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    Whats the weather like where you are?

    Warm, sunny winter's day in Sydney.
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    One Baptism

    The one baptism is Spirit baptism of which water baptism symbolizes.
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    Southern Baptist Losing Thousands of Members

    How much does the Calvinist element in the SBC effect the loss of people?
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    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

    Just put "Personality Junkie" in your search engine and at that site, you can do the test for free.
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    Pros and Cons of New Zealand

    I live across the ditch from New Zealand. I have visited it many times and actually lived there for a year. It has beautiful countryside, especially the South Island. The people of New Zealand are very open & friendly. Just don't mention rugby or cricket!
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    Bible Problem

    Cyprian the Church father quotes 1 John 5:7 in the second century, so I think there is good reason to believe that it was in the original NT text.
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    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

    I agree with you about the Bible Discussion Forum. There is a lot of 'uncrucified flesh' there. I have recently been attacked for just sharing my story. I will take your advice a stick to Miscellaneous Forum in future.
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    Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.

    Has anyone done the Myers-Briggs personality test? If, so, was it revealing? Was it helpful? I discovered that I was an INFJ personality. I found it very helpful in understanding myself. Any thoughts?
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    Why do you attack me when all I have done is share my story? Does it make you feel superior? This is one of the reasons I am not here that often, unloving posts.
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    I spent 20 years in the Pentecostal Movement. 7 years as a Pastor. I was a tongues speaker. I left the Movement in disgust as the Leadership that was corrupt. In my re-evaluating my experience I learnt this from the Bible. 1. Speaking in tongues in the New Testament times were human languages...
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    No. I believe that the gift of tongues ceased in the first century. As already mentioned, what passes as tongues today is just jibberish. And no, I am not going to debate it.
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    Fight The Good Fight Of Faith,

    I find the Christian life is a fight with the world, the flesh and the Devil. It takes effort on our part as well as that of God, to live the Christian Life. There is a view out there of "Let go and let God", a kind of passivity, that is very harmful. I remember as a young Christian being told...
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    Evangelism for Introverts.

    I find the best way of witnessing is to first build a relationship with the person. I find that it brings about trust and openness that allows you to witness to them when the time comes. Also the idea of steps is true. We don't always have to 'close the deal' so to speak. We are often a link in...
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    Evangelism for Introverts.

    Most evangelistic methods are suited for Extroverts. We Introverts just can't boldly go up to strangers and lay the Gospel on them. It is not how we are made. I was wondering how you who are Introverts, share the Gospel with others?
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    Rapture True or False.

    Rapture: True or false? True!
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    Jehovah’s Witnesses

    I will pray for your lost soul.
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    Anthropomorphism and the Passions of Mankind

    I have found A W Tozer's book on the attributes of God very helpful. A study of God's attributes should lead us to worship.
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    5 Points of Arminianism

    I agree with Arminius on all points except I believe in eternal security.
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    The GIFT of Languages

    I am reminded of an incident in New Zealand at a Pentecostal Tent Meeting.. There was an utterance in tongues followed by an interpretation. A local Māori who was present said that the tongues message was a cursing of Jesus. , in a Maori dialect. Just because it is supernatural, does not mean it...
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    Genesis 1:1 What is your interpretation?

    My take on Genesis is that it is history. Every day there is new evidence for the creation and Flood accounts.