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  1. breno785au

    Conspiracy thinker vs trust

    This is probably an important part to notice from the article: Public health officials and infectious disease experts have said there is a high likelihood that Covid-19 will become an endemic disease, meaning it will be present at all times, though likely at lower levels than it is now. So...
  2. breno785au

    Learn to say God willing

    I take notice of weather predictions. I've found them over the last 5 years or so that they have been very accurate, even to a group of hours. For example, if they say mostly sunny warm day with a cool change in the late evening, it usually happens that way. Sometimes they can be slightly off...
  3. breno785au

    Delete Facebook?

    I've deleted and reactivated my account a number of times. The only reason last time was to have a page for my computer services side business that I do. And I also use it for the marketplace to buy second hand goods when needed. Other than that, not interested and really can't stand it. I've...
  4. breno785au

    Conspiracy thinker vs trust

    I don't trust either side.
  5. breno785au

    The World is watching us, what do they see?

    Gentleness and self control is a good start. I feel some people put doctrinal correctness over character at times.
  6. breno785au

    Being watchful and discerning

    There are also two other video footages. One from the left of her, with the firearm being discharged and her falling from the window pane and the other video from the stairwell behind her with her falling back from the window pane.
  7. breno785au

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    I promise I'm not insulting you but that sounded like Nicodemus when Jesus told him you must be born again :LOL:
  8. breno785au

    Being watchful and discerning

    Yes, I see what you are saying. Thank you for the correction. @Truth7t7 my apologies.
  9. breno785au

    Being watchful and discerning

    Completely unrelated. Judge as you will.
  10. breno785au

    Being watchful and discerning

    How you managed to politicise my statement is astounding. Are you not able to see anything else?
  11. breno785au

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    Hehe, is that the TV, you think? :)
  12. breno785au

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    Yay! Yes :D if we only spoke more about God keeping us!
  13. breno785au

    Being watchful and discerning

    It's not about precedence. There are other things people are dealing with in this world. Do I have to give examples to prove it? Are some people so self absorbed that they think there's nothing else happening? You'll find some people have such hang ups on issues that they'll find any reason to...
  14. breno785au

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    Just because I mentioned that, doesn't mean I was saying you were. I was merely expressing my whole personal viewpoint.
  15. breno785au

    Being watchful and discerning

    It will, but there are other issues going on in the world.
  16. breno785au

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    Yes it can for some people, hence the second paragraph in my statement. I read thing quite literally at times so to me the OP is not asking, is it sin to get drunk? Not asking is it sin to be addicted to alcohol? It's asking, at least to me, is it sinnto drink any alcohol at all. Personally...
  17. breno785au

    Being watchful and discerning

    There's more going on in this world than the US election that people in other countries have to deal with. Why drag this in here?
  18. breno785au

    Is it a sin to drink alcohol

    Can you define sober minded? I think most people are able to enjoy a glass of wine or beer without losing sobriety, unless sober is defined in another way? Obviously for those who are unable to handle any alcohol at all would be wise to abstain and that is up to their judgement.
  19. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Yes, but this video is from another angle and shows the firearmbeing discharged at her. But looks like you've made up your mind. Nevermind.
  20. breno785au

    Who will Win

    Have you seen the other footage of her being shot? In the window frame with the gun going off and the recorder recording her falling back?