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  1. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    Well, if you're not against/hate me, take back what you said about me being arrogant, ignorant and a fool on this subject. And while you're at it, take back this accusation that I have a persecution complex. I would then ask for an apology for the name calling and these implications that...
  2. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    Makes you wonder if these people, even though they may have read the Bible, actually understand what it's saying. One thing the person you're talking to missed, and I believe is just important as worshiping the Lord and believing in the resurrection of Christ, is having a personal relationship...
  3. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    No, we're not agreeing. I read through it all again, and there's no where that she say's "WOW, I THINK SO TOO, WE'RE ON THE SAME PAGE!" Quite the opposite. She actually calls me arrogant and ignorant, so I'm failing to see where we're in agreement on this subject. So now, you're just straight up...
  4. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    And you calling me arrogant, stupid, and ignorant isn't attacking me? Yeah, just beat me down because I gave an opinion that contradicts what you guys said. That's the Christ like thing to do, right? For self- proclaimed Christians, you guys really don't want to take the time to listen nor look...
  5. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    First off, thank you for being civil. My intention is here isn't to go out and downright disrespect anyone nor an entire group. What I've seen in the world today is there are too many people who say things that they don't believe. Many of them, sadly, consider themselves Christians or will quote...
  6. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    I don't know how I'm being arrogant because this is all coming from experience. I think you're being ignorant here and doing so willfully, just like the other person. And I. no, I'm not personally attacking attacking anyone. I'm making observations and calling out people, based on what they...
  7. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    Or it could be you bring nothing to the table, which, again, proves my points of what I said earlier, about being condescending and you not hearing the answer you wanted to hear but rather needed to hear. In addition to that, you seem extremely offended that I even bring this up. My "limited"...
  8. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    You blew off what I wrote up on here, and you're proving my point on how many people who proclaim themselves to be Christians are looked at as judgmental and people will paint ALL Christians and our faith as such. Seriously, you just didn't read it at all. Either that or you don't understand...
  9. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    So putting me down because you didn't get the answer you want rather than the answer that needed to be said. And things I said, it sounds to me you're intentionally twisting what I was saying, like strive to good. You know exactly what I meant, so don't pretend like you needed to correct me. You...
  10. H

    What makes a "Good Christian"?

    As someone said a little earlier, there are no good people, hence no good Christians. We're all sinners, and that's the take away from the faith. We all do things that are sins and will continue to do so. Jesus that people were going to falter, and it's the reason that He had said to love and...
  11. H

    Response to "A Gentleman"

    Not much in terms in criteria on my end: -given their life to Christ and living in His ways -enjoys having fun -share many of the same interests -cares for others and themselves I really don't care what their income is, the type of work they're in (so long as it's legal and ethical), their...
  12. H

    Response to "A Gentleman"

    I get what you guys are saying, and yes, as I mentioned (if anyone actually read it, and I apologize for the snark), it's not all women, and many times men do this. I really don't know where anyone was getting the implication that it's all women, but whatever. Just understand, from a guy who has...
  13. H

    Response to "A Gentleman"

    This isn't a bash on the author of the thread, nor is it an attack on what the point of the thread was about. I believe there is good that this thread was meant to bring out, but being a guy who had been rejected, stood up, mocked, made to wait, and accused of allegations that are false, a lot...
  14. H

    A Gentleman

    I would change the wording out a bit, and say "what are the qualities of a good man." That's just me, but I understand where it's going. Anyway, all these qualities I'm seeing listed by women on here sound great. It's like what you would normally see in normal men, so most of them should...
  15. H

    For the People Who Champion Lifetime Singleness - What's Your Advice for Dealing with Single Sexuality?

    This one's tough to explain for myself, but I'll give it a whirl: So where I'm at right now, I'm no longer trying to pursue women. Turned out, all along, if I wanted to get into any potential relationships, I shouldn't, as they say, simp over them. It makes you look desperate and weak, and all...
  16. H

    What's the point of marriage ?

    Just to finish off my monster essay from earlier, I wanted to throw something else out there because I think I know where you're coming from on this and I hope this gives some level of comfort: The apostle Paul mentions that it can actually be better, in some cases, to remain single. You would...
  17. H

    What's the point of marriage ?

    Interesting topic: What I've seen with marriage, nowadays, it's no longer a commitment with both your spouse and God, but rather it's a contest of who can show off the most and the best. "HEY, LOOK AT MY PERFECT LIFE! LOOK HOW MANY PHOTOS I POSTED OF ME, MY SPOUSE, MY KIDS, ALL MY LUXURIES...
  18. H

    The Dating Age Range.

    That's true, and I don't know where she necessarily stands on faith. But there's a chance I'll be finding out soon. I've been talking to one of the other ladies up at this place, and we are looking at the possibility of getting our group together at a winery where there's music and a dance...
  19. H

    The Dating Age Range.

    I just realized that this thread was made in 09... whoops. It had just shown up on my feed here and I should have looked at that closer.
  20. H

    The Dating Age Range.

    Really all depends, I guess. Right now, I'm not looking for anyone, although, there is a woman (42) in my ballroom dance class that is older than I (35) that might be interested in me. Good looking, too, and very nice. Anyway, it depends on their maturity along with other factors. I've met...