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  1. B

    Whose job is it to provide this training?

    As far as spiritual gifts, I wouldn't dare presume to state God does not bestow them as he wills. I think it dangerous for us to presume to believe in sovereign God and yet not trust he is always so.
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    I know of Harold Camping, not the other guy. Camping is dead now but he acrued a fortune as a false end times "profit". Not, p r o p h e t. And for decades. One poor deluded follower willed her entire estate to his ministry. Mind you, he'd at that point predicted the second coming was to...
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    You just proved the point. Certain followers of men won't vet those they follow. Then, like you just exampled, they become accusatory, hateful and argumentative. Quotes? If you believe in Hal, keep on. 🙂
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    Hateful argumentative Christians? No. Christians following sage advice. Do not believe every spirit but test them. Those who choose to follow men are required to do that as well. What I find is many of those follow withiut discernment or testing, or researching the teachings of those men...
  5. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    I noticed that as well. I think its called trolling. Here to draw conflict around the gospel while having no actual knowledge or even respect for it. I think people like that enjoy seeing how long Christians will work to set their wrong thinking aright. Unfortunately, they prey on every...
  6. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    God looked upon all that he had created and called it good. Genesis 1:31. And there was a law of God.All of creation operates,exists, according to God's laws for all that exists by his creation of it. Job 38, Hebrews 1:3 God's...
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    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    I didn't respond because it, like this post of yours, is a repeat of your same rhetoric just phrased somewhat differently. You're wrong for putting your conditions against God's plan of grace through faith that he bestows. Neither Jesus nor Paul EVER said, if you're not baptized you're not...
  8. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    OK let me try this again without the post cut off, and with a fix to the typo. I didn't say you said that. There are those who believe in the bible yet don't think of what it actually tells them. They tell themselves the bible is inerrant, and dont bother to realize even discussions here...
  9. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    I didn't say you said that. There are those who believe in the bible yet don't think of what it actually tells them. They tell themselves the bible is inerrant, and dont bother to realize even discussions here demonstrate there are inconsistencies, errors, and contradictions. They tell...
  10. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    You're having fun but that's actually what Adam did. He avoided responsibility and lied to God. And tried to get God to give Eve the full blame for his actions. Adam had no honor and was a coward. After he fell from grace. We're suppose to accept the man is to be the head if the woman solely...
  11. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Repeating what she was told is not the same as being fully condcious of its meaning, import. She didn't know death it what it was. Because death only entered the world after the fall.
  12. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Yes. They were led by a higher intellect that knew God's ultimatum and plans to innocently yet again accepted as truth what they were led to believe,told was truth. Do we really think, had they been fully conscious of the consequences that would befall the world for all time should they...
  13. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Unfortunately you don't know the difference between inspiration and sentiment. Therefore, it's true. We have nothing to discuss when you are errant in that basic understanding of scripture.
  14. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    The bible canbe a compass. If we make it an idol as many do we're wrong. And doomed.TE="kenallen, post: 4844653, member: 315188"]Are you trying to say that the Old Testament does not apply to Christians today? If you are what did Jesus mean every time He said "Have you not read it?" He was...
  15. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    Paul was obviously wrong. Because neither Adam or Eve knew right from wrong,good from evil. And Adam was with Eve when she encountered the serpent. If he wasnt innocent,he was, and wasn't deceived , you're hoping to convince us Adam knowingly ate so to let sin enter this world. Because Adam was...
  16. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    I didnt miss a thing that's actually in Genesis. Your invention isn't scripture.
  17. B

    Water baptism is necessary to be in the first resurrection

    It is not required, mandatory. That's simply a fact. Those who manufactur limits to God's saving grace shall answer for every word as they do the enemies service in trying to convince Christians they are not saved by grace through faith the moment they believe. Reminds me of the serpent in...
  18. B

    The tree of the knowledge of good and evil, why was it created and placed on earth?

    They were told the consequences was death. Vast difference when they knew not death or what it was because death did not yet exist in the world until sin entered the world from Heaven. Where it originated with Lucifer.