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  1. pickles

    Raising Chicken!

    Finally finished the chicken barn, run and feed cover! Thankyou Jesus for the streangth you provided! Chickens will arrive in two weeks, cannot wait! :) Ill post photos when they do. :) Thankyou all for your helpful advise and support, you all are so presious and good in all you gave to me...
  2. pickles

    Please pray for my daughter tomorrow

    Tomorrow I go with my daughter to see a specialist. A difficult decision is going to be decided and then may have to go before a medical review board for approval. As she will need a sugury to help improve the quality of her life. This is a decision that has not come easly, and has been...
  3. pickles

    Raising Chicken!

    So, I finally finished the chicken barn, just built it as it came to me in mind. So chicken folks, do you think this will work? The two lower parts of the roof lift up to access the roosts to gather eggs. The floor is all strong chicken wire. Ive been told to use saw dust for the roosts, but I...
  4. pickles

    scripture on conspiracy

    Ive been struggling with all the conspiracy theories we see everywhere lately. Mostly, because it calls judgement without proof. It also does bring a witness of fear, causing others to act in ways that bring harm. For we see evidence of this every day. Now I know that there are probably truths...
  5. pickles

    police standoff, one bombing suspect dead

    Police have had a standoff with one suspect, shooting, two officers shot ,one officer dead. Other officer in hospital, critical. One suspect dead, one suspect still on the run in watertown MA. The standoff has been violent, pray no more are lost. Pray also for the officer in the hospital. Pray...
  6. pickles

    Raising Chicken!

    So here is a photo ofone of our chicks! :) Yes, it has pink toe nails, :) our friend who is incubating them has painted our chicks toenails so to keep track of our chicks from her chicks. Personally, I just think we just have classy chicks. :) God bless:) pickles
  7. pickles

    prayer please! huge explosion near town of west Texas

    There has just been a huge explosion near the town of west, Texas. A fertalizer plant caught fire and then exploded, much of the area on fire, many hurt, injured and worse. Please lift up all people in this area, as this is a terribe dissaster. Also, please lift up my sister and her family...
  8. pickles

    If you would say a prayer...

    Please pray for my husband in Jesus's name. :) Tomorrow he is going to take an important step in the hireing proccess for a position that he would really like to have. It will go all day long and into the evening. Pray also for me as Im part of the evening part and hope to reflect well on him...
  9. pickles

    trying to remember

    I believe it was Solomon that wrote the words, but I remeber reading a summery where he said that all the things we think matter, wisdom, understanding, knowladge.. ect... in the end held nothing. That all was as dust, and in the end, held no value. If any recall the scripture? Please share it...
  10. pickles

    I got to save a life today! :)

    Well, I was able to save a sparrows life. :) I had let our cats out for a bit, as they love to play in the back yard. All of the sudden I heard a racket in the kitchen, and a small sparrow came flying into our living room so fast it hit the wall, falling dazed and shocked onto our couch, having...
  11. pickles

    those overwhelming trials.

    Seems we all have them at times, or at least someone we know. That is why I am so greatful for this scripture. :) Jn.16:33 These things I have spoken to you, so that in me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage: I have overcome the world! How Good is God that...
  12. pickles

    Have we lost sight of the goal, forgotten our first love?

    I love the bible, for the words given, bring the joy and love of Our Lord God our Father and understanding given through the Holy Spirit, in Jesus Christ is Lord come in the flesh. One can open and read a page, then another, finding comfort, answers, hope and God's love and plan for us. Lately...
  13. pickles

    What would Jesus say?

    What would Jesus Christ say? Lately, in reading several threads and posts, I was greatly saddened by some of the words spoken to others who did not agree, seeing the attacks, the cruel words spoken, even much being spoken in a way that shows sarcasm and using another as the joke. Calling the...
  14. pickles

    Raising Chicken!

    Yup, exactly as the title says. :) I was wondering if any here raise chickens and could share a few helpful tips and the things one must know also. My husband and I want to raise a small amount of chickens, and dont know much about it. But really think having our own birds, also knowing what...
  15. pickles

    three in one

    I wanted to ask for prayer in Jesus's name, for these three needs. first, for my husband, he is discouraged right now, due to work, where many have no ethics and seek to bring harm to any that do not agree with them. second, a safe trip for my husband and my daughter as they take a long drive...
  16. pickles

    Simple things, small , yet great and good

    Just share something simply or small, that if another were to do for you, would be great and good. :) For me, when another brings me a cuppa tea. :) God bless pickles
  17. pickles

    A small prayer needed

    I just wanted to ask for prayer that I can get into see my dr tomorrow, my tenndonitis is getting bad in my left hand, (why my typing is messed up, :)) But I really need a cortizone shot as two of my fingers no longer can bend . Dr has no openings untill april, so praying for a compassionate...
  18. pickles

    Romans 14:22

    When I first read this scripture, it was a bit puzzling. Then in context, more was understood. :) But now, as scripture to teach , guide and help us in understanding of faith and justification. Much more has been given in Jesus, Gods grace, and faith. But as always, I want to hear the...
  19. pickles

    My grandson

    Please pray for my 5 yr old grandson. He broke his arm, Im asking for prayer for fast healing, the pain lifted, and that he will be patient while recovering. Not easy for a five yr old. Thankyou all so much. :) God bless pickles
  20. pickles

    consider the lilys!

    I cant remeber the whole scripture from memory. :) But I do love it, consider the lilys of the field, neither do they toil or work, yet nothing in solomons kingdom is arrayed as beautifully as these. Ive often pondered on this scripture along with a few others. Like ... And in Him everything...