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  1. Seeker47

    Amazing Story

    Its really interesting. When you look at the genealogy of the 12 tribes it is pretty much impossible to trace DNA. Historically there was much mixing between the tribes. I have thought that God did this to prevent us from being prideful, thus ensuring we understand faith alone for salvation.
  2. Seeker47

    Amazing Story

    Numbers 5:11-3 deals with a rather strange test of fidelity for a married woman. It sounds very pagan and reminds one of water and fire torture tests used against believers. Apparently, adultery was a major problem among God’s People after they left Egypt so he issued these special...
  3. Seeker47

    They are my sons

    Glory and Honor to our King, from whom all good things flow.
  4. Seeker47

    Spouse Sanctified? Children Holy?

    It's one of my favorites and you ask a great question. I tend to take the Bible as written and try to avoid too much interpretation. The verse you mention is in the context of an believer who finds themselves married to an unbeliever. Paul says in his opinion the believer should not divorce...
  5. Seeker47

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    I m not defending Trump!!!! I don't like asking for forgiveness either, although I find the necessity more and more common as I grown in YHWH's word. Somehow, I thing He would prefer it too.
  6. Seeker47

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    "Trump supporters are mad because he wouldn't help Trump try to commit insurrection" Really? I didn't know that.
  7. Seeker47

    Pope Benedict has passed on

    There are other interpretations of Revelation 17. Your point of not repeating past errors is valid for all church organizations. They are all, in the end, human institutions.
  8. Seeker47

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    I did the same thing for a long time...forced to declare one poor choice or another, just for the privilege of voting. Lately I have changed. I find no party and no candidate trustworthy enough to place faith. The entire process is corrupt and evil, it is Babylon. It pains me to withdraw and...
  9. Seeker47

    A Few Quite Notes

    “When I look at this place, He is not here; and when I look at myself naturally I am not fit for Him. How happy then to know that I belong to the place where He is; and that in Him, through grace, I am made suited to Him in that new place above.” —J B Stoney Great Post!
  10. Seeker47

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    I'm from Indiana and was shocked when Trump chose him for VP. He was a turn-coat then and is still one now. Mike P will do anything to get himself elected. He endangered the public safety of every Hoosier to get himself in the Governors chair by making back-room deals for votes against the...
  11. Seeker47

    Savage God

    I too have struggled with that a little. Sometimes it seems like the consequences don't match the crime. One that I struggled with lately was the incineration death of the two sons of Aaron for presenting incense to the lord at the tabernacle entrance. Only when I came to realized the two...
  12. Seeker47

    Savage God

    One of the issues skeptics raise about Christianity involves the perceived savagery and violence of the First Testament. How can this be from a god of love and kindness? Part of this confusion rests on a lack of understanding of the political and cultural environment of that time. It is...
  13. Seeker47

    Christ kept the Law of Moses, so....

    Just a little clarification... I believe "The Law" Jesus spoke about were the laws God gave visually, audibly and physically to all his people gathered below him. In thunder, earthquake and lightning he gave 10 laws that are inviolate. This must be the basis for all Christian faith. Through...
  14. Seeker47

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    Why would you think we want him back in Indiana?:sick:
  15. Seeker47

    (POLL) What Is Christmas?

    My all-time absolute favorite. I cannot listen to that carol without my eyes beginning to glisten. Thanks for posting,
  16. Seeker47

    (POLL) What Is Christmas?

    Your post reminded me of the long ago time when I got to participate in a Christmas presentation of Handel's Messiah with full orchestra and large choir. The reaction of the audience is a precious memory I still carry. That event changed me in some small way.
  17. Seeker47

    Restore to Faith Project

    I hope neither of us identified them as enemies if we did it was unintentional. I don't believe we can help anyone overcome unbelief without first understanding the cause. Neither were we critical of the Clergy Project for their support of fallen pastors, they serve a legitimate function...
  18. Seeker47

    Restore to Faith Project

    I have read several of the "Testimonies" posted on the Clergy Project site. My first observation is that most of the non-believing clergy came from early strict fundamentalist/evangelical backgrounds against which they eventually rebelled. I also observed that many of them had difficulties...
  19. Seeker47

    Restore to Faith Project

    Those who are genuinely interested will take the time to investigate the facts. (Even though there may only be a few). The uninterested will not read the testimonies. IMHO as they say!
  20. Seeker47

    Restore to Faith Project

    I admire your courage for bringing up this issue. First and most important we are required to love these people and assist them in their struggles. From my cursory reading on the Clergy Project they provide support for former pastors who wish to "transition" away from the faith. I wonder...