Search results

  1. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    No, Jesus never taught the Trinity therefore he would not instruct to baptize in the name of a triune godhead. Being Catholic and thinking Apostle Peter was the first pope, you'll be challenged to explain why the first pope instructed how baptism was to be performed here, with no triune...
  2. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    When you haven't paid attention to those who try to reach you already? Let's let you try. Those who were in the bible and were saved without baptism and that you apparently overlook. The thief on the cross.Luke 23 The paralyzed man brought to Jesus during one of his sermons and through the...
  3. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    No, it is not mandated. As someone has already said early on, if baptism were mandatory for Salvation the poor soul on their death bed who accepted Christ would not be Saved. Because they were not baptized. Or that death row prisoner, or that person a deadly car crash expiring on scene yet in...
  4. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Hard to believe anyone would fall for it.Seriously. Then again, witnessing people burned alive by the church and picturing that firey fate to last eternally if one were to go to Hell would likely inspire people to believe in and pay anything so to eventually be judged worthy of entering heaven...
  5. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    That was another cause, yes.
  6. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    The Roman church teaches that baptism makes one to be born again. While in the matter of Salvation they teach Jesus purchased redemption by his sacrifice on the cross, he delivered that purchase to the church for it to then be given to people through the sacraments. The Council of Trent...
  7. B

    Why can't I stay logged in?

    Excellent. Thank you.☺️
  8. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    First you launch into a irrational criticism aimed at me as a personal attack that claimed I was seeking an echo chamber, etc.... Which had zero to do with my observation you quoted in order to launch. And now this. Another personal attack that claims I'm strange for recognizing you were...
  9. B

    Resource pool for a christian commune on 100 or so acres?? 60,000lbs of Organic Food Per Acre! Posted on Last updated: 04/24/2021
  10. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    It helps, if you are going to attempt to rebutt a Román Catholic on this forum and their pov to know from when e they derived said pov. In other words, if you don't know what you're talking about you don't stand to make a cogent rebuttal. When you have no interest in knowing why a RC...
  11. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    It's tragic that this is how you choose to waste your time. You will be judged. And for every word you've ever said. Especially when blaspheming the holy spirit. The Saints in Christ are accorded a judgement that shall be quite different. All that we did in service to the kingdom shall be...
  12. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Personal attacks that actually reflect your state of mind as you attempt to project them on me, or others, demonstrate your lack of credibility . It is a threat that you now choose to follow me after this. Allowing for the inference you intend to continue your affront.
  13. B

    Why can't I stay logged in?

    I've checked the box to stay logged in but my account keeps logging me off? 🤔 Thoughts, help, fixed, please. Thanks.☺️
  14. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Your post is dishonest because you omitted the very first part of Wikipedias warning against this article. Which reads thusly: This article is about the black legend concerning the Spanish inquisition. For the general historiographical phenomenon, see Black legend. For the black legend...
  15. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    That is a lie! And at this point your commitment to trolling, blasphemy, and heresy against the faith and as violates the rules of this forum needs to be reviewed.
  16. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    Peter, their, the RCC, first pope, according to Constantine, was married. Odd given the celibacy policy afforded priests today. Further, Peter, who did not celebrate Ostara, aka Easter, or recognize a Trinity, was not the first pope if the Roman's Catholic church. Emperor Constantine was! I...
  17. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    I think we have to maybe consider the pov of a Roman Catholic here. The Roman Catholic is indoctrinated if you will into the church from birth, if their parents are Roman Catholic. They're baptized into the church as infants. They're indoctrinated into the church as infants by being instructed...
  18. B

    Resource pool for a christian commune on 100 or so acres??

    Jesus was God. He owns all that exists.
  19. B

    Resource pool for a christian commune on 100 or so acres??

    Well, maybe it's easier than we think when wondering if such a community is possible. Let's project a bit, shall we? While we're here on the net in this community. What's to do? Buy land = Who buys? Is the cost divided equally among all involved? If someone wants to leave afterward, what...
  20. B

    Do you believe in (OSAS) Once Saved, Always Saved?

    That? No, it makes no sense. Because it sounds like you don't actually know the scriptures.