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  1. pickles

    The accuser

    In reading the scriptures, I often see satan refured to as the accuser. This has caused me to consider so much when one sees theirself or another as less, or a failier. I also have wondered that Jesus said I do not come to condemn the world, but to save it! Now, Im not speaking to the...
  2. pickles

    2 Timothy 2:11-14

    I reciently read 2 timothy, and this scripture stood out as one that should be considered when we discuss or debate. It made an impression on me, when it comes to considering the words we share here. 2 Tim 2:11 You can depend on this, if we have died with Him, we shall also live with Him; 12...
  3. pickles

    The final comfort

    I dont know about you , but sometimes one wonders, when will the tears end. Im not just speaking to my own, but seeing the sorrows of so many in this world, and wondering, when will it end? Now please do not misunderstand, Im not in a pit of dispair or anything. I just wanted to share a...
  4. pickles

    Prayer for a young man

    Would you please keep, Ill call him alex, in your prayers. This young man has never had a real home, his parents are drug addicts and alcholics. Alex, is we believe is autistic, and his parents have never given him a livible home or any care , help with his struggles. He sleeps in a local...
  5. pickles


    Can anyone give some understanding about the white stone and a new name in revelations. Is this literal, or spiritual? Thankyou and God bless pickles
  6. pickles

    what will last

    It was Blain's thread about the mustard seed that brought me to consider this. Scripture says, there are three things that will last, faith, hope and love! So much said in these words, I began to see that although we may disagree on alot of doctrines, interpitations, or simply what another may...
  7. pickles

    Agony in the garden

    Do you ever wonder at what Jesus went through when He was praying in the garden before He was betrayed and took the cross. I have been lately, mostly because of a few things that are spoken to in this scripture. First, that He went to the garden to pray. I have found comfort that Jesus, who is...
  8. pickles

    8.0 earthquake near solomon islands

    Please keep all in and near the solomon islands in the south pacific in your prayers. They were struck with an 8.0 earthquake today, causing a sunami. At least 5 deaths already. We lift up all in Jesus's name for all care and streangth. God bless pickles
  9. pickles

    just a little prayer...

    I just wanted to ask for prayer for tomorrow. A large section of one of my molars broke off yesterday. I see the dentist tomorrow, please pray in Jesus's name that the tooth can be repaired. Thankyou all so much. :) God bless pickles
  10. pickles

    Possible idol?

    Please do not misinterpit this question, as I ask only because this has been on my thoughts for a while. But is it possible to make an idol of the bible? Now, this question is not asked to dispute or say in any way that the Bible is wrong, for the bible is the inspired word of God, and the...
  11. pickles

    What Have You Done Today?

    I made this garbage can today out of old barn wood and an old roaster pan to go with the kitchen redo we are doing. :) God bless pickles
  12. pickles

    1 Peter 3:19 questions?

    I found this scripture interesting when reading through 1 peter. 1 peter3:19 It was in the sprit also that he went to preach to the spirits in prison. Now I read briefly a refrance to this, and it stated that Jesus did go to visit the spirits in prison, those who were still bound in spirit. I...
  13. pickles

    Now that marriage is legal....

    Same sex marriage is now legal in my state. On the news the other day, a judge is being looked at by media and the gay community. Because he refuses to marry same sex couples. There are other judges in this courthouse that can and will marry same sex couples. He said for personal reasons...
  14. pickles

    Pray for this man please

    Where my husband works, there is a man who needs our prayers. He seeks out those who are good, and does everything he can to destroy, lie or drive out any who does not agree with him, or is not willing to favor him. He has done this to several men, and now is trying to do this to my husband...
  15. pickles

    a little prayer

    I just wanted to ask for a few prayers for medication side effects. These medicines havebeen helping me so much, but they have some nasty side effects. Drs say they should pass and if they dont ? May have to discontinue. These medicines are the first ones to bring improvment to my life. Please...
  16. pickles

    What is the goal?

    We speak of so many things here in bible study. Understanding what scriptures mean and the message it brings. The history, how this speaks to another scripture, and how it should be interpited. Sometimes getting very heated in debate, sometimes posts barely spoken to at all. Often posts telling...
  17. pickles

    prayers please for a victem and friend

    A friend of ours was involved in a terrible accident tonight. A driver hit a bicyclist knocking the rider in front of her, causing her to hit the rider also. The cyyclist was killed, the causing driver hit and ran. Please pray for the rider who was killed, their family, and also our friend who...
  18. pickles

    Nephew and daughter

    I just wanted to ask for prayers for one of my nephews. He just had to have some fingers amputated for medical reasons, also, he recieved Jesus as a child but has fallen away and into alot of darkness. Please keep him in your prayers as he is in a great spiritual battle . You can refur to him as...
  19. pickles

    What would you say?

    With todays terrible sorrow filled loss of so many beautiful children , the parents and their loved ones. Many are asking why or how could God let this happen? Ive heard it asked many times on the news, in the places I went today. Many scriptures have run through my head, but mostly, not ones...
  20. pickles

    Prayers for A friend

    I have a friend, Ill refur to as J, who has been following a dangerous and false faith for several years now. She was terribly injured by a christian church many years ago, when she was in great need, so she has rejected any christian truth for a spiritual faith following a god of her own...