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  1. Seeker47

    "The Chosen" flies gay pride flag on set

    (OK, I'll fall for the bait!) Once again were see the extreme "Christian" reaction to the nastiest of all sins, the sin worse than any other. A sin that can contaminate with just a mere glance from the corner of the eye. Adultery, lust, Greed, Blasphemy, Gambling, Drunkenness? We hear nary...
  2. Seeker47

    Overall health

    I am praying for you. More important; there is a God in heaven who knows you and loves you and cares deeply about what you are going through. I don't know your pain, but I do know your Savior. "Jesus wept." He also rose again bringing the believers in him.
  3. Seeker47

    "The Chosen" flies gay pride flag on set

    This thread is astonishing.....
  4. Seeker47

    The Gun Thread

    I have never used a palm swell. I did put a magazine extension on my Glock 26 .40 which gave a tremendous improvement in grip and control.
  5. Seeker47

    The Gun Thread

    Those are gorgeous...They look authentic on your Blackhawk!
  6. Seeker47

    What does Judaism teach with regard to the final destination of Jews & non-Jews?

    You are totally off-topic....and wrong!
  7. Seeker47

    What does Judaism teach with regard to the final destination of Jews & non-Jews?

    You are correct. My understanding is Judaism says very little about anyone's destination after death. The First Testament is vague on this topic and only makes a few allusions to life after death. One of the most common is "Going to live with your forefathers". For early Jews the focus was...
  8. Seeker47

    What does Judaism teach with regard to the final destination of Jews & non-Jews?

    Everyone and anyone who accepts Yeshua as their savior and puts their total trust in God the Father will be saved.
  9. Seeker47

    Be still

    "The stormy grip has been released, the roars the waves all has ceased. Eyes are opened with joy and love. One true gift that's from above." I especially love this line! It reminds me of Chapter 31 of C. S. Lewis Screwtape Letters where one devil writes to another about the death of a...
  10. Seeker47

    How can you talk to someone about issues between you, like a parent or a spouse, who you know has no issue lying to you?

    From your OP: "So you have to forgive them every time you confront them, even if there is no evidence of repentance or change in behaviour after." Yes, you do need to forgive those who sin against you but this does NOT require you to allow them to revictimize you. Forgiveness does not mean...
  11. Seeker47

    NYPD Cap

    The “checkered band” on hats worn by Chicago Police Department officers was introduced in May 1967 by Superintendent O.W. Wilson. The design was based on the three-layer “Sillitoe Tartan” first used in 1932 by the Glasgow Police Department in Scotland and named after Chief Constable Percy J...
  12. Seeker47

    Take a Breath

    One of the most frequent topics encountered on CC is the Faith/Works controversy. Its frequent appearance negates the need to review it further. Try this. First, inhale deeply and do not exhale. Hold it within yourself. You will come to understand; to do this is death. Next, exhale all the...
  13. Seeker47

    Is it immoral (offensive to God) to limited immigration?

    Does a man have the right to defend his home from someone trying to beak in? Is that unbiblical? If you are being attacked with a sword are you to turn the other cheek? If a thief demands your coat are you required to give them your firstborn too? Immigration is NOT the issue here, we have...
  14. Seeker47

    A Question

    There is a Heavenly Recipes forum that is well worth the time to explore.
  15. Seeker47

    A Question

    I too have buried pets and know how that feels. I thought I was pretty tough until I had to put one down. I ain't! I just see a culture marginalizing children, mothers and families and it makes me upset.
  16. Seeker47

    A Question

    I understand, but isn't the other side of anthropomorphizing their pets dehumanizing children....
  17. Seeker47

    A Question

    Does anyone else have an issue with the term "Fur Babies"... ...or am I in left field without a mitt again?
  18. Seeker47

    Hello everyone! I have a question as a growing Christian.

    If your faith doesn't hurt you a little, you are doing it wrong.
  19. Seeker47

    Stand Up to Jewish Hate a Myth?

    We Christians? Or some Christians? Point taken....
  20. Seeker47

    Stand Up to Jewish Hate a Myth?

    It's not possible to make an intelligent response to this stream. Define antisemitism. Is it hate? Is it opposition to the Israeli governments policies, is it support of a Palestinian nation, is it opposition to the "Jewish" faith (whatever that is)? We Christians are blind.