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  1. Seeker47


    Welcome to CC New Reinhard, praise Him you are here with a changed heart and redeemed soul. I am looking forward to hearing from you around the forums.
  2. Seeker47

    Prayers in the Bible

    This prayer is in Deuteronomy Ch. 21. This may be one of the most significant prayers for our times: 7. And they shall answer and say, "Our hands have not shed this blood, neither have our eyes seen it. 8. Be merciful, O Lord, unto thy people Israel, whom thou hast redeemed, and lay not...
  3. Seeker47


    Welcome to CC Ketura.
  4. Seeker47


    There is much more to this issue than a Chinese Balloon. First, are we to believe that a balloon, and remember this thing is huge, could possible invade our sovereign airspace without our prior knowledge? This item is perfectly capable of carrying a nuclear, biological or chemical weapon that...
  5. Seeker47

    Today is the Anniversary if Christian Bonhoeffer's birthday.

    I have no issue with Mr. Bonhoeffer at all. He was the one voice clearly heard in opposition to the Nazi regime. He spoke publicly, and repeatedly in opposition to Hitler's policies. He actually made trips to the US to address the churches response to what was happening in Europe. For the...
  6. Seeker47

    Today is the Anniversary if Christian Bonhoeffer's birthday.

    I did not intend my message to be indirect.
  7. Seeker47

    Today is the Anniversary if Christian Bonhoeffer's birthday.

    A few facts from the American Holocaust Museum: There were 44,000 concentration camps operated by the Nazi political régime between 1933 and 1945 There were more than 18,000,000 deaths in those camps including: @ 6,000,000 Jews @ 5,700,000 Soviet Civilians @ 3,000,000...
  8. Seeker47

    Today is the Anniversary if Christian Bonhoeffer's birthday.

    I'm not so sure the protestant church likes to remember Bonhoeffer. It makes them uncomfortable. Thanks for bringing this forward.
  9. Seeker47

    In your opinion

    Reading glasses, skilled surgeons and cookies.....
  10. Seeker47

    The noticed

    I love what you have written. Being pulled away and out of the world is a strange but real feeling. Things previously enjoyed diminish while other things just become repulsive over time, parts of the past included.
  11. Seeker47

    Is there hope for me ?

    "Is it possible that the last 10 years that i was living in sin have broken me to a point of no return?" No! Nope! It is amazing, it is true and it is hard to grasp with our minds, but no one is beyond the reach of our Lord. There are people in the Bible who were in way deeper than you...
  12. Seeker47

    Grace and Peace from California.

    Welcome to CC Esteban99. There are some great conversations here. I am sure you will receive blessings from the thoughts and prayers you find. Many of us started slow and cautiously. I do hope that as you browse and read topics on the forums you will find places to join in on the...
  13. Seeker47

    Greetings from Connecticut, USA

    I'm right there with you friend, welcome to CC. I hope you join in on some of the conversations here, we surely need your wisdom.
  14. Seeker47

    looking for good links related to study

    Agree, Agree, Agree! Bradford's classes are exceptional. I have found no one else who even comes close to explaining scripture is its historical, cultural and even linguistic context. Well worth the time.
  15. Seeker47

    Prayers needed

    Praying for you and your family.
  16. Seeker47

    New member

    Me too!!!! Welcome to CC. Looking forward to seeing you around.
  17. Seeker47

    Usury - Abuse of the Low Income Family

    I am old enough to remember when people were willing to charge a reasonable interest rate and were not so quick to take advantage of those in need. Somewhere along the way greed took their place. There are those charging well above the 22% rate you mentioned and I won't even go into the "Buy...
  18. Seeker47

    looking for good links related to study

    Thanks, that site looks very interesting.
  19. Seeker47

    Usury - Abuse of the Low Income Family

    I find this to be one of the most troubling posts I have read on CC in a long while. I want to say to this young family, "Don't go into debt!" They have no house payment. They are getting by as a family. They have somehow saved $5K; use that however you must. Lynx advice is sound. If...