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  1. KarynLouise


    I tried to sell these mermaid tail and shark blankets i can crochet, but the yarn alone costs me more than what they sell the machine made ones for, so there went that idea.
  2. KarynLouise

    Are Men Really Attracted to a Woman's Great Pair of... Eyelashes?

    I've been resenting the false eyelash trend because people used to think I had nice eyelashes, but no way can I compare to those things. 😛
  3. KarynLouise


    Thank you so much for sharing. I also have chronic pain and other problems leftover from my accident many years ago. Actually, that's when my depression started. I had brain trauma. I felt so worthless when I came home. I couldn't walk, so I squirmed around one day on my belly cleaning the...
  4. KarynLouise


    I struggle with serious depression. It got to be the worst it's ever been the week before last. I came here shortly after that. Some of the posts have discouraged me, mainly the ones that say that I don't have enough faith or I would be healed. Yesterday, though, in a Bible study, some friends...
  5. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    If you know someone who says they're a Christian is speaking heresy, it's important to go to them lovingly to show them what the Bible actually says. If they didn't know what they were saying was wrong, they'll correct themselves. If they did know and persist, then that's a problem.
  6. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    Well, thank you. You guys make me want to sing the bacon pancakes song. *Makin' pancakes, makin' bacon pancakes. Take the bacon and you put it in the pancakes* My 23 year old is a big fan of both bacon and silly songs.
  7. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    Are you a Month Python fan? That's so reminiscent of the spam skit.
  8. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    Thanks for the recommendation. I needed a new show to watch. :)
  9. KarynLouise

    I am New and Old and Broken and Glued

    Welcome! I came here looking for some good Christian friends in a hard time. Feel free to message me any time.
  10. KarynLouise

    Share 5 Things About Yourself

    That's my dream. Right now Banff is at the top of my list. The pictures look so beautiful, but I guess that would be in the middle of I'm going coast to coast. Do you speak French? Parli Italiano?
  11. KarynLouise

    I'm janyne and I'm new here just saying hi

    Welcome! I like how you spell your name. :)
  12. KarynLouise

    Hello All From the Frozen Midwest

    Welcome! I look forward to getting to know you more! God bless!
  13. KarynLouise

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    Now my son turned on Napoleon Dynamite! Nooooo!
  14. KarynLouise

    If you could be really good at something...

    I really wish I'd never stopped piano lessons. I'd love to be good at that. I'd also love to be good at remembering things, like Bible verses and important dates.
  15. KarynLouise

    Streams of Consciousness & Thoughts~~~

    I'm being forced to watch teenage mutant ninja turtles. Help!
  16. KarynLouise

    You're a regular Barnabas. It's very admirable.

    You're a regular Barnabas. It's very admirable.
  17. KarynLouise

    I have lived all over Cali, but I'm a San Diego native.

    I have lived all over Cali, but I'm a San Diego native.
  18. KarynLouise

    My most trusted friend is from somewhere near Edmonton. :)

    My most trusted friend is from somewhere near Edmonton. :)
  19. KarynLouise

    You share your birthday with my oldest son and also a good friend. :)

    You share your birthday with my oldest son and also a good friend. :)
  20. KarynLouise

    Is America evil?

    At least we haven't started "post-birth abortion" yet. Talk about pure evil. I don't want to say where that's happening because if I misremembered, that would be highly offensive to whichever country. It's a real thing, though. Although, the rooms they take babies that survived abortions to so...