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  1. Drett

    Central African Republic mob stops Muslims fleeing: ‘We’re going to kill you all’

    Central African Republic mob stops Muslims fleeing: ‘We’re going to kill you all’ BANGUI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC—Thousands of Muslims who tried to flee the sectarian violence in Central African Republic’s capital were turned back by peacekeepers Friday, as crowds of angry Christians shouted...
  2. Drett

    Church Hires JK Rowling To Rewrite The Bible

    The latest PR coup for Pope Francis has seen him hire famous and revered children’s author JK Rowling to rewrite the Bible. It is hoped the author, most famous for her Harry Potter series, can make it more accessible and believable for a new generation of Catholics and Christians. Church...
  3. Drett

    Crime wave people ignore

    It has its dangers true but we are entering a more evil time where teenagers are targeting them for sport. This graph is a bit depressing. Outlining the age of the accused/convicted and the victim in homeless crimes. Children, which are our future, are growing colder to the plight of others...
  4. Drett

    Crime wave people ignore

    On Friday, Sydney police were called to bushland near Liverpool where they found a 39-year-old woman with burns to her face and body, who claimed she had been the victim of a chemical attack. And on Sunday, Melbourne police found a man aged in his 50s, who had been stabbed at Enterprise Park on...
  5. Drett

    Half the U.S. is already covered with snow

    Interesting. According to this it seems that volcanoes regulated the temperature. So what happens when we enter a period where we have a lot of Volcanic activity along with the current output of CO2. Will we enter a cooling cycle again ? I guess time will tell.
  6. Drett

    BBC Poles reveal interesting finds

    Is the world getting better? Since 1977, opinion pollster Win/Gallup International has been asking this question of people around the world. Do responses for 2013 paint an optimistic picture? Win/Gallup interviewed 67,806 people in total, in 65 countries either face-to-face, by telephone on...
  7. Drett

    Dream: Obama to Kill Christians WARNING!!!

    Your journey to the dark side is nearly complete. Come join us at the conspiracy theory chat room. BWAHAHAHAHA.
  8. Drett

    Future signs to look out for

    One of my interests is signs of the end of times. All around us we see signs of the end of times. Where we often hear about signs that have past, I am wondering what are the signs people are looking out for, that have yet to come. Events that I think will make the news and be a sign we need...
  9. Drett

    Bethlehem's Church Of The Nativity Renovation Underway

    BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — As visitors descend upon Bethlehem this holiday season, they will notice a different look for the Church of the Nativity. Wrapped in scaffolding, the basilica located at the traditional site of Jesus' birth is undergoing a much-needed facelift after 600 years. Experts...
  10. Drett

    The inventor of hard porn dies penniless and depressed

    AL Goldstein, the bearded, bird-flipping publisher of Screw magazine who smashed down U.S. legal barriers against pornography and raged against politicians, organised religion and anything that even suggested good taste, died Thursday, according to a friend. He was 77. Is it wrong to feel happy...
  11. Drett

    Hey everyone the end is coming obamas health care is ushering the mark of the BEAST !

    What do you put in my drink ? It knocked me right out. I feel a bit funny.... WHHHAATTTT
  12. Drett

    Time magazine names Pope Francis as its Person of the Year

    Which one, the US or the rest of the world version ? :)
  13. Drett

    US drone strike kills 13 in Yemen wedding convoy

    Are you getting sick of these drones news stories. So am I, except you are in a better position to do something about it. Missiles fired by a U.S. drone slammed into a convoy of vehicles traveling to a wedding party in central Yemen on Thursday, killing at least 13 people, Yemeni security...
  14. Drett

    Nativity taken down from air force base: Sectarian bias

    Maybe this guy could star in their non sectarian scene. Sorry I couldn't resist. :)
  15. Drett

    Time Magazine Manipulates American Cover Article, Rest of World Gets Actual Version…

    Time Magazine Manipulates American Cover Article, Rest of World Gets Actual Version… I haven't done a critical thinking ... shucks I mean conspiracy theory post for a long time. I was starting to get withdrawal symptoms. The level the U.S. media will go to protect their chosen one is...
  16. Drett

    PNC’s Twelve Days of Christmas Price Index for 2013

    The long awaited price index for the twelve days of Christmas. ===================================================================== Item: 2013 2012 YoY% =====================================================================...
  17. Drett

    Why Protestant Pastors Should Follow Pope Francis' Lead

    I think we can learn a lot of lessons in humilty from the pope. It is just a pity he prays to humans and statues.
  18. Drett

    Victims of deadly 'knockout game' mounting

    AN ORTHODOX Jew walking home from work in Brooklyn early Friday was brutally attacked by a pack of thugs playing the "knockout game" - leaving him sprawled on the ground with a giant lump on his forehead, law-enforcement sources told The New York Post. Shmuel Perl, who...
  19. Drett

    Thousands block NATO convoy route to protest US drone strikes in Pakistan

    Party workers from the PTI and the JI travelled to Peshawar from across Pakistan and an estimated 10,000 people participated in Saturday’s protests. The protesters shouted anti US slogans such as “Stop drone attacks” and “Down with America”...