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  1. Vindicator

    Where was Jesus for the three days between his death and resurrection?

    Not those in Hell, no. There was a chasm between the two, and He only went to preach to those in Paradise, where He promised the thief on the right that he was going when he died. Time constrained linkage to the flood... You might wanna expand on this a little further. I'm not sure what you...
  2. Vindicator

    Meaning Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    Hell again, Nehemiah, and hope you've been blessed. The above is essentially a matter of semantics either way, but the more accurate translation is actually in, not with. ἐγὼ μὲν ὑμᾶς βαπτίζω ἐν ὕδατι εἰς μετάνοιαν: ὁ δὲ ὀπίσω μου ἐρχόμενος ἰσχυρότερός μού ἐστιν, οὗ οὐκ εἰμὶ ἱκανὸς τὰ...
  3. Vindicator

    Meaning Baptism of the Holy Spirit

    Greetings, Elijah. You are correct in the above. There are water baptisms (both for repentance, and for those who believe upon Christ Jesus and are born again), and then a second for those subsequently baptized in fire to receive empowerment for ministry. (Matthew 3:11)
  4. Vindicator

    Where was Jesus for the three days between his death and resurrection?

    Greetings in Christ, CV5, and good to see some of the old names still posting here. About these two passages, I believe you are convoluting two distinctly separate teachings from the New Testament here. 1 Peter 3:19 speaks of the harrowing of Hades, and when Jesus delivered the captives out...
  5. Vindicator

    Changing Phases Of The Economic Crash

    Hello, Karol, and thanks for replying. About Revelation 18, many think that has to do with literal destruction, such as through a nuclear attack or something, because Babylon is completely destroyed "in one hour." But the Bible definitely talks about the dangers of being in debt, and that the...
  6. Vindicator

    Anyone who plays piano?

    Ah, she has one on this as well. Amazing Grace can be played simpler than this, but the Chris Tomlin version she chooses is much more beautiful: Here is a full page of videos on learning easy worship stuff:
  7. Vindicator

    Anyone who plays piano?

    Btw, one more note. As a Christian I would not have chosen "Imagine" as the first song, LoL, but the nice thing is that most Christian worship songs are also really simple to play - only four or five chords, sometimes less - so just switch to trying some simple worship songs after you finish the...
  8. Vindicator

    Anyone who plays piano?

    Without clicking your link, I decided to search Youtube myself for something I might recommend. I had no idea what was out there, but was surprised by some beginner teaching methods that I don't think are all that good (starting from A, immediately teaching integral chords instead of the basic...
  9. Vindicator

    Anyone who plays piano?

    P.S. If you are a BEGINNER beginner, this was the general order of how I used to teach beginners (Note: an actual keyboard player might advise doing things differently. This just seemed like the easiest method to me): 1. Start with C and learn the C Major scale (all the white keys). 2. Then...
  10. Vindicator

    Anyone who plays piano?

    I don't actually play much - I play guitar and bass - but I've taught beginning level keyboard simply because the principles are the same. Depending on how developed you are, I'd practice mastering scales with my right hand while playing chords with my left. If that's too advanced just yet...
  11. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Just saw something this evening that kinda demonstrates why it's not always an exaggeration, Dude. Watch the following clip embedded in this article. It shows multiple gay men (five in a row at least) riding bikes completely naked - showing their business and all with young children looking on...
  12. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    I was with you till the last sentence, but I think things are bit more fluid than that. I think even many among the older, more conservative generations will change their stance in a hurry if increasing political and social pressures are brought to bear on those still teaching that homosexual...
  13. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Now that you mention it, it does seem a little strange that they don't attach any names to their work. It used to be George Gallup himself, but I doubt he's still doing much writing seeing as how he passed away in 1984. Made a note of it for future reference, and thanks for the heads up on that.
  14. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    I never sympathize with violence against gays either. And I don't think the typical homosexual is a problem. I don't see them differently than anyone else, at least when they are not throwing their sexuality out there, and I make friends with them easily and get along with them well, even when...
  15. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    The setting for the question posed in the OP is about what will happen when society near universally deems homosexual practices to be acceptable, and by extension and implication, what polices Western governments will put in place to accommodate public opinion. There are already leanings towards...
  16. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    They won't demand people stop preaching those who practice homosexuality will go to Hell unless they repent? That's the concern we are discussing in this thread.
  17. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Yep. The problem is right here: If they are acknowledging that someone can identify as an "LGBTQ+ Catholic," it means the gospel they are preaching has already been severely compromised, which is worse than cowering from the truth. The above amounts to transforming the gospel into something...
  18. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Assumption. You both appear to be assuming this is the only issue I post on, or that it is my "primary" concern. Both would be false.
  19. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Greetings, Dude. The contention in the OP is not that the world ends if two guys hold hands in Walmart. The concern is that if the vast majority approve of behavior which scripture explicitly condemns, anyone still holding to the Biblical beliefs on this issue may be villainized to such an...
  20. Vindicator

    100% Acceptance Of Homosexuality By 2040?

    Greetings, Eli. I've heard similar arguments, but to me they always seem come off as a means of justifying homosexuality on the basis of "we all sin, so why be judgmental." Granted, that may not be what you actually teach, but I sometimes wonder if such arguments are generated from seeing...