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  1. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    Umm, wasn't Rome sacked, wasn't Constantinople sacked? Did not blood flow in the streets then? Were Christians then kicked to the curb? Asking for a friend....
  2. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    Please remember dear friends, the OP was not about keeping the feasts but about the near total silence about the feasts among modern Christian Church.
  3. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    There are spiritual and physical fulfillments of prophesy. Nearly everything YHWH did was on both levels. One does not negate the other IMHO.
  4. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack but even a cursory reading of the First Testament should make it clear that not all prophesy is a one-and-done. Ezekiel's prophesy about the restoration of Israel is just one example of many.
  5. Seeker47

    The Sin of Pride

    Pride is not a sin, it is "The Sin." Pride is the mother of all sins, from pride flows every sin that was ever conceived or committed. It is the cause of satan's fall and the single weapon he has to use against God's people. Pride is placing ourselves above God, just like he did. (But I...
  6. Seeker47

    Were boomers the hard workers of our country?

    I don't think it is "Boomers" who don't help with the grandkids. I know many "Boomers" who are raising the GKids by themselves because the parents are unwilling. If anything, we raised a few narcissistic children.
  7. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    I did study and prayerfully consider your statement. It involved more than anticipated, I went down a rabbit hole on this one. It is obviously true that many of God’s commands were directed to the Nation of Israel and as such were fulfilled and completed by the grace of Our Lord. Few...
  8. Seeker47

    Hello! I just joined this time yesterday...

    Welcome Hoosier1965, from one affirmed member of "Fly Over" country to another. I myself live in Cornfield County, just south of Beanville. Looking forward to some more common sense here! ;)
  9. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    Not sure I said that. We were charged by Yeshua to work for and bring into being God's Kingdom on Earth. We know Christ will return and establish his temporary millennial Kingdom and, in the end God's Eternal Kingdom will be stablished. That's about all I know about kingdoms. There is much...
  10. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    You are right. The feasts serve to remind us that the reality has indeed appeared; the first 4 feasts (the spring feasts) have been fulfilled and we rejoice. The final feasts point to the fulfillment of that reality with the return of Our Savior and the establishment of His Fathers Kingdom...
  11. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    I am not advocating keeping the feasts, I too believe this is an individual choice and not an issue of salvation. That being said, my question was about the complete silence of the church about the feasts and their importance in understanding Jesus, his mission and especially the end times...
  12. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    I am no expert, but if you consider all the feasts in their order, I think it very well may be the final in-gathering of believers. The feasts (at least to me) lead up to Christ's second coming, the culmination of history, when all believers will be gathered.
  13. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    In Exodus 12:14 and in Leviticus 23 the instructions are from God.
  14. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    I am prayerfully considering your reply. Thank you!
  15. Seeker47

    A Question about The Feasts

    I know keeping God’s appointed feasts is not a requirement for salvation. That is not the issue… …but why does Christ’s church totally disregard His instructions? “These are the Lord’s appointed festivals, the sacred assemblies you are to proclaim at their appointed times…” “This is to be a...
  16. Seeker47

    Life As A Christian In The Middle Of Europe

    Welcome to CC Dr3amer, We are glad you are here. Your post is fascinating....and frightening! I have been told many times that what happens in Europe is a foretaste of what will eventually happen in the US. That appears to be true, at least in the denominational churches. There are still...
  17. Seeker47

    Find a smile

    You write very powerful words. They are hard words that surely come from hard experiences. No one can adequately answer your questions, ultimately they are between you and God. They are questions we all ask, some time or another. I believer in an all powerful God who knows what he is doing...
  18. Seeker47

    just write,think if if your self

    Writing in rhyme or rhythm is a skill I just do not possess. When writing, I usually have no clear idea where it is going. The writing process becomes independent, it goes where it goes and takes me with it. When considering scripture, I find the best way to understand its meaning is to try...
  19. Seeker47

    Some final thoughts on "Our Father"

    “Give us this day our daily bread.” This is a hard lesson. Note the petition is to give “us.” This pronoun includes ourselves and others. It is not a prayer for “my” bread, or a prayer for what “I Need," but a prayer for all God’s children to be nourished and maintained. At creation, God...
  20. Seeker47

    What do you do in the waiting period on God.

    "How can I be happy in the wilderness." There is only one way I know of and it has worked for me. Find someone who is hurting and in need, then give all that you are able to help and comfort them. Focus on helping another one of God's hurting children with all your heart and soul and...