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  1. pickles

    Ive always liked this scripture....

    I have always liked this scripture, mostly because it explains alot about how Paul witnessed, and helps one understand better why he did as he did . All things to all men 1 cor.9: 19-23 19* Although I am not bound to anyone, I made myself the slave of all so as to win over as many as...
  2. pickles

    update on hands

    A little while ago I posted asking for prayer for my hands. I just wanted to give an update . Saw the reumetologist, and he diagnosed gout, and I started treatment about two weeks ago, I wanted to wait and see if the treament worked, and thankyou Jesus and all your prayers as the medication has...
  3. pickles


    Lately, there has been alot of talk about deceptions, pointing in every direction, towards many things, even other people. I was pondering this last night, wondering about what is or isnt, or how to disern better. Of course, first always is to trust in Jesus, for He says He will not let any...
  4. pickles

    The storm at sea

    Reading through the many postings here of late. One sees so much about how we need to do this, or need to do that. While reading some posts the storm at sea came to mind, where the apostles woke Jesus because they were afraid. Jesus responded , "why are you so fearful, have you no faith?" I like...
  5. pickles

    two requests

    I was asked by a friend to ask for prayers. Her friends daughter has a drug problem, this complicates the fact that her daughter has been dignosed with a brian tumor that needs treatment now. When the daughter learned she had to be hospitalised, she ran away. Please pray for this young woman to...
  6. pickles

    I hope....

    I hope Im not throwing a wrench in the already troubled engine of debate here.:o But, are not the law and commandments two different issues? Im saying issues for lack of a better word, sorry. :) But my understanding is that all are called to obey the commandments. And the law was given as a...
  7. pickles

    Have you noticed?

    Have you all noticed just how so many here have been facing so many struggles, attacks and challanges to our faith ? So many here seeing and going through simular situations. I trully believe that these are not times to despair, but to know and see the power of God in our lives, a time to give...
  8. pickles

    interesting numbers

    Ok, so maby it seems like I was bored, but I was really just curious. :) I just wanted to find out how many scriptures there were on these' This came from one of the bible look up sites, from the NIV, and may not be perfectly acurate, but is interesting. :)...
  9. pickles

    prayers would be hlepful

    In trying to keep a long story short, Ive always tried to love, understand and be patient and forgive. The thing is, this leads to many who will walk all over me and take advantage . Most of the time it has not mattered, but there are some who have really been just stomping on me for far to...
  10. pickles

    The joy of the Lord

    These two scriptures speak so well to... how great God's love for us is.... 54:10 Though the mountians leave their place and the hills be shaken. My love shall never leave you nor my covenent of peace be shaken, says the Lord, who has mercy on you and how His love is why we recive His...
  11. pickles

    Lifting up the east and west coasts

    I just wanted to ask all here to lift up in Jesus's name both the east and west coasts of the U.S. and for Canada. First the east coast, for hurricane sandy, as it has the potential to cause alot of damage and flooding, while traveling north to canada. The west coast for the 7.7 earthquake...
  12. pickles

    friend's prayer update

    A little while back, I posted a prayer request for a friend. A close friend of her's had been diagnosed with cancer, she asked prayer for this good man and his wife. Saddly the cancer did not respond to any treatment, so he has been sent home to die. She asks now for prayer for her friend, as he...
  13. pickles

    its really just a small request, but

    I know that things really do not matter when it comes to all we live in Jesus. But, today, while I was working in my garden, I lost an earing. The thing is, these earings were a mother's day gift 20 yrs ago from my family, and I love them so much. I wear them everyday and their gift meant so...
  14. pickles

    the merciless official

    Refrance Mathew 19: 21 the merciless official Im refering to this scripture as Jesus showed me last night how I had this in my heart. I am so greatful to God Our Father for His lovng chastizement. :) Its so easy to let ourselves think we are forgivng. I thought I had done this, but...
  15. pickles

    Fool proof stirfry

    I always had trouble making stirfry, the vegies were always soggy and the meat overdone, and the seasoning packs, well, it never was very good, even though my family was always good natured about it. I finally found a way to make stirfry that tasted as good as resturant made. This recipe is...
  16. pickles

    A simple prayer, hope! Hope!

    Because of the job market, my oldest daughter has had to make a 300 mile commute to and from work each week over the mountians. Winter has been the hardest. She has a job interview this week for a job that will have only a 3 mile commute and with a good employer. Please pray in Jesus's name...
  17. pickles

    sick computor

    I may not be online much as my computor is down with a viris. I just wanted to say I will continue to pray for all here in Jesus Christ is Lord. The computor I was borrowing is no longer availible, so not sure when Ill be here. Please say a healing prayer for my computor. :) Thankyou all so...
  18. pickles

    The whole word..every word...

    Reciently Ive noticed that we are speaking to or adding to another's post with the assumption that person is lacking . Sometimes causing misunderstandings , saddly even arguments. May we all in the love of Jesus, try to keep always in mind and heart that just as all the knowladge, wisdom...
  19. pickles

    prayer agreement

    My husband is having surgury this thursday to hopefully correct and heal a hearing and breathing problem. This will be his second surgury for this. Would you please come together in agreement in Jesus Christ is Lord come in the flesh, that the surgury will go well, for God to bless the drs...
  20. pickles

    Jn. 1: 1-5

    1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by Him; and with out Him, was not anything made that was made. 4 In Him was life and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in...