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  1. pickles

    What ever you do....

    This scripture came to mind last night when I was considering the many debates and how we treat each other. Jesus said, "What ever you do to the least of my brothers, that you do unto me. " This has to call us all, to considier how we treat each other when we dissagree, or dissaprove. For...
  2. pickles

    Heart prayers

    I just wanted to ask for prayers for my heart. Ive been having an irregular heart beat and alot of weakness with it. Please pray Drs figure all out soon so I can get back to the important things that need to be done. Thankyou and God bless pickles
  3. pickles

    What matters

    Wether you agree with easter or not, what matters is the gift that we have recieved because of His sacrifice and resurection! I finally saw the passion of the Christ, finally had the courage. :) Seeing this movie, even though it was just a movie, brought home the total suffeing that Jesus took...
  4. pickles

    Keep your eyes on me

    These simple words Jesus spoke to us. Too often we can get caught up in pointing out all the wrongs , the deceptions, seeing the evil of the world. Sometimes it is our own struggles, money, jobs, stresses, or sickness. Sometimes one can simply become confused or overwhelmed by it all. But in all...
  5. pickles

    please pray for...

    I just learned my cousin's son was killed today in a tragic accident. I do not have many details as they live on the east coast, exept that it was some kind of accident involving construction, lifting equipment. He leaves behind his wife who is expecting, and a two year old child. Please pray...
  6. pickles

    What do you think....

    What do you think , or better said:), what does the scripture : We piped you a tune and you did not dance, we sang you a dirge and you did not morn. What is this scripture speaking to? Ill share later, what it has spoken to , to me. :) I look to confermation, and hopefully better understanding...
  7. pickles

    prayers please

    Please pray for my back, it has been getting worse and could require surgury. Please pray for pain to be lifted and all healing so I will not need surgury. Thankyou so much. God bless pickles
  8. pickles

    I was wondering.....

    Often, many here speak to how we are called to correct each other. I was thinking that this might be a good bible study. Not just about correcion, but learning from scripture as to how we are to correct. How we should speak to another when we believe they are sinning or need correction. What...
  9. pickles

    two translation questions?

    Awhile ago I heard a pastor speaking to the origial meanings of these two words and I wondered if any here could verify this for me. First, was that the name satan meant to condemn. Second, that rightousness derived from faith. Thankyou to any who can shed some understanding on this. :)...
  10. pickles

    God gave us everything already...

    These scriptures have been set before me so beautifully and full of Gods promise, understanding and love given in Jesus. I just wanted to share them, in hope, that the love of God in Jesus is revieled through His Holy Spirit for all to recieve. In the beginning was the word, the word was with...
  11. pickles

    expanding correction to demanding perfection?

    I first want to say before any debate this , that there is nothing wrong in correction, as scripture calls us to do so. :) But I do wonder somtimes when I read posts that go beyond the definition of correction. Now Im not one to easly quote scripture, but I have read scriptures that speak as...
  12. pickles

    Literal or symbolic?

    Sorry about my spelling, always has been my weak point. :) But the title speaks to the subject, question? Ive seen some say that the Bible is symbolic, others literal. Ive never really considered it being one only or the other, it has always been both to me. Mostly because Ive always believed...
  13. pickles

    something to consider

    As I was thinking about christmas and the birth of Jesus... I remembered something said by another a few years back. That Jesus did not come to us as a full grown man, but that Jesus was given to us in a helpless newborn baby. I have often wondered at this, yes, God Our Father protected His son...
  14. pickles

    Prayer for all

    Father in heaven, in Jesus we set all here in prayer requests before you, with praise and thanksgiving! We praise you, because we trust and in faith know each and all here are in your care, that all is given and done through your great understanding, mercy and love. We thankyou , for in Jesus...
  15. pickles

    Just in case...

    Im not going to be here much for a little while. I have alot of family needs that will be taking alot of my time. Just need to focus on the family for a while, nothing bad, just alot of needs. :) I just wanted to leave a message in case any wondered or asked. I will keep praying for all here in...
  16. pickles

    What is the cross weare called to?

    Mathew 10;38 and he who does not take his cross and follow after Me, is not worthy of me. I was wondering, what is the cross one is called to bare? I have always believed it is forsaking all for Jesus and willing to set aside self for another sake, life. What do you believe is asked by Jesus...
  17. pickles

    two requests

    First if you can, please keep some friends, call them H&W, they need much prayer for their mariage. The husband has been working so hard to keep their marraige, and wife is struggling with effects from childhood abuse. He is a christian , shes not sure. Thankyou for all prayers for them...
  18. pickles

    How important is faith?

    Much has been said in this forum about many interpitaions and understandings. Many have debated what will be and what is to come, what is truth and what is false. The other day, I looked up how many scriptures speak to faith. I was amazed at how many there were. :) Ill share the number later...
  19. pickles


    Ok, I forgot the chaptor ansd verce, but I did remember the scripture. Ive been trying to understand this scripture. (Do not walk with them that are without redeming the time.) I think it means do not walk with those that have not recieved salvation, but not sure. Can anyone enlighten me...
  20. pickles

    Have you noticed? :)

    Funny how those that try to disprove or deny God and all that is salvation in Jesus, always try to do this with those and things that are of flesh,of the world. When all that is salvation in Jesus is comes by faith? :) I'm certain that those who believe know this, but in hope, this post is for...