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  1. pickles

    Praise and a prayer

    First, I want to praise and thank God Our Father for His care , help and protection in the events of this night. My son's motorcycle crashed tonight as the rear wheel bearings went bad, causeing the bike to lose control and flip into a ditch. Thankyou Father God that he only had a few bumps and...
  2. pickles

    For His Glory!!!

    Be still and know that I am God. We all spend alot of time here, sharing what is learned, interpitations, docturines, different scriptures... we often get into passionate debates, arguments, and sometimes worse... we all hope to witness to a revelation, that understanding given... sometimes we...
  3. pickles

    Forever Alone

    Ok, one last try at what I was trying to do. :) first cat photo..... followed by this.... God bless
  4. pickles

    Forever Alone

    God bless pickles
  5. pickles

    Forever Alone

    God bless pickles
  6. pickles

    update on friend's son and my daughter.

    Saddly, the tests came back for my friend's son , he has limphoma, they are now running tests to see how effected he is. She and I both had our children so close together, both now 23 yrs old, only a week apart, my heart aches for her right now, and the battles that they will be facing. But, I...
  7. pickles

    Lifting up Canada

    With the continued flooding and the runaway train, explosion and so many lives lost and damage that will take time to heal. I just wanted to call all here to set canada before God in Jesus's name for all help, healing, streangth and comfort poured out upon them. God bless pickles
  8. pickles

    something unusual? or a gift?

    Has anyone else had this happen? The last three weeks, everytime I work in my backyard garden, a small bird has kept me company. Now Ive had birds around me many times before, but they alway kept their safe distance of several feet. But this sweet little bird has landed next to me several times...
  9. pickles

    prayers asked

    First, for a good freind's son who showed up with an unusual swelling on his neck, they are waiting on the biopsy results. Please pray all is ok and all is just a simple benign growth. Also keep her husabnd in your prayers as he is getting worn down in careing for his sick mother and brother...
  10. pickles

    Chromium for depression, bypolar????

    Hopefully I spelled chromium correctly. :) My daughter saw her dr the other day about her medications and possible changes. She mentioned that since she started chromium, the healthy one, that her depression has improved dramatically. Her dr informed us that there have been several studies done...
  11. pickles

    For chronic, or just pain

    I know there are several here who like myself, live daily with chronic pain. Also for some there is that occasional pain. For the chronic pain, it is difficult to know what one can do to treat or manage the pain, and for occasional, the many choices can be overwhelming. Wether it will be...
  12. pickles

    Raising Chicken!

    Ok, hopefully this photo worked, but here are the ladies as I call them now. They are quite big, and getting bigger each day, we expect eggs any time now, hope hope! With all they eat, they love fresh geens the best, its time for them to earn their keep. Ill post when we see the first eggs...
  13. pickles

    Commited prayer needed

    I am asking for those willing, to please pray for my daughter. I believe that she needs a commitment of several days of prayer for many reasons, mostly because this has been set upon my heart in Jesus. She has multiple health issues, caused by a genetic disorder, the greatest right now is her...
  14. pickles

    facebook connection?

    Is there anyway to delete the face book connection? Ever since it was added to this site, it has caused issues with my computor, sometimes even causeing my computor to shut down because of the overload. I saw there is a connect option, but no disconnect option. I be greatful for any help, as...
  15. pickles

    prayer please

    Please keep my family and I in your prayers. We have been under attack the last few weeks, the thief is hard at work lately. Cannot get into details, but would be greatful for your prayers. Thankyou Jesus for crushing the thief under your foot ! Thankyou all and God bless pickles
  16. pickles

    update: my friend valerie...

    I just wanted tolet you all know that Val's leg is now healed and she is doing well.:) Thankyou Lord Jesus! I and Val wanted to thankyou all so much for your prayers, for trully God set His healing upon her. :) Again, thankyou and God bless pickles
  17. pickles

    If you thirst?

    Jn. 7:37 If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Sometimes with all the discussions, debates, theoligies, isms. We lose sight of the reasons and perpose that is Gods gift in Jesus. :) The goal sought in the scriptures and word. Simply, so we may never thirst again. :) please share a...
  18. pickles

    Please join me in a huge thankyou God!

    I just wanted to ask all to lift up with me a huge praise and thankyou Lord God! A bridge over the skagit river in our state just collapsed into the river. This is the most traveled interstate highways here, one we drive over often ourselves. Tonight, the I-5 bridge collapsed into the river...
  19. pickles

    For Valerie

    Would you please set Valerie before God in Jesus's name. She is a new friend, who has speant the last week in the hospital with cellulitis. She is finally home, but very little improvement. Asking in Jesus's name for all healing and comfort for her, and streangth for her mom who is careing for...
  20. pickles

    Raising Chicken!

    Well, my daughter surprised me today and came home with our chikens. :) Here are some pics, our cats just dont know what to do, they want the big birdies, but they cannot get to them. I had so much funjust watching them, it didnt take long for the chicks to make themselve at home. :) But they...