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  1. Drett

    Protocols of the Elders of Zion

    The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is alleged to be a record of 24 secret meetings of the Rothschilds in the 1800s. It was first published in Russia in 1903. It is widely reported in the media to be a forgery. My interest is the protocols reported in it that are coming true. Whether they have...
  2. Drett

    Up to twelve people shot at a Chicago basketball court

    AMERICA has been rocked by another mass shooting incident, this time in Chicago. The Chicago Tribune is reporting that up to 12 people have been shot at a basketball court, including a three-year-old child. Four people are in a serious to critical condition, including the three year old...
  3. Drett

    Six bodies found in rusted cars in Foss Lake Oklahoma 40 years on

    WAS it a hillbilly murder or simply a slippery boat ramp? Two rusted cars containing six bodies have been uncovered in an Oklahoma lake more than 40 years after those inside were reported missing. Six bodies found in rusted cars in Foss Lake Oklahoma 40 years on |
  4. Drett

    Iowa gives gun permits to the legally blind

    Did I get him PA ! PA are you there ? Unusual News - Iowa Gives Gun Permits to the Legally Blind - AllGov - News
  5. Drett

    Israeli army machinery destroy a water reservoir used by Palestinian farmers

    “Denial of Palestinian Water Rights has Become a Permanent Feature Under Oslo Interim Accords" 13th September, 2013 marks the two-decade anniversary of the signing of the Oslo Accords. In light of this occasion, the Emergency Water and Sanitation/Hygiene (EWASH) Advocacy Task Force wrote a...
  6. Drett

    Bearing False Witness

    Before anyone asks. No I am not advertising King James bible. :) You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness. You shall not fall in with the many to do evil, nor shall you bear witness in a lawsuit, siding with the many, so as to...
  7. Drett

    Murdoch press journalist rebuttal on 9/11 myths

    Another person who feels they don't need to provide any supporting documents for their conclusions. I expect nothing more from Murdoch press. Six really stupid 9/11 conspiracies debunked in about six seconds |
  8. Drett

    CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

    Do you mean the consequences of storing his WMDs in the palace. Or for having one of these babies ? The Iraqi children died because the US government was morally bankrupt. Go to China and Russia for answers ? No I just want to go to a UN that is not hamstrung by countries with veto powers.
  9. Drett

    CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran

    So the US needs to do something about Syria but ignores itself. I get sick of the hypocrisy of the "civilised" countries often. It is so in your face these days. I am not sure why people are happy to ignore it all and let their government continue to commit war crimes and aid others in...
  10. Drett

    Israel Grants First Golan Heights Oil Drilling License

    Finally Dick Cheney and Rupert Murdoch have got a return on their investment in Israel. Israel has granted oil drilling licence to the Genie Energy Company they are linked to. Genie Energy International’s President is retired Israeli General Effi Eitam, a former Likud Housing Minister and MP...
  11. Drett

    The link between Superman and the Messiah

    It is interesting the link up being set up in the new Superman movie between Superman and the Messiah. ‘Because of [the people of Earth's] capacity for good, I have sent them you …my only son’,” – Marlon Brando as the father of Superman When the anti christ comes he will be convincing people...
  12. Drett

    We should rebuild Jerusalem Temple

    Just so you do not confuse the two mosques.
  13. Drett

    Jewish Patrol Group Shomrim Offers Protection To Mosques Amid Rise In Hate Attacks

    A Jewish "police force" has offered protection to mosques in Hackney, following a spate of violent attacks on mosques. Shomrim, a uniformed Jewish patrol in Stamford Hill who are trained by the Met, patrol the area regularly looking for anti-Semitic hate crimes, and general disorder in the...
  14. Drett

    Controversial class photo retaken to include disabled boy

    IT WAS the school portrait that Miles Ambridge's parents vowed never to show him for fear of hurting the seven-year-old's feelings. As his classmates at Herbert Spencer Elementary School in British Columbia sit together in three neat rows, Miles, who has muscular dystrophy, is seen stranded...
  15. Drett

    Travelling teen 'humiliated' over low-cut top

    A LOS ANGELES Airport security officer "shamed and humiliated" a teenage girl for wearing a low-cut top. Fifteen-year-old Sarina was travelling with a school group when she was allegedly criticised by the officer for revealing too much and ordered to cover up. Read more: Travelling teen...
  16. Drett

    Muslim woman loses baby after veil attack

    A pregnant Muslim woman who was allegedly attacked in the suburbs of Paris by two ‘skinheads’ for wearing an Islamic face veil has suffered a miscarriage, it was reported on Tuesday. Muslim woman loses baby after veil attack - The Local Not considered newsworthy by mainstream press.
  17. Drett

    The friendliest people on the planet

    A backpackers experience. The guy slows down his motorbike, pulling up alongside us as we walk the cracked pavement by the side of the road. Anywhere else this could be trouble, but not here. The guy lifts his hand in greeting, flashes us a grin, then yells to be heard over the burble of his...
  18. Drett

    What's delaying the WHO report on Iraqi birth defects?

    Iraq is poisoned. Thirty-five million Iraqis wake up every morning to a living nightmare of childhood cancers, adult cancers and birth defects. Familial cancers, cluster cancers and multiple cancers in the same individual have become frequent in Iraq. Sterility, repeated miscarriages...
  19. Drett

    From Iraq, a Tragic Reminder to Prosecute the War Criminals

    Studies show almost half of Iraq's population in areas around where the United States and Britain dropped some 300 tons of depleted uranium will get cancer. These crimes await prosecution. But who will demand it?, asks Pilger. From Iraq, a Tragic Reminder to Prosecute the War Criminals...
  20. Drett

    Do Jews Have a Divine Right in the Promised Land?

    I personally find quotes from Israeli war veterans something to chase up myself.If you don't like facts to cloud your judgement then that is fine.