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  1. Seeker47

    For the Father loves the Son.

    Please read my post, no part questioned the divinity of Yeshua. Note that I disavowed Wierwille. The point is this, if you do not know the Father, you cannot know the son. If you worship the Son with no knowledge of the Father you run the risk of idol worship. Yeshua can become an amulet or...
  2. Seeker47

    For the Father loves the Son.

    Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
  3. Seeker47

    For the Father loves the Son.

    I recently finished a book written by Victor Paul Wierwille titled Jesus Christ is not God. (Note: This is not an endorsement of his religious views.) The book is thoroughly documented with biblical quotes and makes sound arguments. It can be read at...
  4. Seeker47


    Great work....I enjoyed it!
  5. Seeker47

    New to site

    Welcome to CC Chatting. I am looking forward to hearing your perspectives. The exact words, "Deal with people honestly" may not appear just so in the Bible, but one cannot read any part of the Tanakh without concluding it is both central to the message and anything but a suggestion. About...
  6. Seeker47

    "Weaponize the Old Testament"

    Our Founding Fathers were well versed in both the First Testament and The Second Testament. Their Bible began with Genesis and ended in Revelation and they knew it all very well. They understood the difference between God the Father and Yeshua HaMashiach. Only later did the US begin using...
  7. Seeker47

    Retirement Plans

    I was care-giver for my brother through his gradual decline from being independent, to assisted living, to nursing home and though memory care. I know a little bit about what you write and I admire what you have accomplished.
  8. Seeker47

    Retirement Plans

    Babylon is growing and emerging...consuming more and more as we sleep.
  9. Seeker47

    "Weaponize the Old Testament"

    Yoram Hazony, president of Israel’s Herzl Institute and a major philosophical proponent of the “national conservatism” movement, says that Christians need to rediscover, and weaponize, the Old Testament. It was insufficient, Hazony argued, to teach the Gospels, because while they offered a path...
  10. Seeker47

    Retirement Plans

    You communicated perfectly what I tried to say.
  11. Seeker47

    Retirement Plans

    For many people the term "Retirement Plans" is an oxymoron......just sayin'.
  12. Seeker47

    HELLO !

    Welcome to CC Mama H. You are on of my absolutely favorite people. When my girls were little, I told them that if they ever got separated from us they were to go to the first woman they saw with children and tell them they were lost. (Thank God they never had too). Every time (almost), I...
  13. Seeker47

    Global Christianity Overview

    They are on my list to view.
  14. Seeker47

    Global Christianity Overview

    Fascinating video....well worth the time to watch and I hope many will. Thank you for posting.
  15. Seeker47

    Ever wonder Why?….

    Deut:29:29 (KJV) The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
  16. Seeker47

    Pyjama day

    This was a gift from my family who all think I am nutz.....
  17. Seeker47

    Who I am

    Sadly, I cannot fully disagree with Flexor. I do hope you stay engaged here even if a very few evangelicals hold strong opinions. The vast number of members can engage in discussions openly and respectfully. From reading your Intro we need your unique perspective and look forward to hearing...
  18. Seeker47

    There's Only One Race

    I do not believe YHWH confused the language to separate his people. The people were conspiring to glorify themselves instead of glorifying the one to whom all glory is due. As you correctly observed, "...we divided into different ethnic groups." He is not the source of our division, that is...
  19. Seeker47

    There's Only One Race

    "Olive-colored" is a purely subjective description, as good as any other. Call it whatever you want your premise remains true.