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  1. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Caring enough to take the time to educate yourself isn't boring. Thinking others need to do for you what you clearly don't care to do for yourself is tragic . Blaming others for that fault is pathetic.
  2. B

    There Will Be No Future Millennium On This Earth, A False Teaching Of Man

    It's over a year old. Maybe ask, why was a dead year+ old thread like this sought out and revived?😳
  3. B

    There Will Be No Future Millennium On This Earth, A False Teaching Of Man

    For me it strikes as a bit odd that a contrary teaching of man denies scripture as a false teaching of man. It's a wait-n-see. Someone is wrong.
  4. B

    Lost sheep trying to find her way back

    Like the prodigal son there too are daughters who left the father for whatever reason. I don't think it would be unusual that bad teachings,pastors, would be one such reason . At least your experience told you what not to accept. As a false leading, you'll be better able to discern what is...
  5. B

    can you guys post something funny please?

    Sure, go a head.🤪LOL
  6. B

    Memorial Day Weekend Chase Bank Shut down!

    This off line thing with Chase happened this afternoon. A Hardware store was filling our purchase orders for on site customer purchases, by hand! Recording the customers credit card information, front and back of the card, or the debit card. How's that work? They can't check to see if the...
  7. B

    Research: Majority of Americans Believe Works Are the Key to Salvation

    Wouldn't this "research" necessarily presume the people polled are actual Christians? When the research outcome would say otherwise . We don't work to attain or retain our Salvation. The good works we do as Saints are in service to God's will for us. Not to persuade God to keep us in his grace.
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    J.M. Smucker is recalling some Jif peanut butter products due to salmonella

    Are theot codes lot codes 1274425 through 2140425 ?
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    J.M. Smucker is recalling some Jif peanut butter products due to salmonella FYI, for all of our peanut butter fans.
  10. B

    I led him to Christ, what should he do next?

    You led him to Christ?
  11. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    I think we have to take into account there are those here who's allegiance is to the Catholic church, or a particular denomination's teachings.
  12. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Paid over 2000 years ago. Faith and Salvation due to his sacrifice is now a free irrevocable gift for those whom God leads to himself. No one comes to Jesus unless the father draws them.
  13. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Do you get the feeling our site has become an atheist trolls magnet?:devilish: :unsure::cry:
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    Memorial Day Weekend Chase Bank Shut down!

    So, I left work today because Chase Bank credit and debit processing systems are down. Walmart and various other stores using the Chase system are down. Unless a store can process their own credit card, shoppers can only pay with cash. On a three day banking holiday weekend! o_Oo_O...
  15. B

    Truth or Traditions of men

    You cracked up laughing? You are what God labels a fool. God's word is not mocked. Stop!
  16. B

    Truth or Traditions of men

    Also, we know Jesus wasn't in his same body after resurrection. Because after Mary arrived at his tomb ready to finish preparing it for its rest after Sabbath she found it empty. The man she saw moments later, the arisen Jesus, was not recognized by her. She thought him the gardner. If Jesus...
  17. B

    If you could live anywhere ON EARTH, where would you live and why?

    Ohh, MM did more than that. She was sleeping with Bobby and John. There too is the doctors at the time saying they had no idea she'd taken 4 nembutal prior to doctors giving her some sort of barbiturate enema. The combination would cause her overdose. The doctors worried they'd be blamed for...