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  1. Drett

    When Ruby Bridges walked into school, 500 students walked out

    HER hair neatly tied back and her white socks folded over above clean black shoes, Ruby Bridges looked anything but a revolutionary. But that's exactly what she became. At just six-years-old Bridges became the first black child...
  2. Drett

    Your chicken may cross the ocean twice before being put in a potpie

    I don't think you really understand where Sand man (that his code name) C Sanders sits in the pecking order. That guy is the flipping puppeteer dudes. He is pulling the strings. You don't do what he says you go walk with the chickens. KAPISH !
  3. Drett

    50 Methodist ministers defy church at same-sex union

    Those whom God has joined together, let no one put asunder," they said in unison, blessing the same-sex union in defiance of church law. Methodist ministers defy church at same-sex union - So God is for gay marriage now ? I guess they are not fans of Billy Graham. "As a former...
  4. Drett

    Inside the outrageous world of child cage fighting

    It is the heat of battle between two MMA fighters hemmed inside an industrial metal cage. One kicks, punches and strangles his way to brutal victory. His opponent breaks down and cries tears for his mother. But this is not an unusual end to another televised brawl between two fully grown...
  5. Drett

    Fasting at Least Twice a Week Seen as Alzheimer’s Hedge

    For those who Fast Fasting at Least Twice a Week Seen as Alzheimer’s Hedge - Bloomberg God knows us better than we do.
  6. Drett

    Mistrust of US still deep in Iran but there is renewed optimism

    The US do their persecuting mainly outside their borders so it is a bit hard to escape. I would do a google on "dark side kidnapped and tortured", "children killed by drones", "500,000 children albright", "wedding bombed Afghanistan" and "junkyard papers Iraq"
  7. Drett

    Mistrust of US still deep in Iran but there is renewed optimism

    Yes you are right. George Bush was the fool up front. To streamline targeted killing Bush allowed for the presidential approval to be removed. I KNOW NOTHIN
  8. Drett

    Mistrust of US still deep in Iran but there is renewed optimism

    This year, however, there is renewed optimism that the US and Iran will finally find each other on the same path; that these two nations can finally move forward and resume diplomatic ties. From Iran’s point of view – not just the government but the people, too – the US is responsible for a long...
  9. Drett

    For the mothers

    No one that can take your place. Maher Zain - Number One For Me | Official Music Video - YouTube Too late for me but maybe not for others. Not too late to put a smile on her face.
  10. Drett

    Drone attack survivors tell their story to congress... only 5 bothered to turned up

    Re: Drone attack survivors tell their story to congress... only 5 bothered to turned MISSION ACCOMPLISHED
  11. Drett

    Germany to legally recognise third gender

    An estimated one in 2,000 children born each year is neither boy nor girl. Germany is set to become the first European country to recognise the third gender, known as intersex. Babies born there without clear gender-determining characteristics can now be registered without a sex on their...
  12. Drett

    Drone attack survivors tell their story to congress... only 5 bothered to turned up

    Re: Drone attack survivors tell their story to congress... only 5 bothered to turned In a world where all human rights violators are held to account.
  13. Drett

    Drone attack survivors tell their story to congress... only 5 bothered to turned up

    A Pakistani family affected by US led drone-attacks traveled more than 6,000 miles to testify before US Congress Tuesday. This was the first time members of Congress heard stories from victims of a US drone attack, however, of the 535 Congress members, only five were in attendance. Drone attack...
  14. Drett

    Brittney Spears songs ward off Somali pirate attacks

    How do they work out this stuff ? Did the royal navy have a Britney Spears night and notice the Somali pirate were all taking off.
  15. Drett

    Boston Marathon Drill: but bombs hit first

    These discussions remind me of this graph. People passionately not knowing and not caring.
  16. Drett

    Pepper spray cop John Pike awarded US$38,000 for his suffering

    Cop sprays peaceful protestors with pepper spray then gets $38,000 compensation for the attention it brought. Pepper spray cop John Pike awarded US$38,000 for his suffering after he doused Occupy students with pepper spray | I would have thought he should pay $38,000 not receive it...
  17. Drett

    Human chain formed to protect Christians during Lahore mass

    LAHORE: The Muslim and Christian communities came together during Sunday mass in a show of solidarity in Lahore. Hand in hand as many as 200-300 people formed a human chain outside the St Anthony’s Church adjacent to the District Police Lines at the Empress Road, in a show of solidarity with...
  18. Drett

    Iraqi Birth Defects Covered Up?

    This week, one of the world's most renowned and respected medical journals, The Lancet, joined the chorus of epidemiologists challenging the credibility of a recently-released report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Iraqi Health Ministry. The report contradicts consistent...
  19. Drett

    Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children

    So a soldiers gets rattled if a child is in their face. They don't make soldier like they used to I guess. I am not sure how a five year old could get into anyones face. Maybe they need to kneel down. Israel detains 5-year-old Palestinian boy - Middle East - Al Jazeera English This child was...
  20. Drett

    What is the minimum beliefs needed to be a Christian

    I have been surprised by the sometimes heated debates between Christians. It got me wondering what is the common ground and what is needed for someone to be called a Christian The list of beliefs I know of. I suspect these are needed to be called a Christian. Original Sin Trinity Jesus died...