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  1. KarynLouise

    Share 5 Things About Yourself

    Greek? What part of Canada? I've only been to the border and the airport in Nova Scotia, but I hope to drive all over and explore one day. My Canadian friends are from B.C., Alberta, and Ontario, so I'll probably start at one of those places.
  2. KarynLouise

    Hey! Today's a better day. Thanks for being so encouraging in the forums.

    Hey! Today's a better day. Thanks for being so encouraging in the forums.
  3. KarynLouise

    Constant restart

    Welcome! I hope you'll be encouraged here. There is a forum for gamers. :)
  4. KarynLouise

    Not sure how this will work with PC only, but...

    Thank you for your service! I'd be interested to learn more about your ministry. God bless!
  5. KarynLouise

    Hi! Do you mind if I ask why your spiritual status is unsure?

    Hi! Do you mind if I ask why your spiritual status is unsure?
  6. KarynLouise

    Thank you!

    Thank you!
  7. KarynLouise

    Thank you!!

    Thank you!!
  8. KarynLouise

    Hi! We're neighbors (I'm in Arkansas), and Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse! :)

    Hi! We're neighbors (I'm in Arkansas), and Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse! :)
  9. KarynLouise

    Is America evil?

    I have such a hard time finding PG things that aren't children's cartoons or typical Hallmark love stories.
  10. KarynLouise

    Is America evil?

    I'm actually surprised anyone in China is allowed on this site. Ni hao.
  11. KarynLouise

    Is America evil?

    There's a good book about this. The Coming Conflict with China
  12. KarynLouise

    Gift of Healing

    For those of you who believe that if you have faith you'll be healed, what happens when you or someone you love gets cancer? Do you lose your faith altogether? Think your faith wasn't enough? God bless you that you've never been sick or had chronic pain. I guess my faith isn't enough. It must...
  13. KarynLouise

    Eh, could be better, but I'm working on it.

    Eh, could be better, but I'm working on it.
  14. KarynLouise

    There is a religious cult that has lefty the reservation

    But it's been a long time since I've read it.
  15. KarynLouise

    There is a religious cult that has lefty the reservation

    If i recall correctly, the Koran says that other religious writings were correct at their time, but that the Koran is the right one now and forever more. There would be no changes after the Koran. I thought that was silly since if the Bible is correct, then the Koran couldn't be correct.
  16. KarynLouise

    Explain your avatar and/or user name!

    Mine's my picture, but I was trying to get my son, who's in the background.
  17. KarynLouise

    Explain your avatar and/or user name!

    That's pretty cool.
  18. KarynLouise

    Hey! I appreciate your posts. Hope you're having a blessed day!

    Hey! I appreciate your posts. Hope you're having a blessed day!
  19. KarynLouise

    The tooth fairy

    Saint Nicholas was a real person, and he's where Santa Claus came from. This is from the National Catholic Register: Saint Nicholas’s compassion for the poor, marginalized and, in particular, children, and especially providing aid anonymously to those in greatest need, became so legendary that...
  20. KarynLouise

    A Closer Look at Ephesians 1:13

    Here's what's sad to me. Why can't you guys respectfully say to one another, I see why you think that, but I disagree because...? I mean, obviously belief and baptism are both important. The disagreement is where in that process salvation actually occurs. Do you really have to keep arguing about...