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  1. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    That's really cool. I have a few chef friends, but none that experienced.
  2. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    They're called empanadas in Spanish speaking countries.
  3. KarynLouise

    Can a Christian be possessed?

    I clicked on this thread because I had seen people saying that Christians can't be possessed, but I've heard these terrible stories if things people in other countries have gone through. I'm so glad that is not a common battle here. Anyhow, I was just curious to see more of what people think on...
  4. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    My friend from England recently corrected me. I thought my mom loved shepherd's pie, but that's made with lamb. Since I make it with beef, it's cottage pie. Aldi has this really good shepherd's pie sauce, but I couldn't always find it when I did live near Aldi, and now there are none anywhere close.
  5. KarynLouise

    How many apologetics fans are here?

    I've always said that there has to be more than our existence because time doesn't make sense. You can keep going back and back and say, "Well, what came before that?" You can do the same with the idea of creation or the Big Bang. Well, what caused that? What came before that? That's why I...
  6. KarynLouise

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    But honestly, i gave up on reading all 66 pages because you all just keep saying the same things over and over.
  7. KarynLouise

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    You know, it's not just disagreeing, it's putting each other down. And just because you think someone put you down doesn't mean it's okay to retaliate in kind. Most of the time the one that's being retaliated against didn't even mean to be so hateful as the person received it
  8. KarynLouise

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I made it to page 28, but I'm giving up now. There's just too much putting each other down.
  9. KarynLouise

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I must be missing something somewhere because I'm sure you wouldn't say that human intellect is king, not the word of God
  10. KarynLouise

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I take great offense to anyone saying that someone who doesn't speak in tongues is not saved. The only salvation issue is that we believe in Jesus and accept Him as our savior. I'm not going to condemn you because I don't think you practice your faith perfectly. If I see you doing something...
  11. KarynLouise

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I believe you have miracles you're not seeing. God bless you to see them and be confirmed. He's brought you through so much.
  12. KarynLouise

    Clean chat

    Sort of, but when I tried to go to my home Bible study recently, i just couldn't stop crying. I don't have any local friends that know me very well, though, because I just moved here in May. As for family, I've got my mom who just had brain surgery and can't process things very well, my 23 year...
  13. KarynLouise

    TONGUES is a precious gift from God

    I'm only on page 4, and i really want to read everything before i comment, but this is where I'm at. I used to think that tongues had ended with the apostles because that was what i was taught. Then one sister at a mixed denominational ladies Bible study made a comment about who was anyone else...
  14. KarynLouise


    I'm going through heartbreak myself right now. I'm struggling to get through it and seriously depressed. I miss having someone to talk to all the time. Anyhow, you'll see me chatting in the forums here to distract myself and look for encouragement. I can't tell you how to get through it because...
  15. KarynLouise

    New Member

    Hi, Les! Look forward to getting to know you.
  16. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    Happy Chinese New Year
  17. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    How's everyone else doing today?
  18. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    That's good. Is it gabapentin? That's what I take for nerve pain.
  19. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    I'm still really struggling with my depression/anxiety, but today I'm feeling more trusting of God's plan. Some days I've been doubting that God's plan was worth the pain to get there.
  20. KarynLouise

    Share 5 Things About Yourself

    I've got Ohio, Texas, California, Arkansas, Tennessee, South Dakota, Iowa, Oregon, Colorado, Utah, Missouri, Illinois, and Minnesota for capital pics.