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  1. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Thank you for the reply, Deuteronomy. I actually it may progress to worse some day, but so long as there is still resistance, the LGBQ issue will remain the battleground. Once they have conquered that one, I kinda shudder to think what may come next. But I liked your Spurgeon quote. Regardless...
  2. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Just saw something interesting. A recent Gallup poll is showing that 71% of respondents now say homosexuality is morally acceptable, with only 28% saying it is not. That amounts to a 30% jump in those who favor it (up from 40% to 70%) in just two decades. If this is the case, and if that's how...
  3. Vindicator

    Better Obedience Through Fasting?

    I just meant I didn't know exactly how to respond. :) Any questions you wanted to ask specifically?
  4. Vindicator

    Better Obedience Through Fasting?

    Much more a part of early Christianity than it is today because they walked under an entirely different mentality, and did not make excuses for the flesh but sought to bring it under through fasting and prayer. Fasting, however, is in and of itself a type of suffering and obedience, so your...
  5. Vindicator

    How to identify good soil?

    God would that all be saved, which is why some even fell on the dirt path, which while not concrete was certainly hard ground and would have appeared completely unsuitable. I think the analogy is that it simply happens when you are preaching the truth. It is inescapable that some will hear...
  6. Vindicator

    How to identify good soil?

    I think that's true, but the suggestion from the Parable is that you can't always tell from just looking on the surface. The analogy was of the sower casting seed in every place where it even looked like it might grow, without knowing how deep the soil was or how many weeds might be in it that...
  7. Vindicator

    Hey! Glad to hear you found a good church! That's a blessing. I'll send him word for you, and...

    Hey! Glad to hear you found a good church! That's a blessing. I'll send him word for you, and I wouldn't worry about it too much. He's generally pretty forgiving. Just as a heads up, though: I don't think he likes his real name being tossed around in public, LoL. But God bless, and we all get...
  8. Vindicator

    LoL. Just noticing this, so my apologies for not responding. I'm hoping to get a little more...

    LoL. Just noticing this, so my apologies for not responding. I'm hoping to get a little more active here in the future, so thanks for the encouragement. Sometimes forum life is a bit more like trading paint at 200 miles an hour, LoL, but once you get used to it I suppose it's not so bad. Thanks...
  9. Vindicator

    Virtually all modern translations are based on three Greek manuscripts

    Way too involved to get into right now, but if the Lord wills maybe we can get into discussing that some down the road. You might like my interpretations on end-time prophesy. I'm a Futurist, but I account for the Preterist viewpoint in ways most have never heard before. God bless, and Lord...
  10. Vindicator

    Virtually all modern translations are based on three Greek manuscripts

    I don't even have Revelations in mind in this discussion, other than that it was brought up because of the warning not to add to it. :) Well now we may HAVE to talk about interoperation, LoL. Out of curiosity, are you Preterist or Futurist?
  11. Vindicator

    Virtually all modern translations are based on three Greek manuscripts

    That is so long as you are a Trinitarian with generally orthodox theology. If you are something like a Jehovahs Witness, the entire Bible is filled with variants that are drastically different in their meaning theologically, with the Received Text being entirely corrupt. I am not of that...
  12. Vindicator

    Virtually all modern translations are based on three Greek manuscripts

    What makes you assume that when you don't even know what my interpretation is? :) Understand, the statement was regarding an urge to manipulate the text, not regarding its actual manipulation. Now if you are referring to the other books of the NT, I am talking about textual variants (which also...
  13. Vindicator

    Virtually all modern translations are based on three Greek manuscripts

    It's a good point, but if you'll notice the reference was to the Book of Revelation in particular, likely because there may have been an urge to manipulate the text to fit things taking place during New Testament times specifically rather than leaving it intact as is. They did not know it at the...
  14. Vindicator

    Virtually all modern translations are based on three Greek manuscripts

    I believe I saw you posting about this elsewhere, and it's an interesting topic. The thing is, as I was saying, the greatest likelihood is that the longer readings were added so as to clarify the church's positions and defend against heresies that were developing. There is little disagreement...
  15. Vindicator

    Changing Phases Of The Economic Crash

    Thanks for the responses. I take a different position on prophecy than many do these days. One of the arguments that is often raised about prophets is that if they are truly of the Lord they will be 100% errant in everything they say, but I find this view flawed. Paul compared interpreting...
  16. Vindicator

    Changing Phases Of The Economic Crash

    Interpretation and Insights That I can now see the end of this field indicates that the end of our economic prosperity is now in sight. What I saw at the end was much more catastrophic than I had ever thought. There are some very dark times ahead, but at the same time there is a whole new world...
  17. Vindicator

    Changing Phases Of The Economic Crash

    Let me also include here another prophecy from about two decades ago that discussed the same things, but gave the answer particularly where Christians were concerned. Regardless of whether we build up savings or not, the principle thing will be to avoid going into debt. It will be a type of...
  18. Vindicator

    I'm Really a Nice Person Until....(what gets your goat)?

    Oopsie. Just realized I'm in the "Christian Singles" forum. My train left that station a long time ago.
  19. Vindicator

    I'm Really a Nice Person Until....(what gets your goat)?

    If I'm being honest, it's the talent some people have for being ignorant, spiritually blind and judgmental all at the same time. You wouldn't think those go together, but some people manage to make it work surprisingly well.
  20. Vindicator

    Changing Phases Of The Economic Crash

    Greetings All! Been awhile since I paid this community a visit, so thought I would bounce in and post a few things that might be of benefit to some. The following is one of my more recent observations concerning the economy and the market. __________________________ In 2007, John Paul Jackson...