Search results

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    Trinity or Unity

    It is singular because there is only one God in essence. Three persons in tri-unity. Co-equal , co-eternal.
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    Trinity or Unity

    Sounds like Modalism not Trinitarianism.
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    Christians response to gay marriage?

    Here I am, thinking that we should love everyone! Silly me.
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    GRACE (I)

    Is it the fact of the Rapture you struggle with or its timing?
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    Christians response to gay marriage?

    So, does that mean you "hate the sinner as well as hate the sin"?
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    GRACE (I)

    In what way is dispensationalism a false doctrine? What is your definition of dispensationalism? The 'sine qua non' of dispensationalism are... 1) A dispensationalist keeps Israel and the Church separate. 2) This distinction between Israel and the Church is born out of a system of...
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    Romans 7:14-25, Do the unregenerate have inner conflict about God's law?

    I see Romans 7 as a battle of a Christian trying to keep the Law by self effort and the failure that results. The answer to the conflict is in Romans 8, where by the Spirit we fulfil the Law.
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    GRACE (I)

    I am not 'name calling'. C R Stam was a false teacher. Just look at the teachings of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism.
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    Anti Christian Bias with University Academia

    We have the same problem here in Australia. The left wing has taken over the education system. Jeff
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    A text without its context is just a pretext! Paul is writing to the Thessalonians who thought the Day of the Lord had come. They were experiencing much persecution. Paul tells them that that Day will not come until there is a great falling away and the Man of Sin (Antichrist) is revealed. This...
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    GRACE (I)

    C R Stam......hyperdispensationalist.
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    Darby and Scofield were both great men of God. A little humility is in order I think!
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    You are very ignorant about what dispensationalists believe. Of course we enjoy the NOW with Christ as well as look to the FUTURE when Christ will rapture the Church. Jeff
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    Queen Elizabeth 2 has died

    She was wonderful Queen. Will be sadly missed.
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    What is your opinion about the "Historical Jesus"?

    The search for the 'historical Jesus' has been nothing more than a liberal attempt to undermine the orthodox view of the person of Jesus Christ.
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    Once saved always saved?

    It seems to me that we have to look at OSAS through a Biblical lens, not an Experience lens. That being the case, we must view those that fall away as counterfeit Christians. Judas would be an example of a counterfeit. He was one of the Apostles, preached the Kingdom of God around Israel etc...
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    Thank you all for the greetings. Jeff
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    Former pentecostal

    I spent 20 years in the Pentecostal Movement, 7 years as a pastor. I left due to the charlatans in leadership. I to believe the sign gifts ceased with the completion of the New Testament. I admit that not all agree with this position, and I respect their right to that. Peace Jeff
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    Hi, I am from Australia. Have been a Christian for a very long time. I am a retired registered nurse. I come from a non denominational background. Cheers Jeff