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  1. B

    Where is God

    Yeah, I have no idea what launched you into that screed but I'll just leave it alone. You should talk to somebody. Seriously.
  2. B

    Where is God

    I didn't say you have to hire them as nanny's for your kids. What you don't realize is, freemason's ,satanists,atheists, could be in your public school. You've no idea. But when hate us part of your faith doctrine, that's obvious already. Go ahead and abrogate Jesus' love command. What's he...
  3. B

    Where is God

    Well done. ☺️ The Establishment clause and attendant language often leads to the reference, Separation Clause. The separation of church and state. Which is why no one religion is afforded...
  4. B

    Where is God

    That's true. Which is why parochial school is that other option. Meanwhile, being America is a free country, you have no control over the presence, existence, of those people living in America. While Jesus told you the laws and the prophets hang on two great commands. Love the Lord God with...
  5. B

    Where is God

    I'm not Catholic. So, it is by God's standards, that children are innocents. That's why when Herod ordered the slaughter of babies of a certain age hoping to kill Messiah of prophecy it is referred to as, the slaughter of the innocents. Children , babies, are innocent. Which is why Jesus said...
  6. B

    Russia prepares to seize exiting Western firms

    Ball in the court of a madman. Yikes.
  7. B

    Israel's dark side out of the shadows, into the light "Your gates shall be open continually; day and night they shall not be shut, that people may bring to you the wealth of the nations, with their kings led in procession. 12 For the nation and kingdom that will not...
  8. B

    Israel's dark side out of the shadows, into the light

    No. But it's tradition to side with Israel in all things because it behooves Israel to continually exploit its role as perpetual victim. Thus insuring their aggression is excused, ignored,denied, or pardoned . It is against Israel's laws for Palestinian homes to drill wells and insure a free...
  9. B

    Where is God

    There's a already established option. Enroll our children in a parochial school . Or, homeschool them invoking religious exemption. We're suppose to be in the world but not part of the world. It's a contradiction to imagine the world must concede to our faith and practice.
  10. B

    Where is God

    In what way? I know school age kids who carry their bible in their backpacks and read it during lunch and/or recess. There are public school libraries that carry the bible in their collections. If parents want a to enmesh their school age child in a religious educational environment there are...
  11. B

    Over 100 young Crocodiles find refuge on their daddy's back in India's Chambal River They're endangered. This is a wonderful picture that gives hope their species may not vanish after all. Adorable. Taking a ride on daddy.😆
  12. B

    Having a non-Christian best friend

    You're identifying her as your best friend for a reason. How long have they been that for you? Jesus sat a table and dined with sinners. His Disciples were confused and maybe even a bit scared to see this man who taught righteousness, peace in the spirit, mercy, love for ones neighbor as ones...
  13. B

    Where is God

    Sickening. Satanic. That kind of mindset thinks the Inquisitions were deserved. And the crusades righteous. When you said we kicked him out of our schools, etc... When I hit Reply to your post it's not in a format that lets me respond to each of your points succinctly, point for point. So...
  14. B

    Where is God

    The elementary school children that were victims of that shooter were innocents. Rejecting the Christian faith isn't a matter of being lazy or careless. If we believe in God we cannot ignore what he tells us of himself and his plans. Like Proverbs 16:4 The elementary school children that...
  15. B

    Russia prepares to seize exiting Western firms

    Senator Lindsay Graham said the same thing on the record. I think America has enough special weapons and tactics and those we'll never know about to insure he's retired from this world if the powers that be want it done. I don't watch the news. It's too politically corrupt to trust for the most...
  16. B

    Actor Ray Leotta,67, has died I've watched so many of his films. I never imagined he was best 70 after all these years of enjoying his work. So sad. Rest in peace. 🙏😞
  17. B

    Where is God

    Or, they understand basic communication and still find that particular communication was why the question was necessary.
  18. B

    Comment by 'BeeThePeace' in media 'E7F83414-EA3E-443F-B891-0DEA402F9000.jpeg'

    Great pic. The kitty looks like they're looking at your property saying to themselves, yes, all this is mine. 😀