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  1. Vindicator

    Does One Receive the Holy Ghost the Moment they Believe in Jesus?

    I read through this several times, Nehemiah, but I am still trying to put together your argument. You say that the only time they were full/ filled with the Holy Spirit was on Pentecost? I must be reading you incorrectly. Help my lack of understanding here.
  2. Vindicator

    Does One Receive the Holy Ghost the Moment they Believe in Jesus?

    Good of you to be sharing this, as it speeds up the process of getting to know him better. I will say he presents some excellent arguments regarding the outpouring, however. Some of it is very well presented.
  3. Vindicator

    Does One Receive the Holy Ghost the Moment they Believe in Jesus?

    They're there, but like many things it takes a receptiveness to the things of God. Same was true of identifying our Lord as the Son of God and not merely a man. Been involved in a thread recently where it is interesting how He never actually identified Himself as the Son of God personally; only...
  4. Vindicator

    Does One Receive the Holy Ghost the Moment they Believe in Jesus?

    I did as well, by an entire group of ministers, some of whom I never saw again, but who I believe had more power and authority than those I came to that convention with. I had forgotten how much laying on of hands was my experience as well until I stopped to think about it after reading some of...
  5. Vindicator

    Does One Receive the Holy Ghost the Moment they Believe in Jesus?

    Also Cornelius and his household. But the norm was through laying on of hands by those upon whom the Spirit had already fallen mightily. It was the same for Jesus. When the woman with the issue of blood touched Him in the crowd, His response was, "Who has touched me? For I felt power go out from...
  6. Vindicator

    Does One Receive the Holy Ghost the Moment they Believe in Jesus?

    This much is correct. Peter taught that we are born of incorruptible seed through the word of God, and Jesus taught, "My words are Spirit, and they are Life." But now, the baptism in the Holy Spirit is a separate experience as the OP has made constant references to throughout this thread, and...
  7. Vindicator

    Were the New Testament people that the Apostles taught really real?

    Yes, they were applying the prophecies to themselves, and believed it was on the way to fulfillment in their time. But as it turned out, Biblical prophecy was not fulfilled in their time after all, and the apostle Peter hinted it wouldn't be in his 2nd letter. This is why after 70 A.D. the...
  8. Vindicator

    About prophesying

    Yes. But I do think a distinction should be made from prophecy coming through demons and prophecy potentially coming through the angels of God. There have been other times, both ancient and modern, where God used angels in similar ways. But that said, there have also been times where "angels"...
  9. Vindicator

    About prophesying

    Greetings, Runningman. You make some good points I agree with, but now, on the issue of forbidding prophesy if it comes through an angel, that's not actually Biblical. Some of Daniel's prophecies came through an angel, such as mentioned in Chapter 10: 10 Suddenly, a hand touched me, which made...
  10. Vindicator


    Absolutely. No earthly way I could view my wife as a child or treat her like one. Wouldn't DARE to, LoL. I'd receive some form of warning. She's my equal, mentally especially. I'm stronger spiritually and emotionally, but with the former that's how it should be if I am to lead, and with the...
  11. Vindicator


    Yeah, as it turns out, I misread the OP's intentions. But it didn't hurt to discuss the word of God anyway. :)
  12. Vindicator

    It's NOT judging it is correcting!!

    Greetings, sister. You look familiar. Do we know each other from elsewhere? (My avatar should ring a bell if you do). ;)
  13. Vindicator

    It's NOT judging it is correcting!!

    Greetings, Montana! Since you are bringing scripture to bear, let me discuss this with you in particular then, because I think I know where the problem lies on this issue. In the previous Chapter, Paul mentioned the impetus for why they needed to be judging the brother in question (1...
  14. Vindicator


    I can't start conversations, but I'd just like to say I like your avatar, Lucy. Part of my reward in Heaven when all this is over is that I want to have a lot of animals around me as pets, including big cats. I'm much more an animal person than a people person, though I do my best to tolerate...
  15. Vindicator


    Yes, but he's citing numerous passages where the subject matter is actually about wives, not women, as per Post #7.
  16. Vindicator


    If she's married? Because by entering into a marriage covenant she essentially agreed to reflect the church in her relationship with Christ. It is a witness to the world, and He is both our Lord and our Teacher. Certainly He can teach her many things directly, but she should want to participate...
  17. Vindicator


    Yes it does. :) But now, this is actually the heart of Pauline teaching on this subject: 22 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23 For the husband is head of the wife, as also Christ is head of the church; and He is the Savior of the body. 24 Therefore, just as the church is...
  18. Vindicator


    When I've missed something you've said, I'll let you know, LoL. But putting them in bold isn't going to make your posts any brighter, you know. :rolleyes: You're still acting like an adolescent.
  19. Vindicator


    Ah... The expression is Devils Advocate. When you say "I am taking the position that," those words can easily be misconstrued to mean, "This is the position I subscribe to." But I understand now. Misunderstanding then. My apologies.