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  1. pickles

    Prayers for my grandson

    Please keep my new grandson in your prayers. He has been having some health problems, possibly heart ? For now dr believes he will grow out of the double heart murmer. Plase pray he will and that his health will improve. Thankyou so much. God bless pickles
  2. pickles

    A friend's request

    A friend asked if I would lift these lovely people up for prayers. Her former next door neighbors are in need of prayers. Jerry and Annette, Drs found a large tumor in Jerry's abdomin , also some spots on His lungs. Jerry is 70, and he and his wife Annette have been the first ones always to help...
  3. pickles

    Something that has always facinated me..:)

    In the story of creation, God creats light, separating day from night, thus the first day. Yet, the sun and the moon are not created untill the third day. Now Im not questioning creation, as all is of God and He can do anything. :) But I do wonder about the sorce of light that was created...
  4. pickles

    Where isJesus?

    Lately it seems there are alot of posts about Jesus or the truth, and pointing about where to look or where to find Him. Some saying this is wrong or that person is wrong. Some even saying the scriptures are corrupted. I just wanted to remind any, that are being drawn to these things, or being...
  5. pickles

    Jesus said...

    "I do not give as the world gives." For those that understand my struggles in finding exact quotes and memmory, please post the proper quote, if I gaffed on this. :) I have always been in awe and wonder at this word given. I have often tried to consider what these words mean, as each time I...
  6. pickles

    Needing prayer

    I cannot discuss why, but ask simply for prayer and praise in Jesus name for my family. I know in Jesus that praise in His name sets all in faith and trust before God. Thanyou all :) God bless pickles
  7. pickles

    Have you ever noticed?

    Have you ever noticed? That no matter how much wisdom one is given. How much knowladge one seeks. How much one does in works. Or gains through strife, humility, or brokenness. That in Jesus, it is always these three things that last. Faith, hope and love, the greatest of these being love...
  8. pickles


    I am always humbled and amazed how God's understndng given can be given in the quietest, most unexpected and perfect . The onging debates about how much God does, vs how much we do, effects so much of what we study here. So, needless to say, it has been on my heart alot in Jesus, mostly in...
  9. pickles

    senceless killings

    I dont know how many saw this on the news, but in seattle yesterday a man opened fire injuring and killing 5 in a cafe . One woman was killed simply for her car, leaving a husband and two children behind to morn her. All the families of those murdered are suffering, in shock at this senceless...
  10. pickles

    What is God's love?

    Considering all we seek, debate and discuss here in Jesus Christ is Lord, God's love for us, and the love we are called to... should be probably the most important study we can do. For God so loved the world, that while we were still sinners, He gave His Son Jesus, to suffer the cross for us...
  11. pickles

    Thankyou Dear Jesus !!!

    Thankyou Dear Jesus for blessing me and all my family with a beautifull new grandbaby! Thankyou for taking such perfect care of my daughter, her husband , and baby boy! Trully a little but of heaven is set upon these small ones as they come into our lives! For all praise and glory is your Lord...
  12. pickles

    scripture to ponder..

    : For all things were created through Him and for Him! The part Im wondering about, not just why, but in the greatness of His glory. Is why we were made for Him? :) Im going to pray and ponder this, and see what answers you all have recieved in Jesus tomorrow. :) God bless pickles
  13. pickles

    How we look at sin...

    No question there has been alot of debate about sin here lately. :) Many have quoted scripture where sin brings death, condemnation. Many have also quoted scripture about how we are no longer under sin, condemnation. There is no question that we in Jesus are freed from the price of sin, how we...
  14. pickles

    something to try!

    To often, we see the scriptures speaking to sin or comandments as telling one has to do, or how one fails. But, I want to witness in Jesus that this is not the intent of Our Lord Jesus! For remember, Jesus said, I do not come to condemn the world but to save it! :) Paul also wrote often about...
  15. pickles

    The prodgical son

    I refured to this parable in another thread last night, and now bring this in a thread. To witness to the glory of Our Lord God, in Jesus Christ is Lord come in the flesh. For His glory stands before us , always!!!! We all know the story of the prodgical son, I have always loved this parable...
  16. pickles

    beautiful scriptures

    Now, I first want to say that all scripture is beautiful. But there are some, that speak in words, so beautiful, that it touches not just the heart, but the love that speaks God's heart as well. Please share the scriptures that were wrapped in this beauty for you. Here are a few of mine, Im...
  17. pickles

    That we do not complicate it

    Reading the many posts here can be challenging at the very least. :) Im not saying this to critisize, for the value of truth in Jesus, cannot be mesured, nor the persuit of God's will and rightousness. I have seen fruit come from a debate, although sometimes we do get alot of lemons. :) But I...
  18. pickles

    I mentioned this before

    I mentioned this before in another post, but thought it might be something to consider more. Just as we are told that gold must be put to fire in order to be purified, for this speaks to our walk in Jesus, purifying of our body, flesh , unto Jesus through faith. I could not help but wonder...
  19. pickles

    8.7 earthquake

    An 8.7 earthquake has just struck off the coast of sumatra. :(: Please lift all there in Jesus Christ is Lord. May God pour out His mercy , love and care upon all there. God bless pickles
  20. pickles

    8.7 earthquake

    Im going to post this in prayer requests as well. But felt it important to speak to it here as well. There has just been an 8.7 earthquake off the coast of sumatra. Please lift up prayers for all there in Jesus. God bless pickles