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  1. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Not that scripture is necessarily nonsense. Rather your argument that incorporates excerpts of scripture to presumably sustain it. Just as with your post above and those scriptures. Acts 2:38 does not, cannot, mean we are only saved through baptism. Truth does not contradict itself if...
  2. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    I set my GBoard to auto correct but apparently missed something. Me and the Fixed here from this typo: The blood of a man murdered by a worldly authority of both teme and state. A man who died at their hands as all men did. To this fix: The blood of a man murdered by a worldly authority...
  3. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    As I said, there is no issue. My post was on point with scripture.
  4. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    I just took dictation. 😉🙏
  5. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Being you are Roman Catholic, it would serve not to show you.
  6. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Two reasons I would say. The first would be a warning, a sign to look out for, amid those who claim to be of the faith yet do not change their ways at all. Evedence therefore that someone is not saved when they still sin as openly as they did prior. Thinking they've assumed some security blanket...
  7. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    It is difficult at first. We're usually raised to be self-reliant, responsible for our actions, etc... However, I find with practice, mediation,prayer, it like anything else becomes easier with the more experience we acquire. Taking note of the changes helps bolster our awareness too I think...
  8. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    They don't understand. The worldly nature knows we have to labor and strive to keep our flesh fed, clothed and under shelter. The free irrevocable gift from God and his grace is incomprehensible to the worldly nature. The domain of man's controls, ego. They don't know how to let go and let God...
  9. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Though irrevocable is part of the text. And I think that along with the rest of the text is vital to understand that Salvation is a gift from God and his grace. And he shall never take it from us. Because he knew us before we were born. We cannot surprise God with our behaviors. Because all...
  10. B

    Are You Being Taught The True Word Of God or A False Gospel?

    Let me guess using your description of those three pastor types. Not sure of the first one. The second one I'd guess is Joel Osteen. The third, Peter Popoff. Test the spirits. God is The Word. Remember that passage? Be still and know I am God. The Bible is a compass that leads people to learn...
  11. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Nonsense. Else the thief is condemned. Jesus baptized no one. His teaching, unless one is born of water and the spirit, is not a reference to baptism. Had it been Jesus would have used the word. 908. baptisma ► Strong's Concordance baptisma: (the result of) a dipping or sinking Original Word...
  12. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Actually, Jesus was God. Therefore,my post was correct.
  13. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Agreed. An invaulable addition in my view for any Christian, especially new members of our faith , is to read about the history of the Bibles compilation. The timeline of the NT books being added, etc... Lot's to learn that isnt often taught in church. If ever.
  14. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    We don't labor ,work, to keep what Jesus died to fP Many are out to scripture,They use scripture to befuddle and confuse. And in large part it can be because of their denominational or church loyalty. For instance, the udea that the sacraments invluding baptism, are a mandate to secure...
  15. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    If you object to my posts you already know what I posted. Repeating myself is folly.
  16. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    God calls us to his grace. He's known his Elect before the womb. Our names were written in his book of eternal life before the foundation,creation, of the world. God believes in us. And no one can take us from his hand. If we fall away there's no other sacrifice for our fall. Because Jesus paid...
  17. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    My objections are directed toward your posts and those like them.
  18. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    I think there are denominations out there that do operate as a cult.
  19. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    Sadly, there are traditions that insist that very thing is true. The sheep have a chance to learn the truth and change their mind and walk the right path. The false pastors, who should know better, that insist baptism is mandatory else someone us not saved,reborn in Christ,as we know will...
  20. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    What's to debate? When The Wird pronounced eternal urrevocable security as his free gift through grace? And, sending himself, The Word made flesh as Emmanuel "God with us" ,Jesus, sealed the fact, the truth of The Word's grace in a new covenant for all time and with his blood, that is the life...