. Now, I have seen those that perposely seek to steal and destroy all it can in the church, ( body of Christ). But I wondered if there is more to this wolf. So one wolf, is one...
  16. pickles

    when tired

    This scripture was given to me last night, as Ive been so weary lately and tired. I know others have felt this as well, and wanted to share the scripture. It renewed me in Jesus, and filled all with His streangth. I did'nt get the chapter or verce, just the scripture. If another can give this...
  17. pickles

    Keep your eyes on me

    Such simple words said by Jesus, but so powerful. Lately there have been alot of posts about sin. Not that it is bad to be aware of how ones actions can cause one to stumble. But Jesus said, keep your eyes on me. I just wonder when one finds time for Jesus? With all that is sin in the world, one...
  18. pickles

    1 Thes. 5:17

    1 Thes. 5:17 Pray without ceasing. I seen some ask why do we pray if God knows all our needs? Yet many scriptures call us to pray. We pray, so that we are always in Jesus, all always given with praise and thanksgivng. To set one's needs before God. To intercede for another, that God shall be...
  19. pickles


    It seems that is all one sees lately, one battleing another, that one battleing back. The thing is, we are not called to battle each other. Eph6:10 Finally, draw your streangth from the Lord and His mighty power. 11 Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the...
  20. pickles

    prayer for Norway

    Today in Norway a city was attacked, a bomb set off within the city, and a youth camp. The killer , dressed as a police officer shot and killed 80 young people. Please pray for all those suffering the lose of Loved ones, the families, friends and the city attacked, and all people of Norway as...