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  1. Seeker47

    Question regarding prayer

    You started by indicating some degree of difficulty studying the bible. That should not trouble you at all. If you accept Yeshua as your Lord and Savior and the Son of the Living God, you have His truth written in your heart. You know Him. I am surely NOT saying to stop doing your best to...
  2. Seeker47

    IOC and Paris

    Oh, it ticks me off too! We know from the bible that love is not an emotion, it is action. So too, hate is what people do. Paris was an act of hate. When you hate God it doesn't ever end well.
  3. Seeker47

    IOC and Paris

    As a follower of Yeshua, I seek no apology from the International Olympic Committee or from Paris for it's abusive attack on Christianity. We all know that is what will happen and we rejoice and are glad. The people who deserve a sincere apology are the athletes. These people of all nations...
  4. Seeker47

    A new member here Stephen piper, priest in a church !

    Welcome stephenpiper, I am glad you are hear. There is much to enjoy on this site and maybe a little to make you scratch your head. I hope you jump right in!
  5. Seeker47

    A Call to Holiness

    Well done! I enjoyed reading and contemplating the words.
  6. Seeker47

    The Eschatology of Israel

    Wow, thank you for this breath of truth. The modern day practice of ignoring the First Testament causes a great deal of error and misunderstanding and leads many away from the truth. Great post!
  7. Seeker47

    Protestantism. Is it over?

    Where is "expository Bible preaching" happening? Surely not main-line protestant churches nor evangelicals... I am not trying to be deliberately argumentative, but in my community there are none. There is tons of grace and love being preached, but not an ounce of judgement and wrath. We are...
  8. Seeker47

    ...but what do you say?

    The comment was made in reference to Hosea 8:4-6. His point is that any false worship is idol worship. The implications of this are pretty severe.
  9. Seeker47

    ...but what do you say?

    I recently heard a man make this statement: “If we do not worship God as He told us, then we are worshiping a false god”. I admit this made me uncomfortable; as truth often does. I am curious, what do others think about this statement?
  10. Seeker47

    Shabbat Shalom

    I read the Bible some, but have yet to find the passage where God tells us what he did on that very first Shabbat. I’ll keep looking, but like to think he slept-in a little. He gets up in time for a mid-morning tee time and His best ever round of golf. He has a leisurely lunch and spends the...
  11. Seeker47

    Today can be a Sabbath day, can't it?🤔

    God is too smart to declare any single day as a day of worship. He expects worship on every day. He knows that when we declare ONE day as day of worship, that is exactly what we will do. Modern Christians are masters at worshiping on one day. He did declare six days for corporate worship...
  12. Seeker47

    The allegory of the 2 laws with Abraham’s 2 wives

    I respect what you have written. This obviously has taken considerable time and effort. I believe there is significant point that is overlooked in your post. Paul is not writing about Torah, given by God on Sinai. He is instead talking about the perversion of the law that had become the...
  13. Seeker47

    Pilgrimage series

    When someone identifies a "celebrity" for me I automatically shut them off. There are celebrities in this world, but they are never identified as such by popular culture. My celebrities are never known to the world, but only to the hungry, lost, lonely, isolated, sick and marginalized.
  14. Seeker47

    Coming out of Denominational Churches

    Several. I was raised in a "main stream" protestant church and rejoined another when my children were small. I even served as a Deacon before they became liberal. I then tried attending evangelical churches (2) that were affiliated with protestant organizations. I know I will face the...
  15. Seeker47

    Coming out of Denominational Churches

    I have had several bad experiences in the Denominational Church, but I don't hate them. The leaders of these churches absolutely refuse to hear or to acknowledge their own sin so repentance is impossible. They preach to you but not to themselves. It's all about power and money (Babylon)...
  16. Seeker47

    What Is There to Look Forward to in Life "After You Reach a Certain Age"?

    God does not need us for anything! Yet throughout our lives he has continuously asked us to give the control to him. Why? Most of us cling to our self will, refusing to let go. We do things our own way because we believe we know what is best for us. Our self-clinging souls may well live its...
  17. Seeker47

    Pot stirring

    Your toes are getting warm.....
  18. Seeker47

    I don’t care how realistic and gloomy the world is, why do people keep harping on negativity with the news?

    Wisdom from the Original Testament and the Second Testament: Jeremiah 51:45-47 45 “Come out of her, my people! Run for your lives! Run from the fierce anger of the Lord. 46 Do not lose heart or be afraid when rumors are heard in the land; one rumor comes this year, another the next, rumors of...
  19. Seeker47

    Do we know how Yeshua lived his life?

    I find this fascinating. There is a passage from the Mishnah that lists the following stages of a man's live: At five years of age, reading the Bible At ten years, learning the Mishnah At thirteen years, bound to the commandments At fifteen, study of the Talmud At...
  20. Seeker47

    Where the Heavens Drop Dew.

    Dry, dust blown patch of sand and scorched earth, Fallow and empty as long as recalled. Abandoned, unwanted, visited but rarely by lost, wandering shepherds, Rushing their flock quickly past, seeking greener pastures. Yet The Herdsman came and marked its boundaries, Erecting stone markers and a...