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  1. Seeker47

    How to Build a Modern Church

    Until the church is willing to take a long, hard look at itself, especially in light of scripture; much false doctrine will continue it infiltrate Christianity. The western church preaches repentance but rejects that concept for itself. In my experience the church will marginalize anyone who...
  2. Seeker47

    Wife's past

    It is implied in your post that you were aware of her past when you took her as your wife. If this is true and if she has remained faithful since your marriage, you need to remember, you have made a covenant with her and with God. That covenant includes the promise that nothing short of...
  3. Seeker47

    Suicide and overdoses DON'T mean you will go to hell!

    A respectful question. Who makes God sound harsh and unempathetic in the old (First) testament? His very first act, creation, is an act of love and grace. (Did we do anything to earn it?) That theme is continual throughout His word. His justice for the faithful and His wrath for evil have...
  4. Seeker47

    Suicide and overdoses DON'T mean you will go to hell!

    There is a big difference between suicide and assisted suicide. Assisted suicide is deliberate murder. God's penalty for that crime is clear.
  5. Seeker47

    Suicide and overdoses DON'T mean you will go to hell!

    No rebuttal, agreement! It is a huge mistake to put God in a human box. God is God and we will never fully understand his grace, his mercy or his wrath. Suicide is a sin, so is an accidental overdose. In both cases someone as rejected God. But not all sin is the same (read the bible...
  6. Seeker47

    so what actually happened - worship wars early 80's to late 90's or so

    Neither Praise and Worship nor music are the issues. (Some of you already said that.) The issues are much deeper. The turmoil, perhaps first noticed in 80's and 90's, really began in 1966. Then, following a long period moral decline, the nation fully turned it's back on God's law, breaking...
  7. Seeker47

    All my Prayers Answered

    I asked God, To ease suffering. He answered! I asked God, To end hunger. He answered! I asked God, To protect his people. He answered! I asked God, To bless my family. He answered! I asked God, To forgive my sins. He answered! I asked God, For world peace. He answered! “Where did you leave...
  8. Seeker47

    An open question for any and all who believe the US needs to officially become a Christian nation

    I never liked Joe Biden, ever. But I must admit that his endorsement of Kamala after the coup was absolutely brilliant. 'Bama and Killery are eating their tongues right now!
  9. Seeker47

    An open question for any and all who believe the US needs to officially become a Christian nation

    ...and I wish with all my heart that this nation would turn and once again follow God's word!
  10. Seeker47

    An open question for any and all who believe the US needs to officially become a Christian nation

    There a vast difference between a Christian Theocracy (OP) and following God's word.
  11. Seeker47

    An open question for any and all who believe the US needs to officially become a Christian nation

    An absolutely a terrible idea, has this been thought through? Who decides what "Christianity" is? In our 2000+ years of struggle we have still not answered that question. What constitutes a "Christian"? How is it measured and what are the essential elements to make a "Christian"...
  12. Seeker47

    The choices in 1 Samuel 8

    With election hype in full flower, what are our responsibilities to YHWH, especially in light of 1 Samuel 8. In that chapter, the people foolishly rejected God and demanded a King. Do we run that same risk by trying to elect a leader instead of trusting God? Just a couple of thoughts on...
  13. Seeker47

    God's Sovereign LAW

    I agree in part. God's law, His natural law, precedes Adam. The bible says His law is evident in His creation. But any "Rights" God bestows are within the parameters of His law. Our freedom under the law is not restricted only by the rights of others. It is established by the Almighty...
  14. Seeker47

    God's Sovereign LAW

    His law is his commandments. The bible states his Torah (law) is written on the hearts of those who do not know the Torah.
  15. Seeker47

    How to Build a Modern Church

    It's been a long journey. I was raised in a traditional denominational church and raised by children there too. But there have always been questions just floating beneath the surface. A dozen years ago I was forced to retire to be a caregiver. I had lots of spare time and began a serious...
  16. Seeker47

    Do not vote for Trump

    If you read the First Testament carefully you will learn something very important. We are held responsible for out personal sins, but also have to accept responsibility for our corporate sins. I do not think we have the option to sit back and let God do it. Not personally and not...
  17. Seeker47

    Do not vote for Trump

    ....but what is our option?
  18. Seeker47

    How to Build a Modern Church

    I absolutely love the people sitting in the pews doing their best to do God's will. I frequently join them. But much of the western church has gone "off-the-rails". This needs to be discussed.
  19. Seeker47

    How to Build a Modern Church

    First, cleave God’s word in half with a sword. This is the absolutely necessary first step. Separate the bible into two nearly equal half-loafs. Label one loaf “old” and the other “new.” It is then a short and easy jump to “obsolete” and “modern;” or perhaps “worthless” and “essential.”...
  20. Seeker47

    Great to meet you all. Meindert from the Netherlands/Croatia.

    Welcome Meindert! I am looking forward to hearing more from you. Your introduction was very well written!