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  1. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    He doesn't like to be away from me. He's only comfortable with it when he has someone else there he knows and trusts or wants to play with. In the past, I've stayed with him for the first couple of classes till he gets used to the people there, and then work my way out when he's busy with them...
  2. KarynLouise

    Mega Churches - Opinions?

    I've seen coffee shops in large churches.
  3. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    Not when it comes to a child's safety. I'm a mandated reporter myself.
  4. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    Yes, i understand. Thank you.
  5. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad experience.
  6. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    The more i think about it, the more i think this is a question for a professional counselor. I have been home schooling him since first grade. He did go to traditional kindergarten and hated it. He was always begging to stay home. It's weird, though, he never complained about pre-school. Maybe...
  7. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    We are part of a home Bible study group. He still complains about going, but doesn't cry and all.
  8. KarynLouise

    Speak Your Mind.

    Pumpkin spice season is over, though. :( Chestnut praline is my favorite, and that season is even shorter!
  9. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    He fusses about going out in general, but...well, once he's made a friend somewhere, he does better, but he hasn't made any friends at Sunday school. He was less upset to stay in my class with me (I teach the first graders), but the children's ministry director said he needs to go to his own class.
  10. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    Thanks, guys. I felt like it was important to take him, but he was so upset that I was second guessing myself
  11. KarynLouise

    Superstitions/ Old Wives Tale/ Fables

    I had a kid spit gum in my hair when I was 6. I was so proud of my long hair. Then I got a kind of longer, rounded pixie cut because of the gum. :( It was never the same.
  12. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    I told him no electronics for the week if he didn't come, and he still went on with the drama.
  13. KarynLouise

    Do you really believe in Jesus?

    Can you message me? I'd be interested in the elaboration.
  14. KarynLouise

    Always depressed

    I also struggle with depression. I know it helps for me to have someone to talk to, so feel free to reach out to me if that's you, too. I'm holding onto God's promises that He's working all things out for our good. I think I'm bouncing back from my lowest point yet. I don't want to say that and...
  15. KarynLouise

    Work Place:

    God bless you. It sounds like a really difficult situation. I'm glad you have the union. Praying for you.
  16. KarynLouise

    Should I force Sunday school on my son?

    My son hates leaving the house. He's 9. He threw the biggest fit about going to church this morning. I feel like it's because he wants to stay home and play games or watch YouTube. The problem is that he makes himself so upset to try to convince me to let him stay home. He says he's in pain...
  17. KarynLouise

    Non religious stuff

    Definitely. It's your faith that matters. Of course, with that faith comes a desire to please God, which means you're not doing things that are against God, but it doesn't have to be sermons and Bible studies 24/7.
  18. KarynLouise


    I learned watching YouTube. Wooly Wonders is a good one. The Crochet Crowd. I like being able to see that what I'm doing looks like what they're doing. I always wanted to crochet because my mom and grandma did it, but I thought I wasn't doing it right because of the way my eyes would kind of...
  19. KarynLouise

    Superstitions/ Old Wives Tale/ Fables

    When I'm walking down the sidewalk, I still consider that if I step on a crack I could break my mother's back, and she really doesn't need any more problems.
  20. KarynLouise


    I crochet. I like to try new recipes. If I could afford it, I'd be road tripping a lot.