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  1. Seeker47

    Inspirational Images

    This was my favorite picture from that challenge. We can be broken by life, battered and abused; unable to rise out of bed with matted hair and broken teeth but we are never lost.
  2. Seeker47

    Inspirational Images

    In a bible study, the class was shown a picture that was a person at the instant they knew the truth and understood they were lost forever. We were challenged to find an opposite picture, one of a person at the moment they saw heaven and knew it was their eternal destination.
  3. Seeker47

    Needing Advice On How Much Free Labour to Give A Pastor.

    He is placing his personal benefit above that of his followers, he cannot possibly be preaching truth.
  4. Seeker47

    Needing Advice On How Much Free Labour to Give A Pastor.

    I must note that Paul refused to take payment for any of his sermons. At one point he even took on the work of a tanner, the worst and most disrespected labor of his time, to support himself during his mission. Your husband was deceived by this "Pastor". His heart was in the right place...
  5. Seeker47

    Holy Days

    Please know; I do not expect nor desire to change your views. I give them full respect. I am, rather, addressing your question as best I can. I generally refrain from using out-of-context bible quotes to "prove" a point. Also by your question it appears you have already dismissed the entire...
  6. Seeker47

    Holy Days

    My aim is to keep all Gods word. Now "in spirit and truth" as he instructed. That's what my post was all about.
  7. Seeker47

    Holy Days

    I do not find it difficult to understand why the "unchurched" find the "churched" so unforgiving.
  8. Seeker47

    Holy Days

    As I stated, these have been elevated by Yeshua from the physical to the spiritual. My entire post, largely ignored, addressed that very issue. And for those of you accusing me of being judgmental, please show me where! Thank you.
  9. Seeker47

    Holy Days

    You are most certainly not a stick-in-the mud, in fact we absolutely agree. God gave us these special occasions to help us keep thanksgiving, confession and awareness of his presence in our minds every day. He gave us other tools for the same purpose but they too remain ignored and rejected...
  10. Seeker47

    Holy Days

    We are approaching the most holy days of God’s year. It begins on October 2nd with the Feast of Trumpets, continues through the Day of Atonement; and is completed with the Feast of Tabernacles on October 17th. These holy days were first given as physical celebrations with specific and...
  11. Seeker47

    Reading the entire Bible

    I prefer to not read he Bible straight through. For me, I would miss many of the wonders and mysteries that are woven throughout God's word. I "bunny hop" at every opportunity. Reading the prophets, for example, requires an understanding of Torah and I find myself frequently bouncing around...
  12. Seeker47


    Only once since I got up this morning....I'm getting better!
  13. Seeker47

    Matthew 28:19

    I absolutely agree with your statement: "Every church really should have a ministry of dedicated people to take care of visiting and helping the needy. " Very few churches have operational plans in place to appropriately meet, greet and mentor visitors.
  14. Seeker47

    Matthew 28:19

    These two events happened to me this month. Over the years I became friends with an elderly couple who attend church. They are honest, loving Christians who sincerely try to live according to God’s commands. They’re the kind of people everyone loves and wants to be around. But both have been...
  15. Seeker47

    Only 1 Truth with GOD.

    Welcome to CC TheReal1. I agree God's word has been twisted away from truth and made to fit human understanding. This is also what happened to both Juda and Israel before their destruction. The warning of the prophets are just as valid today as 2800 years ago. They just need to be read. It...
  16. Seeker47

    What are the angels?

    We are ideed Elohim, higher in status to all other Elohi.
  17. Seeker47

    God's Name

    I use God’s name, YHWH, often. While his name is used more than 6500 times in the oldest Hebrew Bible, it is rarely used in English translations. (The exception is Youngs Literal Translation (YLT).* In place of his name, titles are used. The most common are God or Lord, but the titles El...
  18. Seeker47

    What are the angels?

    I cannot recommend a book....sorry. Angels are but one of several spiritual beings mentioned in the bible. They are usually jointly referred to as Elohim which does translate "Spiritual Beings." Sorry, my post got decapitated: I cannot recommend a book....sorry. Angels are but one of...
  19. Seeker47

    What Happened To Me?

    Great poem! I especially respond to these lines: All the things I acquired In spree after spree, Were in actuality Acquiring me. The older I get the more I see truth here.
  20. Seeker47

    How to Build a Modern Church

    Required Disclaimer: Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior. To Him is due all glory and honor. Nothing I say or believe intentionally diminishes his Holiness or Worthiness. That said: I avoid using quotes or short passages to justify my beliefs. I can quote many passages from many...