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  1. pickles

    Favorite Grumpy Cat Meme?

    By the way, I love your grumpy cat. :) God bless pickles
  2. pickles

    Favorite Grumpy Cat Meme?

    The there is just the freeky cat fish! God bless pickles
  3. pickles

    Praise and thanks!

    First All praise and glory is yours Lord God, for all is your love and streangth in our lives!!! Thankyou Father, Lord Jesus, for bringing my family through this storm!!!! In update to the attacks on our life a few months back... Thankyou all for your faithful prayers, the attack against my...
  4. pickles

    prayers for family please

    My Brother in law died suddenly with out warning tonight. Please keep my sister, my husband and all our family in your prayers during this time of sorrow. Especially my sister, as she is heartbroken over losing her husband of 40 plus years. We are thankful though that my B-I-L knew and loved Our...
  5. pickles

    ideas for skin sores, healing?

    Since I developed diabetes, Im having alot of trouble with wounds, sores healing. My surgars are under controll, but any injury to the skin, or sore, takes forever to heal, and even if it does, the skin remains dry and breaks open easly. Im useing a good moisteriser that is natural, but any...
  6. pickles

    Pause and consider please...

    Now, I first want to say that this thread is not to being written to tell any what to post or not post. Im just not that learned enough to decide this for anyone. :) But while reading through the posts tonight this came to mind. As there is alot of pointing to what is wrong lately. Most have...
  7. pickles

    What is more important to seek?

    Lately, one is seeing alot of postings about this evil, that deciever, or the corrupt. Now, I am not saying we should not be as scripture says, wise as the serpent, gentle as the dove. :) But, in seeing so much about all that is bad or evil, one has to question if we are losing sight? How many...
  8. pickles

    Praying for Pakistan

    The people of Pakistan have been hit today by a 7.8 earthquake, lives lost and much damage. Please join me in lifting the people there up in Jesus's name, for all that is God Our Father's care, provision,comfort, and knowladge of His love. In Jesus, God bless pickles
  9. pickles

    Prayers for Erica

    I just wanted to call al here to prayer for this beautiful child of God. She had recieved Jesus as a child, but was raped later in life, since then her faith has halted. She struggles with why God would allow her to be hurt so, and why He did not protect her. In recent days she is asking...
  10. pickles

    How do we define God's love vsthe world's love?

    I believe this is an important subject that needs to be defined in scripture, understanding and interpitation. As many today define all love as perfect and justification for any deed or action. When God's love is infinately different from the world's love. Ive sought Gods love all of my life...
  11. pickles

    Good news and prayer

    Well, I am finnally allowed to announce that I am a grandmother to expected twins. :) I am so excited and double blessed in this! :) Sometime in march they will make there appearance, I just wanted to ask all to keep my son, my daughter-in-law and these sweet twins in your prayers, for a healthy...
  12. pickles

    setting all prayer requests....

    Im so sorry I was not here the last week, much happening at home and computor not working very well. Hopefully computer issues resolved now. :) Hopefully will catch up soon. :) Just wanted all to know that all of your requests continue to be set before God in Jesus's name with praise and...
  13. pickles

    Praying for a mirical

    My middle daughter and her husband are asking for prayer in faith. :) They have had an oppertunity to purchase a home for half it's assessed value. This is the only way they can hope to own a home like this. They will hear next week if the seller, simply because this person wants to see the home...
  14. pickles

    Please, prayers needed today

    Please pray today for my husband and my family, as today is an important day in defence against the enemy who seeks to destroy. Please also praise God with me as well, for Jesus is our victory over every enemy! Thankyou all so much Hugs and God bless pickles
  15. pickles

    udate: daughter's surgury

    Thankyou Lord God! Just wanted to give a quick update on my daughter's surgury. All went well, no complications. :) She has some pain, but otherwise doing well, now just time will tell if this will bring improvement to her life. I want to thank all of you for your prayers in Jesus, as dr said...
  16. pickles

    The offence given...

    Because of recent events in my life, Ive been looking to Jesus alot for help and streangth to remain strong when sins are being done against one. The other night, Romans chapter 5 was set before me. I was reading about sin, when this understanding was given. I saw that Jesus's sacrifice and...
  17. pickles

    Another very important prayer request...

    My husband and our family recieived some very shocking news this week. The theif is trying very hard to steal everything from us. I humbly ask all here to join and stand with me in Jesus's name, with compleat faith and trust in God Our Fathers protection, care and help against this attack. For...
  18. pickles

    Finally, my daughters surgury...

    My daughter's surgury is finally going to be done, over five years waiting for this. Please join me in Jesus's name, for all healing, success and safety for her surgury which will be on aug. 15th. For all is in your care Lord God, I have put my faith in you. In Jesus's name. Amen. Thankyou all...
  19. pickles

    Prayer Request

    You and all you ask are in my prayers in Jesus Christ is Lord. In all my years of faith in Jesus, I have well learned , that God Our father will never let pride take us, He will always correct and chastise us first, Just as any father who loves His son. :) God bless pickles
  20. pickles

    Walking on water

    Lately, all the things of life, the world, struggles, (well we all have them :))have just seemed so huge. Ive prayed and asked Jesus just how does one live, walk in the world and yet be no longer of the world, when the world just keeps trying to grab at ones feet and pull one down under. I was...