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  1. pickles

    Thanks and prayers

    I was diagnosed with diabetes two days ago. I thought I would be afraid, as this is the disease that took my mother early from me, it also made her blind. Because of this I was afraid of this disease. I am so thankful to God Our Father, as instead of fear, I have felt calm and commited to...
  2. pickles

    continued prayer needed

    Please lift up my husband again in your prayers in Jesus. The infection in his hand is showing signs of overcoming the antibiotics. Please pray in Jesus name for His power to defeat this infection! Thankyou and Godbless pickles
  3. pickles

    reading psalms last night and.....

    I was awed and moved by this psalm. So thought Id share, I hope these words will move your soul as they moved mine. All glory is yours Lord God!!! psalm 70 1 Make haste o God to deliver me, make haste to help me, o Lord. 2 Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul; let them...
  4. pickles

    prayer for husband

    My husband had to have emergency surgury this morning. A small hand injury yesterday developed a fast moving infection. Please pray for a fast and total healing for him, also that he will be releaced from the hospital tomorrow. Thankyou all so much. God bless pickles
  5. pickles

    Good reading

    These scriptures just might be a good read right now. :) 2 cor.4:1 Because we possess this ministry through God's mercy, we do not give in to descouragement. 2 Rather we repudiate shameful, underhanded practices. We do not resort to trickory or falsify the word of God. We proclaim the truth...
  6. pickles

    a prayer asked

    Hi all prayer warriors. :) Would you please say a few prayers in Jesus's name for me over the next couple of days. First, I see the dr wensday about an abnormality that will probably need to be biopsied, I dont know if it will be that day or if it will require surgury, but there is concern...
  7. pickles

    Update on grandson

    I want to thank all of you so much for your prayers. And of course, thankyou Jesus!!! :) My grandson saw the cardiologist, and the dr said he has an anomaly , or weakness on one side of his heart. But that it is healing itself! Dr expects all should be normal soon, but will keep an eye on im for...
  8. pickles

    Keep your eyes...

    Jesus said, keep your eyes on me. I am the way, the truth and the life. Yes I know we hear these scriptures often. But do we always hear and see the greatness of this gift given in these words. Jesus reminded me again about how important it is to look to Him always. Over the last few weeks I...
  9. pickles

    help needed in this...

    Scripture says do not throw your pearls before swine. So, how do we disern what is swine? Im struggling in this as I have always believed one should forgive, and always love and serve one another in Jesus. But, there is one in my life that I had to distance myself from. This person has brought...
  10. pickles

    Do we????

    Do we lay to great a burden upon each other? I first want to say that this is not saying we should not correct each other in Jesus. For we are called to do this. But we are also called to encourage and edify even more in scripture. But , I do wonder if we sometimes ask more of another than...
  11. pickles

    First fruits are the best and more...

    Lately Ive been seeing first fruits as so much more than before. Not just when refuring to the apostles, or what we are called to tythe. But how first fruits are what we are called to in how we act and live, so that Jesus may work in us. Also how first fruits are the beginning of any harvest...
  12. pickles

    pray for colorado

    A mass shooting has just occured in Aroura Colorado. A man opened fire at a speacial theator showing. He killed 14 and fifty additional are injured. One was a baby shot at point blank. Please pray for all the injured and the suffering families who have lost their loved ones. Pray for the people...
  13. pickles

    Massive shooting

    I know this goes in prayer requests, but felt it called all of us to pray. There has just been a massive shooting at a theater in Aruora Colorado. A man opened fire at a special preview in a theator, killing 14 and injuring 50. Please pray for the people in colorado, as they are in great pain...
  14. pickles

    Prayer needed now please!

    One of the men my husband supervizes has indicated suicide. Possibuility of this man doing this is 100%. Please pray for this man, binding him in Jesus Christ is Lord come in the flesh from harming himself, others , or forceing others to take action against him. Pray for my husband and the...
  15. pickles

    Update- grandson-prayers

    My grandson was seen by the dr, and the dr was better able to listen to his heart. Dr does think he has a hole in his heart, and if there is no improvment in two weeks , will refur him to a cardioligist. Please pray in Jesus's name with praise and thanksgiving, that all improves for this sweet...
  16. pickles

    Who's doing it?

    Lately Ive been seeing alot of posts about what we should or should'nt be doing. Ive made some of these posts myself. :o But lately, Jesus has been showing me more how its about Him is us. That everything done is about His presance in us, His salvation, Gods grace given, and the power of the...
  17. pickles

    Just asking

    Some time ago, I had been getting accupunture treatments for my arthritis, they were very effective in removing pain and swelling in my hands and back. I stopped having the treatments because of the question if accupunture was an acceptible treatment as a christian. One of the other good results...
  18. pickles

    kick a bug

    I wanted to ask for prayers for healing. I was wery sick a week ago with what I thought was food poisoning. Started to get better but what I was sick with keeps coming back and just bugging me. Please pray this bug will be kicked, as I am sick of being sick. Thankyou so much. God bless pickles
  19. pickles

    Scripture says,Delight yourself in the Lord!!!

    As the title says! :) How do you or what delights you in the Lord? :D The list is endless, but one of the manythings I love is the garden of eden. Jesus was a fisher of men, but God first put man in a garden, His garden, Eden. I love this because I love to garden, when I work in the garden I...
  20. pickles

    What is it about God's love ?

    I thought it would be a good study and witness for us to speak to what makes God's love, the love of Jesus for us different from the worlds love. Often one sees alot of postings about love, and sometimes some justify the actions or weaknesses , saying if God loves , then why, or one should be...