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  1. H

    dating someone who is not Christian ?

    So what is like dating someone who's not a Christian? Last year, around this time, I went out with a woman who I thought was a Christian. She talked about being spiritual (red flag, looking back on it, today) but that was as far as I went before we called it off. Her attitude was different...
  2. H

    Advice for a lonely single

    First off, good girl for not wanting to sell yourself off and actually waiting for marriage to sleep with another man! As a guy myself, it's hard meeting women who actually want to hold off until they know they're with a good man. Secondly, I have friends that had bragged about how they slept...
  3. H

    How do you meet other Christian women during Covid?

    The sentiment is still there and it can also apply to godly women out there. Heck, it can apply to any godly person for that matter, with the only real change is don't try to please an ungodly person, like this, by changing your ways, especially when they're unhappy with their own lives and they...
  4. H

    How do you meet other Christian women during Covid?

    Well that's what it is. It's not club dancing, it's ballroom. I would never do clubs. Just as a bad, if not worse, than a dive bar setting.
  5. H

    How do you meet other Christian women during Covid?

    Gentlemen, these are the type of women (and I'm assuming this is a woman who commented) you NEED to avoid if you want to live a good and godly life. They proclaim to be Christians and know what a man needs. I've encountered women like this before, and all they do is want to bring you down and...
  6. H

    How do you meet other Christian women during Covid?

    I'm sure He will because you seem like a good guy who knows what he wants. Just remember: nothing ventured, nothing gained. And don't be discouraged if you don't right away. I'm 35 years old single man, and I had run ins with women who I thought might have been "the one" only to find out that...
  7. H

    How do you meet other Christian women during Covid?

    I forgot to mention this in my post: Worst place, imo, to meet a Christian woman is a bar. There's nothing wrong with going to a winery because the crowds there want to have fun and enjoy themselves, or a place where they do serve alcohol but is much more upscale and care about the...
  8. H

    How do you meet other Christian women during Covid?

    It's hard to meet godly women nowadays that want to go out with godly men, let alone just simply meeting for like a coffee. Last woman I was interested in was a pastor's daughter and when I asked her out, she gave me the dreaded 'I don't know' answer, only to find out a week later that she was...
  9. H

    How to say "she's not interested in you" to a cousin I have

    That'll be the best route to go. As I mentioned before, I went through much of what he's going through, and I had read up on other men's experiences who had the same things happen to them. They're not villains or anything. They're all just normal guys who want to be with good women. What...
  10. H

    How to say "she's not interested in you" to a cousin I have

    I have no interest in this woman, especially when I just met her. I believe that she IS a flirt and is able to corral men to pay attention to her. I got invited to go and watch her perform by my cousin because he asked me to tag along. He had told me about her, anyway, so I figured I'd go and...
  11. H

    How to say "she's not interested in you" to a cousin I have

    I have this cousin, John, that I have been doing things with lately. John has given his life to Christ, a good man, and a hard worker. He's 54 years old and never been married. His only real issue is he's a little socially awkward (not special needs, please don't misunderstand). Other than that...
  12. H

    Still a virgin

    Yes to all of this. I dated a woman last summer that had all sorts of issues. Incest when she was a kid, daddy issues, abuse and rape from one of the guys she was going to marry, all sorts of stuff. Along with these things, I found out she's a not Christian and she did talk about sex. We never...
  13. H

    Still a virgin

    If you haven't noticed, I love ballroom dancing. Of course, if you would have asked me 2 or more years ago, I would have thought this kind of stuff is for people who are odd and very snobby. I don't think that anymore because, as a lead dancer in a ballroom, you NEED to have confidence. It shows...
  14. H

    Still a virgin

    Your welcome. I've had discussions about dating and marriage with one of my family members for awhile now. I'm no relationship/dating expert, but what I know about ballroom dancing is it does help give better insight on how someone feels towards you, and not just in a physical sense. Manners...
  15. H

    Something good I learned and am learning about relationships.

    There's always room to learn, regardless of age and experience. That includes both you and me. I'm still learning and it will never end. I'd rather it be that way because it helps me grow in faith and my social life. The only thing I wish that I should have learned sooner was how to my...
  16. H

    Still a virgin

    This is an interesting question, and forgive me if I misunderstand it. Let me try to break it down. Starting with the man, confidence is a big deal. Women love men who are confident in themselves, from beliefs all the way to work habits. Confidence also affects a man's personality and how they...
  17. H

    Something good I learned and am learning about relationships.

    I already went through a life time of disappointment, and I have already received God's spirit and His grace. Otherwise, I would have given up a long time ago. Otherwise, I wouldn't have posted this thread. If there's anything I'm learned from this forum, as good as what it is at what it's...
  18. H

    Crippled, Cannot Work,Cannot Marry, living miserably with sexual desire

    Okay, so based on everything I've read, and assuming everything you is truthful (which I'm trusting it is), let's see how this can help: 1. Pray. Remember, we're on God's time and His schedule. Every good thing you want to happen will not happen right away. Patience is needed for an answer (and...
  19. H

    Something good I learned and am learning about relationships.

    For sure, and it's not my intention to do so. I see him and, if I continued down that road of pursuing the person that I only think "maybe she likes me" instead of knowing that she does (and you can tell if they do), I would be stuck the rest of my life with heartbreak over and over again. It...
  20. H

    Something good I learned and am learning about relationships.

    Hmmm, you might be on to something there. I'll have to ask him what kind of songs she sings. At the same time, skydiving lady can dance and she's part of a roller derby league. She can fight all his battles. SHE'S PERFECT FOR HIM!!!!....... I don't know. I figured she would be far more...