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  1. Seeker47

    Honoring all His children

    Many years ago, I married my childhood sweetheart. She is beautiful, gentle, loving, and Catholic. I was a protestant mess. In my heart I promised not to do anything that would interfere with her faith. If God could make such a wonder, I promised not to tamper. Despite of what we were told...
  2. Seeker47


    I especially love my Christian brothers and sisters, those beautiful people earnestly trying to learn and follow God's word. But I also find it very difficult to listen to sermons that only speak part of the truth. I have been known to sometimes enjoy the occasional fellowship while avoiding...
  3. Seeker47

    Would a protestant benefit from reading other denominations?

    There is a great risk in seeking and it should not be undertaken lightly. If you have a belief, but that belief is not firmly grounded in truth, seek first the truth. What you find will probably not be what you expect, and it can/will be difficult and concerning. It will, however be truth.
  4. Seeker47

    Jesus Christ Superstar

    When Paul was alive there was no "New" testament. That was not completed until about 300 hears after Yeshua. All references to scripture in the Second Testament is about the First Testament.
  5. Seeker47

    Another shooting. Defending the indefensible.

    In less than five years in the United States there have been four mass shootings committed by transgendered people. Transgendered persons make up about one half of one percent of the population. This works out to around 2.75 mass shootings per million transsexuals over four years. Suppose the...
  6. Seeker47

    Check your pulse....

    When I exit this earth I will leave behind people I love and care about very much. I pray they have a chance.
  7. Seeker47

    Check your pulse....

    If this doesn't frighten you you better.......
  8. Seeker47

    Another shooting. Defending the indefensible.

    There are some real heroes in Nashville. Running into fire is bravery beyond expectation. Running into fire from a high-powered rifle takes even more courage. The chances of dying were very high for those officers who charged the sound of gunshots anyway. Innocent lives were saved yesterday!
  9. Seeker47

    Jesus Christ Superstar

    Thank you for carefully reading my post. It was very difficult to write and I feared some would take individual words out of context. In no way do I want to be critical of any ones faith, yet I do believe some churches fail to preach the truth from the whole bible.
  10. Seeker47

    Jesus Christ Superstar

    Yes, the last book. Jesus is there the sword of God's vengeance. At his hand multitudes of those who oppose God will die as he swings his sword back and forth across the earth. At his hand the blood will flow neck-deep to a horse for nearly 200 miles. This is not the meek and mild Jesus many...
  11. Seeker47

    Jesus Christ Superstar

    I will probably get into trouble with this post, so let me begin with a disclaimer: YHWH the Father is the creator of all things good and Yeshua HaMashiach is his Son, my Lord. I especially love and honor those who believe and follow His word and do the very best they can to live according to...
  12. Seeker47

    First amendment scholarship

    I agree that no clause in the First Amendment (or anywhere else in the Constitution) should be considered in isolation to the whole. When we take a single concept out of it's context we run the risk of error and misapplication. The issue of abortion on demand is the perfect example of what...
  13. Seeker47


    I too believe there is no coincidence. A very wise man once told me that there is only one thing you need to seek. The understanding that Jesus Christ is the living son of God. Once you accept that, everything else comes in its time. Try not to get side-tracked. I have a prayer for you: "Oh...
  14. Seeker47

    I'm posssessed

    No your not. With all love and concern, you are not possessed, at least not in the traditional Christian sense. Opaque maybe.... Welcome to CC, I look forward to hearing more from you.
  15. Seeker47

    Village of Being

    Thank you!
  16. Seeker47

    Omitted verses.

    As I have mentioned before the KJV is my first book of reference, but even so I rely on none of the Second Testament translations to determine validity. For that test I find it necessary to reference the question against the First Testament. An example of a controversial passage is John...
  17. Seeker47

    Village of Being

    I'm not surprised, my brain is a little off-kilter... The "Laz" was meant to reference Lazareth, the poor beggar identified in Luke 16:20 while "D'Allmon" was a little homage to Charles Dickens and his character "Marquis St. Evrémonde". In this case Laz being a reference to "All Men". Thank...
  18. Seeker47

    Happy to join in the conversation

    Welcome to CC. Don't spend too much time LookingIn, spend it JumpingIn. (Oh I'm such a whit....) Lots of great people here and also an opinion or two to just keep you stimulated. :)
  19. Seeker47

    Village of Being

    A Father called to his son, “Go to the village, to the home of Laz D’Allmon And give him some fuel, For I hear he has been cold.” The son went to D’Allmon and spoke these words, “My father has heard your pleas, In his grace he wishes you well.” He gave him the fuel for his stove. D’Allmon was...