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    Deception in the church

    The thing that hooks people into error is the music. Bethel/Hillsong and others. The combination of music and bad theology in the song, entices many. It opens them up to false teaching.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Here we go again! Backloading salvation with works.
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    Why is the church so accepting of divorce and remarriage?

    There are justified reasons for divorce and remarriage. Are you trying to tar everyone with the same brush?
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Rom 3:22 Even the righteousness of God through faith IN Jesus Christ. NKJV You need to get a more accurate Bible translation.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith IN Jesus Christ , even when we believed IN Christ Jesus, that we might be justified by faith IN Jesus Christ etc Gal 2:16 NKJV. The individual's faith leads to justification.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    OK. I tend to be a little Arminian and you Calvinist. That's OK.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    There is a sense of mystery in regards to salvation. The Divine working in the human soul, the human soul responding to the Divine impulse. The answer to your questions is the 'Grace of God'. In the words of the hymn......."Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me."...
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    You are welcome.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    I know there is debate to the order of salvation. To my mind, Scripture teaches faith preceding Regeneration.
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    The GIFT of Languages

    I'll bite the bullet on this one! I confess to being a Cessationist, that is, I believe the sign and revelational gifts ceased with the death of the Apostles. I have not always held this view. I spent 20 years in the Pentecostal Movement, 7 of those years as a pastor. I have seen and...
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Heart & Mind also!
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Prevenient (or Enabling) Grace. God comes a frees the will so it can trust in the merits of Christ's death.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Christ does not 'believe' for us. Believing is something we do in response to the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Faith is not the righteousness of God. It is the means of receiving it. Faith neither produces or provides the righteousness of God.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Paul speaks of righteousness as imputed/credited BUT not faith. Faith is a human response to the overture of the Holy Spirit as the Gospel is presented. As I wrote previously, it is the outstretched hand receiving from God.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Sorry my friend, I have to disagree. It is " I live by faith IN the Son of God" NAB. Faith is not imputed. It is the hand stretched out to receive.
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    Justified/Saved by Faith & Faith Alone

    Possibly the servants that accompanied them to the sacrifice.
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    Believer or Disciple? What's the Difference?

    You cannot backload grace with works to be saved. We are kept by the power of God. We are not saved by enduring, but by grace through faith.
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    Times are getting tough for Christians.
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    Believer or Disciple? What's the Difference?

    To become a believer, one accepts the free offer of the Gospel. To become a disciple , costs one everything. So, every disciple is a believer but not all believers are disciples.